Great Black Explorers and Adventurers: Lessons on Passion and Persistence
Release Date: 10/28/2017
Wiki History!
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Does the end of Black history month mean the end of learning Black history? Do we still need Black history month? How can we continue to learn Black history AFTER Black history month has ended? Doug and Robin (siblings and historians) discuss these questions over a cup of espresso.
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This episode addresses many of the reasons that people reject learning history and shows how history IS important as well as fun. The history makers who were born in May are presented as well as a great museum and a history maker who has gone "home to rest." Of course, we present a folktale about unity and end with a relaxation meditation. Join us for the information and the fun!
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In this flagship episode of the Wiki History Podcast show, you will learn about great--but lesser-known--activists in the Civil Rights Movement. We will also focus on the weekly events, including the birthday of Dolores Huerta, National Library Week, National Equal Pay Day and the 1906 lynching of four young (and innocent) Black men. Bonus: Story by master storyteller, Eshu, about Purpose (Nia) and a short guided meditation for relaxation. Enjoy!
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The seventh and last day of Kwanzaa focuses on Faith (or Imani in the Swahili language). Learn the meaning of Imani and listen to a guided experience of the Kwanzaa celebration on Imani. You will also hear a story of Imani by Master storyteller, Eshu!
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This podcast discusses the sixth day of the Kwanzaa celebration about creativity (or Kuumba in the Swahili language). On this sixth day, you will learn about the importance of sharing your unique gifts with the world. Also, you will learn why the 6th day of Kwanzaa is especially important and the meaning of the Karamu.
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This podcast show focuses on the fifth day of Kwanzaa. Purpose (or Nia in the Swahili language) is the theme for the day and it is a dynamic, uplifting and soul-searching discussion. What is your magnificent obsession?
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This podcast presents the fourth day of the celebration of Kwanzaa: cooperative economics (or ujamaa in the Swahili language)! On this show, you will learn what cooperative economics means in the context of Kwanzaa and how your family can celebrate and practice it every day.
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This podcast discusses the third day of Kwanzaa, which focuses on collective work and responsibility (or Ujima in the Swahili language). Learn what Ujima means in the context of Kwanzaa and the African American community and how your family can celebrate this great day.
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The second day of Kwanzaa is called Kujichagulia (self-determination in Swahili). This podcast explains the concept of self-determination in the celebration of Kwanzaa and how to celebrate this important day. Everyone is welcome!
info_outlineWelcome to where we are remembering history and we’re making it. I’m Robin Lofton, the Chief In-house Historian and host of this great and groundbreaking show that will inspire YOU and your FAMILY with true stories, real experiences, practical lessons, cultural traditions, and fun celebrations—all inspired by African American history. I find history to BE inspirational, instructional and entertaining. And African American history fits the bill in all of these ways. Personally, I hate boring stuff. So boring stuff is not allowed at or at this Wiki history podcast show.
Speaking of the show, today’s podcast show is about Black explorers and adventurers. I think that this is a great time to learn about Black explorers. Why? Because it’s October. In the United States, October is the month that many people celebrate Columbus’s birthday. Yes, it’s a federal holiday celebrated on the second Monday in October. But it’s important to know many individual states are celebrating Indigenous Peoples’ day instead of Columbus’s birthday. And I think that we all know the reason for that.
Here at, we are celebrating Black explorers as we have for the past several years by discussing a few Black explorers and their inspirational stories. However, this year, we’re doing something a bit different. We are going to examine WHY people explore, why exploration is so important, and then we’re gonna ask for your thoughts about what exploration means to you and where you might like to explore one day.
During this podcast, you will hear about people, places, events and issues. You will HEAR about them, but I completely understand if you want to actually SEE them, too. You can find pictures of them on the Wiki History Podcast Page on Facebook. You will find pictures, animated videos and a community of history lovers. There is also a place for comments, which I hope that you will leave for me because I really appreciate them and I do respond. Also, if you enjoy this show, please let others know about it. They might like it and find it inspirational too. Let’s change the way that we think of history—one friend at a time.
So, why is exploring important? First let’s look at what exploring actually is.
