Episode 16 - Resiliency: I've Got So Much I Could Give Some Away
Leadership Insight with Rising Sun
Release Date: 01/01/2021
Leadership Insight with Rising Sun
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When it comes to building a healthy culture, there is no greater or more impactful example of culture than that of leadership. Research continues to show that many of the world’s most profitable companies attribute a great deal of their success to their organizational culture. At the forefront of these organizations are leaders who actively, regularly, and genuinely display the type of behavior desired for all of its members. Some leaders equate their high visibility to constantly being put under the microscope. They describe the...
info_outlineLeadership Insight with Rising Sun
Employee surveys can be a great source of information. They can provide an intimate perspective of certain facets of the organization which may go unseen or unexperienced by leadership. However, sometimes organizations are not prepared for the insight they receive. They may feel that certain initiatives or decisions should be met with affirmation and positive accolades, only to find out that part of the employee population feels differently. What do we do now? Some organizations view the insight as a humbling experience and use it...
info_outlineLeadership Insight with Rising Sun
John Maxwell said “A leader is great, not because of his or her power, but because of his or her ability to empower others.” All too often, organizations are held hostage by their own people. What does that mean? We’re so glad you asked. Being held hostage by your people is a dynamic that explains leaders who do more to withhold knowledge and experience than to share it with others. When these leaders leave for new opportunities, the organization is left scrambling to recreate that knowledge or...
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We often hear that effective leadership requires bold decisions and behavior. However, servant leadership principles tend to illustrate a very different type of leader from what most people are accustomed to. While we don’t disagree with the premise that leaders need to be bold, we want to look at the term through a different lens in this episode. One definition illustrates the word “bold” as showing the ability to take risks; to be confident and courageous. Here, again, we wouldn’t disagree with that interpretation. However, it’s...
info_outlineLeadership Insight with Rising Sun
Why are we still so afraid of conflict? Why do we assume the mere presence of conflict is always negative? When it comes to addressing conflict, there is an immediate assumption that the conversation/interaction will go poorly and possibly lead to something much worse. Years ago, we used to rate a successful marriage by how little a couple fought. It wasn’t uncommon to hear a story about a husband and wife who had been married for forty years and how they “never had a fight.” ...
info_outlineLeadership Insight with Rising Sun
Nothing describes a late summer day in Central Pennsylvania better than the three H’s…hazy, hot and humid. But what do the three H’s have to do with leadership? While you can’t necessarily see the humidity outside simply by looking through your office window, you most certainly feel its presence the second you venture outdoors. When we think of those of who have influenced us over time, most likely it’s not their physical appearance or blatant actions we recall. As Maya Angelou once opined “I've learned that people will forget what you said,...
info_outlineLeadership Insight with Rising Sun
Today’s workforce is one of the most diverse in history. Workers fall into one of five (yes five) different generations. While diversity and inclusion continue to garner a great deal of attention, organizations and leaders are struggling to address tension and conflict when it comes to many different people working together and interacting with one another. Perception is not always reality. We like to say that our perceptions may be our reality, but are they truly reality? One of the greatest...
info_outlineLeadership Insight with Rising Sun
When is the last time you paused and gave thanks for the things in your life that you know to be true and good? There is growing research on the multitude of benefits associated with gratitude. From physical benefits such as the ability to lower stress and create better sleep habits, to psychological benefits like increased satisfaction and resilience; implementing a regular practice of gratitude can have a significant impact on our lives. Taking time each day to be grateful can actually play a role in how our brains are wired. A concept...
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“We have found that by reaching for what appears to be the impossible, we often actually do the impossible; and even when we don’t quite make it, we inevitably wind up doing much better than we would have done.” -Jack Welch Oftentimes, leaders set high expectations for their organizations and their employees in order to maintain relevance and maximize potential. However, many leaders wind up expressing disappointment and frustration when those expectations aren’t met. Why do so many well-intentioned leaders have employees who consistently fall short of or fail to...
info_outlineIt’s fair to say that just about every one of us has dealt with some form of adversity in our lives. From smaller bouts that have come and gone quickly to more prolonged episodes that really brought on a significant amount of stress; life happens. Yet, what is far less consistent, are the responses to adversity.
Those with higher levels of resilience don’t shy away from it. They may not have an immediate or wholly successful solution, but this doesn’t impact their willingness to face adversity head on. Afterwards, they review the experience with reflection and assessment. They understand the lessons learned and are able to recall those lessons in the future when facing new and possibly even similar adversity.
Conversely, others try to avoid the adversity or separate themselves from it. They might revert back to a place of strength or comfort when challenged. They may transfer the adversity to someone else or simply do nothing; becoming essentially paralyzed by its impact.
As noted in the last episode, leaders, however, should be cautious about making assumptions solely based on one’s experience with adversity. Those who have overcome a great deal might become complacent in their efforts or even arrogant; feeling as though they can handle anything life throws at them simply because of their prior triumphs. Whereas, others who have chosen to run away from adversity may ultimately end up realizing they don’t want to continue running the rest of their lives and decide to take new action going forward.
Furthermore, and regardless of what camp you fall in, there are skills we can develop to increase our capacity for resilience.
Emotional Intelligence – Becoming more aware of our emotional responses to adversity and surrounding ourselves with resilient people can both aid in increasing resilience.
Change Management – Working to become more change averse, as well as better equipping ourselves to handle the transition that follows major change can help us deal more favorable with the unexpected.
Conflict Management – Many of the same responses to adversity can be applied to conflict as well. Learning to appreciate the value in healthy conflict can translate to better identification of the opportunities and lessons taken from adversity.
Stress Management – Oftentimes, we may lack the ability to improve our handling of adversity because we don’t take the time to reflect and process. Things like prayer, meditation, and mindfulness can help to put us in the right mindset to face adversity.
Problem Solving/Decision Making – As we get better at solving problems and developing a stronger track record for solid decision making, confidence begins to emerge. In drawing on the knowledge learned or processes used, we may find we are able to generate solutions or make decisions more quickly in the future.
Life happens. The most resilient are the ones who clearly see the adversity in front of them, but know it won’t always be there. They don’t shy away from it, but they also don’t run directly towards it without a plan. The resilient are grounded. They are life-long learners who prepare for tougher problems which may or may not lie ahead. And they don’t spend time patting themselves on the back after their victories; opting instead to document the things that were successful and realizing where additional work remains.