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Episode 434 - Q&A with Robb and Nicki #27

Robb Wolf - The Paleo Solution Podcast - Paleo diet, nutrition, fitness, and health

Release Date: 06/28/2019

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Robb Wolf - The Paleo Solution Podcast - Paleo diet, nutrition, fitness, and health

Please listen to this short message and come subscribe to our new show at

New Episode: Coronavirus, Anticoagulants, Diarrhea on Keto show art New Episode: Coronavirus, Anticoagulants, Diarrhea on Keto

Robb Wolf - The Paleo Solution Podcast - Paleo diet, nutrition, fitness, and health

Please listen to this short message and come subscribe to our new show at

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Robb Wolf - The Paleo Solution Podcast - Paleo diet, nutrition, fitness, and health

Please listen to this short message and come subscribe to our new show at

Episode 444 - Final Paleo Solution Podcast Episode show art Episode 444 - Final Paleo Solution Podcast Episode

Robb Wolf - The Paleo Solution Podcast - Paleo diet, nutrition, fitness, and health

That's right folks, it's the final episode of The Paleo Solution Podcast! The end of an era. We started the podcast in 2009 (about 10 years ago), and made 444 episodes! But don't fret, we have something new for you six listeners! Come check out our new podcast, Healthy Rebellion Radio! You should see our first couple of episodes of it posted here as well at about the same time this goes up.     Transcript: http://robbwolf.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/PaleoSolution-444-Transcript.pdf

Episode 443 - Q&A with Robb and Nicki #36 show art Episode 443 - Q&A with Robb and Nicki #36

Robb Wolf - The Paleo Solution Podcast - Paleo diet, nutrition, fitness, and health

 It's time for Episode 443, Q&A #36! Submit your own questions for the podcast at: Individual question videos are linked in each question title, but if you want to see the complete video for this podcast, be sure to check out our .   Show Notes: 1. Carb Ups/Cycling For Women? [2:53] Shelly says:: Hi! I am new to your page and it seems like you would be a very knowledgeable and kind person to ask. I’m sure you get a ton of questions, so I’ll make it short. I’ve been successful with keto in the past but now that I’m back on it, cannot lose. I’ve been told my body is used...

Episode 442 - Q&A with Robb and Nicki #35 show art Episode 442 - Q&A with Robb and Nicki #35

Robb Wolf - The Paleo Solution Podcast - Paleo diet, nutrition, fitness, and health

It's time for Episode 442, Q&A #35! Submit your own questions for the podcast at: Individual question videos are linked in each question title, but if you want to see the complete video for this podcast, be sure to check out our .   Show Notes: 1. Lack Of Sleep With A Baby? [2:21] Juliana says: Hi Robb how are you? I wanted to ask you about parenting and a healthy lifestyle. For me, not having a good night sleep definitely is the worst. It makes me super hungry all day, bad mood etc. And it gets really hard for me to recover during the week with regular sleep hours, I need like a...

Episode 441 - Q&A with Robb & Nicki #34 show art Episode 441 - Q&A with Robb & Nicki #34

Robb Wolf - The Paleo Solution Podcast - Paleo diet, nutrition, fitness, and health

We're back with Episode 441, Q&A #34! Submit your own questions for the podcast at: Individual question videos are linked in each question title, but if you want to see the complete video for this podcast, be sure to check out our .   Show Notes:   1. [2:41] Lee Anne says: Hi Robb, A question maybe for a podcast. We have all heard the stories of people eating very low fat and low calorie diets to lose weight (think Biggest Loser). They later gain the weight back and can no longer eat as much as they used to and maintain as their metabolism is messed up. I am wondering if there...

Episode 440 - Q&A with Robb & Nicki #33 show art Episode 440 - Q&A with Robb & Nicki #33

Robb Wolf - The Paleo Solution Podcast - Paleo diet, nutrition, fitness, and health

It's Episode 440, Q&A #33 time! Submit your own questions for the podcast at: Individual question videos are linked in each question title, but if you want to see the complete video for this podcast, be sure to check out our .   Show Notes:   1. [2:18] Troels says: I normally base my diet on paleo principles, but for the past month, I have been eating roughly 400 grams of sugar- and chocolate-coated peanuts a day. This should be unhealthy, but my digestion has improved after having been out of whack for months because of SSRIs, and I have consistent morning wood which, mainly...