To explore means to travel to an unfamiliar area in order to learn about it.
Throughout the centuries, exploring has taken different forms. Yet there was always the aspect of a “new and unfamiliar” place. In days past, many people explored new areas to find new riches and wealth like gold or other precious minerals. Others explored new areas to acquire land that they could homestead and farm. Still others were interested in the peoples of new and unfamiliar lands for reasons such as enslavement, slave trading or promoting “civilization.”
Wow, these past purposes of exploration were not so noble or endearing. Exploitation was the focus. And we know the damage and destruction that was done to indigenous peoples and their land. Gee, this makes me think of the quote “I fear the evil that men do in the name of evil but God save us from the evil that men do in the name of good.” Lots of death and destruction in the wake of many early explorers. Columbus included. But did you know that there were several Black explorers who traveled with Columbus like the Nina brothers Juan (he actually helmed La Nina), Francisco who was a sailor and Pedro who was actually with Columbus when he landed in Trinidad. Another Black explorer, Juan Guarrido, accompanied Vasco de Gama in his search of the Fountain of Youth. Juan Guarrido was also part of the Cortez-led invasion of Mexico, which led to the conquest of the Aztecs in 1519. (Okay, that’s not a great legacy for an explorer but he is also credited with harvesting the first commercial wheat crop in the Americas.)
Modern exploration is MUCH different from exploring in days long past. (Unless perhaps you’re thinking of exploration for oil, rubber or other precious commodities.)
Modern explorers focus more on the educational and observational aspects of exploring. Today’s explorers really want to learn about a new place or to discover the existence of the new place. Take Matthew Henson for example. He is credited as being the first African American to reach the North Pole. (Some say that he was actually the first person from anywhere to reach the North Pole!)
But Matthew Henson was an able and experienced sailor, navigator and craftsman. He learned the Inuit language and culture, married an Inuit woman and learned to build igloos and drive dogsleds in the Inuit way. I remember an iconic quote from Henson saying, “I think that I am the first man to sit on the top of the world!”
And, of course, there was William Henry Sheppard who explored the Congo river area in Central Africa. Born a free man in Virginia in 1865, he attended a “colored” school where he learned to read and write then actually took classes with Booker T. Washington at Hampton College. After becoming a Presbyterian minister, he developed a burning desire to become a missionary in Africa. He was finally allowed to go to the Congo river basin in what is today called the Democratic Republic on Congo. He settled in a village called Luebo.
He met the Bakuba people and learned their methods of survival and culture. He studied their crops, textiles and music. He studied the way that the Bakuba people worshipped their ancestors. He learned to hunt and killed snakes and large game to help feed the villagers. He even killed a hippopotamus and learned to dry the meat to trade and share with the villagers.
Sheppard learned to speak the Kuba language, which helped him to discover parts of the Congo region where no American or European had ever gone. Sheppard and his local Bakuba guide would go from village to village buying eggs at different markets. For three months, he would buy and eat eggs and preach the gospel at every village where he stopped. For years, he stayed and studied the culture and, because of his excellent language skills and respectful manner, he was welcomed into the villages by the local leaders. William Henry Sheppard was definitely an explorer!
As a boy, Sheppard had often said of Africa, “When I grow up, I shall go there.” And that’s exactly what he did!
Barbara Hillary also went there! Not to the Congo but to the North Pole. Then to the South Pole. Many people told her that she was too old and that she would die from the cold and hardships. That the North Pole was no place for a 75-year old woman from New York who had reduced breathing capacity about a bout with lung cancer. But she went there anyway. At the age of 75, she went to the North Pole. Then at 79 years old (in her case, 79 years young), she went to the South Pole! She always said that age was just a number. To get out a challenge yourself. That was exactly what she did.
Another explorer who wouldn’t let age stop her was Sophie Danenberg who at age 34 became the first African American woman to climb Mount Everest. Through the urging of a childhood friend, she started mountain climbing while living in Illinois.
Danenberg's first major climb was at Mount Rainier in Washington State in 2002. Over the next two years, she scaled Mount Kilimanjaro, Mount Baker in Washington state, and Mount Kenya, 2003. In 2005 she scaled five more major peaks including Denali and Mount Tasman.
