RUF Alabama Podcast
What does God mean when He says, "You shall not commit adultery"? Is this just an antiquated remnant of old Christian teaching or is it something else, a more beautiful way of life? How can we as Christians live into this high calling? Stewart dives into these questions in his talk on the seventh commandment. This week's scripture is , .
info_outlineRUF Alabama Podcast
Campus Minister Stewart Swain reflects on 10 themes he has seen over his 10 years as the RUF Campus Minister at The University of Alabama. Special guests Rev. Sandy Willson and Rev. Mac Holt join him to discuss the theme "Men Are Dying To Be Men".
info_outlineRUF Alabama Podcast
Campus Minister Stewart Swain reflects on 10 themes he has seen over his 10 years as the RUF Campus Minister at The University of Alabama. Special guests Rev. Brian Habig and Rev. Austin Braasch join him to discuss the theme "Social Awkwardness is our Greatest Fear".
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What does God mean when he commands us to honor our father and mother? Why does he use the word honor, not love, obey, or something else? And what does it look like practically to honor your father and mother? Stewart explores these questions this week in his talk on the fifth commandment. The scripture this week is ,
info_outlineRUF Alabama Podcast
Special Series Campus Minister Stewart Swain reflects on 10 themes he has seen over his 10 years as the RUF Campus Minister at The University of Alabama. Special Guests Chandler Anthony and James Madden join him to discuss the theme "Why Don't We Talk About Money?!".
info_outlineRUF Alabama Podcast
What does it mean when the Bible says, "You shall not murder"? How have we broken that command and how might we seek to keep it? This week we step out of order on the ten commandments as Daniel discusses the sixth commandment. This weeks scrib=pture is , .
info_outlineRUF Alabama Podcast
Special Series Campus Minister Stewart Swain reflects on 10 themes he has seen over his 10 years as the RUF Campus Minister at The University of Alabama. Special Guests Daniel Tortorici and Cole Jones join him to discuss the theme "(College) Students Do Not Feel Safe To Take Risks".
info_outlineRUF Alabama Podcast
What does God mean when he commands us to "honor the Sabbath"? What even is the Sabbath, maybe more importantly what isn't the Sabbath? Stew tackles these questions this week in his talk on the fourth commandment. The scripture for this week is , .
info_outlineRUF Alabama Podcast
What does it mean to take the Lord's name in vain? Why does this commandment matter so deeply to us? And how does obeying this law actually actually draw us closer to God? Stew tackles all these questions this week in his talk on the third commandment. The scripture this week is , .
info_outlineRUF Alabama Podcast
As Christians we believe we live in the "already-not-yet", a period of time after Jesus has died to save us from sin, but before he has returned to complete His work of sanctification. So what do we do when we don't want to wait, why does God even make us wait, and how can we learn to wait on the Lord? Stewart addresses these questions this week as we look at the second commandment. The scripture this week is , .
info_outlineWhat does it mean to take the Lord's name in vain? Why does this commandment matter so deeply to us? And how does obeying this law actually actually draw us closer to God? Stew tackles all these questions this week in his talk on the third commandment.
The scripture this week is Exodus 20:1-2, 7.