Episode 439 - Q&A with Robb & Nicki #32 show art Episode 439 - Q&A with Robb & Nicki #32

Robb Wolf - The Paleo Solution Podcast - Paleo diet, nutrition, fitness, and health

We're back with more answers to your questions. It's Episode 439, Q&A #32! Submit your own questions for the podcast at: Individual question videos are linked in each question title, but if you want to see the complete video for this podcast, be sure to check out our .   Show Notes: 1. [9:44] Jesse says: Hello you two. I've read or heard that when collagen is consumed prior to training the absorption rate is increased considerably. It was also stated that this timing also changes where/how the collagen is used; specifically it goes towards cartilage, tendons, ligaments as opposed to...

Episode 438 - Q&A with Robb & Nicki #31 show art Episode 438 - Q&A with Robb & Nicki #31

Robb Wolf - The Paleo Solution Podcast - Paleo diet, nutrition, fitness, and health

It's time for Episode 438, Q&A #31! Submit your own questions for the podcast at: If you want to see the video for this podcast, be sure to check out our .   Show Notes:   1. [1:41] Brice says: Just listened to Wired To Eat and loved it. I'm not too far off from this diet, am pretty "fit", but too frequently make exceptions which I think are totally sabotaging my efforts. I'm still curious about your thoughts on carbonated water without added colors and flavors - like Topo Chico, Croix, Perrier, etc. I have one of these every couple days.. more as a treat than anything.  ...

More Episodes

It's time for another podcast!  Episode 434, Q&A #27

Submit your own questions for the podcast at: https://robbwolf.com/contact/submit-a-question-for-the-podcast/

If you want to see the video for this podcast, be sure to check out our YouTube channel.


Show Notes:


1. Thoughts on Baby Led Weaning? [1:38]

Rory says:

We follow Chris Kresser's Healthy Baby Code when introducing foods to our children, starting with purees, and graduating to solid foods overtime.

She's recently learned of "baby-led weaning" (completely unscientific aside: anything that starts with "baby-led" CAN'T be a good idea. Like "baby-led" bedtime, or "baby-led" TV-watching).

The theory, as I understand it, is that you present your kid with chunks of various foods, and let them choose what to eat based on their tastes, rather than forcing a puree of some kind that they may not prefer if they weren't being fed by you.

Your thoughts?

I know your kids are obviously Paleo, and we're curious how you navigated the introduction of foods and respect for their preferences as their tastes developed.


2. Post-Lunch Coma On Keto [10:15]

Laura says:

Hi Robb and Nicki,

I have a question regarding an incessant post lunch coma regardless of diet.

I have experienced a mean bout of fatigue and extreme cold every day following lunch for much of my adult life. I’ve been on the paleo bandwagon for almost 10 years with marginal improvement in that area, and recently doing keto I’ve experienced only a little bit of relief. I still get almost debilitatingly fatigued and cold after eating lunch. If I have a sweet potato or a piece of fruit with lunch it’s definitely a lot worse, but even with my typical lunch of leftover protein and veggies or a version of Mark Sisson’s “big ass salad,” I experience a couple hours of wanting to get in bed after lunch. I follow the ketogains recommendations on electrolyte tracking and consumption of electrolytes. For breakfast I usually have some variation of 3-4 eggs.

I’m a 33 year old female, healthy weight, CrossFit 2-3 times/week. My recent lab work was excellent, low inflammatory markers, lipids and blood sugar markers all good. T3 was on the low end of normal, but all other thyroid measures WNL. I am mindful of circadian rhythms and do all I can to optimize sleep, however it isn’t ideal as I have a toddler and baby. I don’t think they can totally be blamed for the issue, though, as I have experienced this for many years. Thanks for your time and for the profound impact you’ve had on my life and the lives of many others.