But 2006 proved to be her big year!
Sophie received a surprise phone call to inform her that she was permitted to join the expedition that was going up Mount Everest. And she only had one week to prepare! Yes, it was a struggle. On the mountain of mountains, she developed bronchitis, frostbite and a clogged oxygen mask. Yet but she persisted and prevailed. And, on May 19, 2006, she became the first Black woman to reach the summit of Mount Everest.
Sophie was the first Black person but definitely NOT the last. With privately raised funds and sheer focus and determination, men and women from the African continent have scaled Mount Everest. Notably, Saray Khumalo from South Africa climbed Kilimanjaro, Mera Peak, LoBuche East, Elbrus and Aconcagua—all in four short years. She has faced Everest but, unfortunately, nature stood in the way. In 2014, she was deterred by deadly avalanche that killed 16 sherpa. The following year, an earthquake prevented her from climbing Everest. But Saray Khumalo will not be forever deterred and she’s already started raising the money for her next excursion—this time to the summit!—going up Everest, encouraged by a quote from Nelson Mandela: It always seems impossible until it’s done! Saray climbs for herself but also for others: she has raised money to building libraries and schools in South Africa and to provide lunches for school children. And, by the way, another South African, SibuSiso Vilane, became the first Black man to climb Mt. Everest in 2003 and has actually climbed all seven major peaks and completed the 3 Poles Challenge (you know, North Pole, South Pole and Everest).
But explorers have not stopped with Mount Everest. That’s the highest peak offered on this planet but other Black explorers went beyond the limits of planet Earth. Where did they go? They went into space! African American astronauts are a group of extreme explorers and have gone “where no man (or no ONE) has gone before!” (Sorry I just couldn’t resist that Star Trek quote!)
Let’s quickly meet them:
*Colonel Frederick Gregory—an accomplished pilot and test pilot BEFORE joining NASA. He spent more than 18 days in space and he was the first African American to pilot and command a space shuttle mission.
*Mae Jemison was a scientist and medical doctor before joining NASA. She spent 190 hours in space as a mission specialist and conducted groundbreaking experiments in space on weightlessness and motion sickness. In 1992, she became the first African American woman to go to space.
*Major General Charles Bolden was an experienced marine aviator and test pilot before joining NASA. He went on 4 flights and served as commander and pilot on the different flights. Major General Bolden spent more than 28 days in space.
*Colonel Guion Bluford, Jr.—a fighter pilot and engineer before joining NASA. In 1983, Colonel Bluford became the first African American to go to space, logging in more than 28 days in space as a mission specialist.
*Stephanie Wilson was an aerospace engineer before joining NASA as an astronaut. She has spent more than 42 days in space as a mission specialist and was responsible for robotics for spacewalking support. Ms. Wilson is still in active duty with NASA.
*Joan Higginbottam was an electrical engineer before joining NASA. She logged in more than 12 days in space where she operated the space station remote manipulator system.
*Robert Satcher was a surgeon, chemical engineer and professor at Feinburg School of Medicine before joining NASA. He was a mission specialist logging in 10 days and 2 walks in space.
*Robert Curbeam was a Naval flight officer, pilot and engineer before joining NASA as an astronaut. He worked as the spacecraft communicator and spent 37 days in space, including 45 hours on 7 walks in space. And yes THAT is the record for time spent walking in space!
*Lieutenant Colonel Michael P. Anderson was a physicist before joining NASA as an astronaut. He spent more than 593 hours in space as a mission specialist, payload commander and lieutenant colonel in charge of science experiments.
*Captain Winston E. Scott is an engineer, pilot and (today) Dean of the Florida Institute of Technology before joining NASA. Captain Scott logged in 24 days in space, including 19 hours spent on 3 WALKS in space.
*Alvin Drew was a physicist and aeronautical engineer before joining NASA. He spent more than 25 days in space as a mission specialist and CAPCOM officer. He also did 2 walks in space for 12 hours!
*Leland Melvin was a materials science engineer before joining NASA. He has since logged in more than 23 days in space as a mission specialist.