3. Help! Balding! [16:33]

Mehdi says:


I have messaged before.

What is your advice for a 28 year old male having male pattern baldness?

Is it really Genetic destiny or is there any way of living eating exercising sleeping etc that can keep my hair.

Please help...

I don’t know where to turn.

Do you guys recommend my good sources for male pattern baldness info?

I read the Mark Sisson article and I don’t think I suffer from any of the conditions he mentions.




4. Portion Sizes like Eddie the Strongman [19:09]

Kevin says:

Hi! Can you give a little help in the way of portion sizes. I have been eating Paleo/low carb (grain/dairy/legume free) for about a year and I feel like I have just recently stopped craving sugar (feels liberating). I am extremely active due to my work 5’9”, 145 lean male. In order to feel full my meals (3 or 4 a day) are absolutely giant. Usually I have focused on about 8-10oz of protein per meal and fill the rest with giant vegetable portions. Recently due to all that veg bloating the heck out of my belly I have switched to more like 16-20oz of protein and a bit less veg to cut down on the bloating. This feels better but It seems like a ton and I was wondering how this compares to others. Basically for every meal recently I throw 16-20oz’s of protein in a 10.5 inch or 12inch cast iron skillet, cook the protein with a fat and fill the pan to the top with veg. I thoroughly enjoy this but when I explain to some folks I put Down 16ish oz’s of beef/pork/fish/chicken they look at me like I will have colon cancer within the calendar year. I admit I am too darn active but I have no choice due to work then play. (light details but I work in the mountains above 8000ft and am self powered everywhere I go with a large pack). Sleep is descent, as I work emergency services and sometimes will be up all night working, but not the norm, tons of sun, weight is good I think,  blood work appears good. Any suggestions on these portion sizes? I feel like I am going to eat myself into bankruptcy but need to feed the beast to keep my energy up. I tinker on/off with safe starches but I feel like these make me more hungry and I am more satisfied with higher protein. I have also played with carb night like refeeds per John kiefer when I am running a touch light weight/low energy which gives me a bit of a recharge (still avoiding grains/dairy/legumes during the re feed). I generally use fat for flavor per your suggestion as if I go big on fat it makes me kind of nauseous and get less than ideal bowel movements. Although it has been a year on paleo (coming off of 15years of vegetarianism) I feel like I have yet to find the optimal balance and am constantly tinkering. My body comp has changed drastically, as I have noticed I now have muscles and carry about 3-5 extra lbs I believe is muscle. Help me please, I Very much enjoy your work, you are a good person.


5. Creatine & Cold Sores?! [25:58]

Chris says:

Hey, Robb and Nicki!

I'm a long time listener and a fan of both formats, but super glad that you guys decided to bring back the Q&A's!  Each week, I look forward to listening to your Jedi-like paleo wisdom. But enough about you, let's talk about me. The vein of my existence since my late teens has been the occasional cold sore.  I've been paleo/ckd for about 4 years now, which has decreased the occurrence from about 4-5 times a year to only once or twice a year. Still, I absolutely dread the day that one of those little suckers shows up, and I do everything in my power to prevent that from happening.  Since arginine seems to be an antagonist to the virus, I do my best to avoid it all costs, and supplement with L-lysine as well. This brings me to my question, which pertains to creatine. I have been thinking about starting to supplement with creatine, but when doing research I realized that it is actually made up of the three specific amino acids: methionine, glycine, and -- yep, ariginine.  Now I am worried that supplementing with creatine will cause a dreaded outbreak. Is this accurate or am overanalyzing? Would supplementing with lysine at the same time help prevent arginine dominance in the cells or is that nonsense? Any other tips on prevention? I've scoured the interwebs for an answer to no avail and would truly appreciate your input, Paleo-Wan-Kenobi. Thank you for what you do and keep up the good work!



Where you can find us:

Submit questions for the podcast: https://robbwolf.com/contact/submit-a-question-for-the-podcast/



Download a copy of the transcript here (PDF)