*Bernard Anthony Harris was a biologist, medical doctor and pilot before joining NASA. He logged in 18 days in space as mission specialist and payload officer. In 1995, he became the first African American to do extra-vehicular activities, meaning that he actually WALKED in space.
Wow, we could make an entire show of the African American astronauts who have graced the NASA program AND ventured into outer space.
I want to give a special salute to two astronauts who died during their explorations:
*Major Robert Lawrence, Jr. was a skilled pilot and scientist. He was the First African-American astronaut; the first to be selected for astronaut training in 1967 in the Manned Orbital Laboratory program, which predated NASA. Major Lawrence was killed in a jet accident.
*Ronald McNair—was an optical physicist when he was selected by NASA. McNair was killed in the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster mission in 1986.
Before we move on to another interesting group of explorers, I do want to mention one more astronaut: Jeannette Epps. She has not yet gone into space but her time is coming. In 2016 NASA announced that Ms. Epps will launch on her first spaceflight in May 2018. She will be a flight engineer on Expedition 56, remaining on board for Expedition 57. Ms. Epps will become the first African-American crew member on the space station!
Let’s cheer her on in May of 2018. Great to watch a first flight AND a great step forward for African Americans and women everywhere!
But African American explorers didn’t only just aim higher and higher. They also set their sights on what lies beneath. In this case, they aimed—and conquered—the Mammoth caves in Kentucky.
We’re gonna stop here in this podcast show. We’ve covered a lot of great explorers; people who explored the North and South poles and the Congo. We just discussed people who have explored outer space and even walked in space! I think that we’ve gone high enough for now. In the next podcast show, we’re gonna explore another dark and untouched part of THIS planet. And we’re gonna continue our discussion about why we explore and why exploring is so important. I hope to see you at Part II of this great and groundbreaking discussion.
Also, please remember that you can “meet” many of these people on Facebook at out Wiki History Podcast page. Or at least you can see them. Pictures really do say a thousand words and seeing these people can help to bring them to life. You will also find our newsletter that helps you to learn history and teaches ways that you can MAKE history. Remember, we’re all history makers. We all have something to contribute. These stories show that ordinary people can do extraordinary things and live extraordinary lives.
So, I look forward to seeing you at Part II of the Black explorers podcast show at where we are remembering history and we’re making it every day. Bye for now!
Welcome back to where we are remembering history and we’re making it. I’m Robin Lofton, the Chief In-house Historian and host of this great and groundbreaking show that will inspire YOU and your FAMILY with true stories, real experiences, practical lessons, cultural traditions, and fun celebrations—all inspired by African American history.
This is part II of the podcast show on Black explorers. In the previous show, we discussed the importance of exploration and how exploration has changed over the centuries. And we discussed people who had aimed high (Mount Everest high) and even higher (outer space). Those were such interesting and inspirational stories. I hope that you’ve listened to part I of this series. I promise that you’ll be ready to stand and salute these brave men and women. But for now, I think that we should continue with the discussion of Black explorers.
Remember at the end of the show, I introduced the next group of explorers. They didn’t aim to go higher and higher. They were focused on discovering a part of this planet that had been ignored and feared: the Mammoth Cave system in Kentucky. Let’s get straight to their fascinating stories and then we’ll end with a discussion of why exploring is important and why it’s important to learn the stories of these great explorers.
The Mammoth caves make up the longest known cave system in the world, with more than 400 miles explored. Did that stop or scare these explorers? Not for a minute. In fact, many African Americans (some former enslaved persons) extensively explored this grand, gloomy and peculiar place.
Let me just mention a few of these courageous and skilled cave navigators.
Although human activity has been recorded in the Mammoth caves for more than 6,000 years, Stephen Bishop was one of the lead explorers and guides in the complex and yes dangerous subterranean cave system. In fact, he is the person who coined the “grand, gloomy and peculiar” term to describe the Mammoth Caves.
Stephen Bishop came to the Mammoth caves in 1838. He was African American, 17 years old and enslaved. Yet because of his great exploration and guiding skills, he did enjoy some freedoms and privileges in the Mammoth caves—and avoided the grueling physical work and suffering endured by other enslaved people. In fact, he was first introduced to the Mammoth caves by a white explorer. This developed Bishop’s love of exploration—and he spent the next two decades exploring the Mammoth caves.
Although he was introduced to the caves by other explorers, Stephen Bishop went far beyond those explored and toured areas. Bishop discovered miles of new routes that no human eye had ever seen. And he opened the gateway for modern exploration of these vast and incredible caves. Bishop also worked to draw a map from memory of the different passages in the caves. It was published in 1844 and was the defining map of the caves for over 40 years!
Yes, he made history: Stephen Bishop was the first to cross the “Bottomless Pit” which was a series of deep vertical shafts. Other explorers had stopped at the Bottomless Pit, refusing to cross over that dangerous abyss. Quite understandable but Bishop was not scared or stopped. He continued past the Bottomless Pit and into areas that had been completely unexplored. And he later safely guided others over the Bottomless Pit and into new regions of the caves. Bishop also explored and guided others into areas of the Mammoth Caves called Fat Man’s Misery (I can only guess why it was given that name!), Cleveland Avenue and the Mammoth Domes. Those are some of the most famous areas of the caves, made famous and popular by Stephen Bishop. Other popular attraction discovered by Stephen Bishop He discovered strange blind fish, snakes, silent crickets, and the remains of cave bears.
He absolutely loved the Mammoth caves and had a real drive for exploration. Still it was hard work and he crawled through tight winding passageways, discovered an underground river, scaled huge rocks, and dared to walk on a rickety nature-made ladder across the "Bottomless Pit."
In 1856, Stephen Bishop received his freedom but unfortunately died the following year at the age of 37.
Stephen Bishop might have been born into slavery, but he was never a slave. He was an explorer! And today he is a legend!
Another Black explorer who came to the Mammoth caves in 1838 was Nick Bransford. However, Bransford didn’t become a full-time explorer for nearly 20 years after moving to the caves. He started full-time guiding in 1857, after the death of Stephen Bishop.
Nick Bransford was an enslaved person (born during the period of slavery). Like Bishop, he was leased out and sent to the Mammoth caves to work. And interestingly there were records showing that he was valued at $800, which was substantially more than for other enslaved persons. This was most likely because of his skills as an explorer and guide.
Bransford later purchased his freedom by selling eyeless fish that he captured in the underground rivers within the caves.
The Mammoth Caves attracted many formerly enslaved people. Ed Bishop for example. No relation to Stephen Bishop. He came to the Mammoth caves in 1886.
Among his greatest achievements was to guide the German cartographer, Max Kamper, into the Mammoth Caves. For 8 months, he and Kamper remained at the cave, visiting all the known sections. But Ed Bishop also discovered new sections that he presented to Max Kamper. One such newly discovered point (located on the Violet City Lantern route) was named Bishop’s Pit in 1908, in honor of Ed Bishop. Together Bishop and Kamper produced a map representing more than 35 miles of passages in the cave. Ed Bishop was widely recognized for his knowledge of the cave and as a teacher for the guides.
Ed Hawkins discovered a monumental series of vertical shafts. The passage leading up to these incredible shafts was later named Hawkins Pass. A great honor to this great explorer. And, yes, visitors can still see these shafts. Just take the Wild Caves Tour!
The last person that we’ll discuss who was important at the Mammoth Caves was Will Garvin. He was a private in the army, serving in a Colored Troop during the Civil War. Will Garvin was never an enslaved person. Following the Civil War, he began exploring and guiding in Mammoth caves where he made his mark for discovering an area later call the Corkscrew. This was actually a maze through collapsed rubble that linked the upper levels of the cave system to the lower levels near the water table. This area also provided an exit from the cave so visitors wouldn’t have to retrace their steps.
Some people say that Will Garvin also discovered the Colossal Caverns. This area was so treacherous that it even wasn’t opened to the public until 1972 (some 70 years after its discovery). It is one of the caves still protected within Mammoth Cave National Park.
But Will Garvin also made another important discovery—or had an important experience. This is really interesting.
He was the first person to experience the optical illusion called the Statue of Martha Washington. As he was exiting the cave, he saw a spectral silhouette of a woman who looked just like Martha Washington! I know strange things can be seen in the caves but this was one of the strangest! And it is still occasionally seen on certain tours in the historic section!
So, that concludes the discussion about Black explorers at the Mammoth Caves. And it concludes the presentation of Black explorers.
Now I just have one question:
Why do we care about these explorers?
Because they faced their challenges with honor, courage, and determination.
Whether it was Mount Everest, the Mammoth caves, the mighty Congo River, the North and South poles or outer space, they went there (using the words from Henry Sheppard in the Congo!) And they went boldly!
Everyone has an Everest. Everest can take many forms: going to school, applying for a job, fighting injustice, writing a book, public speaking or fighting an addiction. We all have our Everests. We are ALL explorers. The personal accounts in this podcast are stories of REAL people. And we can have a story too. We just have to find our challenge and face it. Victory is inevitable.
So we have much to learn from explorING and from exploRERS. Like many other people, I have done my share of exploring. And I think that the main thing that explorers discover is actually something within themselves. It is strength, courage, determination, creativity, persistence and other qualities that helped them to endure hardships, face their fears and rise to new heights. As Barbara Hillary said, when she reached the North Pole at the age of 75, there are no limits to what we can do and we can all challenge ourselves to do great things.
On that high note, I think that this is a great place to conclude this podcast. I hope that you have found it fun, educational and inspirational. I definitely have!
One interesting thing that I noticed about all of these great explorers is that they had so many different interests. Of course, they were completing committed to their explorations and their time, energy and focus were always in that direction. But they were multi-dimensional people in every respect. Matthew Henson—who went to the North Pole—was also a survivalist and linguist who loved the Inuit culture.
William Henry Sheppard –who explored the Congo—was also an avid art collector.
Mae Jemison—the first African American woman in space—loves African history and dance and speaks four languages: Swahili, Russian and Japanese in addition to English.
Others are voracious readers, cartologists, scuba divers, marathon runners, musicians, public speakers, sculptors and so many different interests. So, it’s important to remember that we can have many interests—some might be consistent with your dharma (life’s purpose) but others might conflict. Yet these interests make us complete people.
And, since I mentioned Mae Jemison, I read a story about her. After she had finished her medical studies and returned from the Peace Corps, she received a phone call. It was from NASA. She had submitted an application to NASA years before. On the phone call, they asked her: “Are you still interested in becoming an astronaut?” She answered simply “yeah”. That answer opened up a whole new world to her and within 2 years she went to outer space. Lesson here: Say “yes!”.
All of these explorers said yes to new experiences even when others were telling them to say no. But saying yes opened them to becoming great explorers.
Finally, Charles Bolden, the astronaut who was the first African American to become head of NASA, showed how there are no limits except what we can envision. He said,
"You know, the universe is a big place. I'm a practicing Christian, so in my faith, I learn about omnipotent, omnipresent God, which means he's everywhere. He's all-knowing. He does everything. And I just cannot bring my little pea brain to believe that a God like that would pick one planet of one of millions of suns and say that's the only place in the vast universe that I'm going to put any kind of life. And so the problem is I haven't been far enough away." [29]
I realize that I mentioned lots of names, places, events, experiences and other information that you might want more information about. The team has you covered. You can get more information, see the people and places, read the “What You Can Do” list, see great pictures and even find good a book list at the Wiki History podcast page on Facebook. You can also find the newsletter called Making History Today! which discusses practical ways that you can actually MAKE history through education, the arts, political activism or whatever interests you.
Finally, I just want to remind you that 2017, the Wiki History podcast show is dedicated to the National Museum of African American History & Culture. Located in Washington, DC, the National Museum of African American History & Culture opened in 2016. This kind of museum was long overdue but it finally happened and it is a place that everyone should visit and explore. Museums are a great way to bring history to life and to keep it alive for future generations. Wiki History is honored to be a part of this important process. For every person that listens to this podcast show, will donate $1 to the National Museum of African American History & Culture.
Come back soon to Remembering History where we ARE remembering history and we’re making it. Every day! And, like Matthew Henson, get ready to sit on top of the world! Bye for now!