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Can We Say That? Election-Year Advocacy Rule for 501(c)(3)s

Rules of the Game: The Bolder Advocacy Podcast

Release Date: 08/19/2020

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Rules of the Game: The Bolder Advocacy Podcast

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Rules of the Game: The Bolder Advocacy Podcast

As we’ve talked about on previous editions of the pod, advocacy includes a wide array of different options to help change things for the better in our communities. One of the more important, but less discussed methods, is litigation. On this episode, we dive into the role litigation plays in nonprofit advocacy, its treatment under the law, and things to think about if your nonprofit is looking to use this tool for good.   Lawyers for this episode Natalie Ossenfort Tim Mooney Quyen Tu   Litigation as an advocacy tool (citizen suits, appeals, amicus briefs etc.) Treatment under tax...

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Rules of the Game: The Bolder Advocacy Podcast

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Rules of the Game: The Bolder Advocacy Podcast

We are back again with another edition of Ask Us Anything where we select some of the most popular questions we've received lately to answer on the pod. We are also thrilled to introduce Bolder Advocacy's two newest attorneys Brittany Hacker and Melissa Marichal Zayasas they join us on the pod.   1. Effective Ways for 501(c)(3) Private Foundations to Advocate During Election Season: • Voter education • Issue advocacy • Conducting research and publishing reports • Making grants to public charities 2. Can Nonprofits Endorse Candidates Up for Election? • Differences in rules for...

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Rules of the Game: The Bolder Advocacy Podcast

Political attacks on nonprofit organizations can come in many forms, including legal challenges or public smear campaigns. Given the current political climate, organizations that engage in policy reform and election season advocacy are coming under increased scrutiny. As a result, it is crucial to be proactive and develop a comprehensive strategy to safeguard your organization’s reputation and operations. On this episode, we will discuss how your organization can ready itself in advance of potential politically motivated attacks.    Lawyers for this Episode  Monika...

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Rules of the Game: The Bolder Advocacy Podcast

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Rules of the Game: The Bolder Advocacy Podcast

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Rules of the Game: The Bolder Advocacy Podcast

On this edition we chat with Nonprofit Vote Executive Director Brian Miller about the organization’s efforts to expand nonpartisan voter engagement, the fascinating findings in its latest , and the challenges and strategies for a successful nonpartisan campaign. On this episode Tim Mooney Quyen Tu Special Guest - Brian Miller, Executive Director,   ·       Introduction ·       About Nonprofit Vote ·       National organization providing resources and training to help nonprofits engage...

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Rules of the Game: The Bolder Advocacy Podcast

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More Episodes

Can 501(c)(3)s advocate to advance their mission while remaining nonpartisan during an election year? Tim, Leslie and Quyen explain the factors that the IRS looks at, and use a recent example to show how small changes in the content or context of a communication can change things. 


Our attorneys for this episode

Tim Mooney

Leslie Barnes

Quyen Tu



  • The one rule 501(c)(3)s need to know during election year — 501(c)(3)s cannot support or oppose candidates for public office.
  • An election year is a great opportunity to elevate the issues your nonprofit works on every day. There are so many ways nonprofits can engage with voters, candidates and elected officials. 
  •  Think of your advocacy like a road – there's plenty of room to maneuver but this rule sets up guardrails you can’t cross.  
  •  But the guardrails define the legal advocacy that can happen on the metaphorical road, so we start there. 501(c)(3)s cannot support or oppose candidates for public office, which means their activities must be nonpartisan. 
  •  To determine whether or not a 501(c)(3) is nonpartisan, the IRS looks at all of the facts and circumstances. This is a subjective, risk analysis that takes into accounts everything the organization is saying and the context in which it’s saying that. 
  • Six things the IRS looks at in the facts & circumstances analysis:
  1. Track record of advocacy 
  2. Timing relative to election 
  3. Electoral or non-electoral factor driving the activity/communication 
  4. References to candidate/election or comparing candidate positions. 
  5. Is your message targeting for electoral or non-electoral reasons
  6. Wedge issues
  • Context matters, but intent does not. This is an exercise in risk analysis, so we use a stop light analogy – red light is risky, green light low or no risk, and yellow light somewhere in between.  



pastedGraphic.pngSource: Earthjustice tweet of July 2, 2020.


  • Our analysis: this was low-to-no risk tweet. Let’s go through a facts & circumstances analysis to understand why. 
    1. Earthjustice’s track record of advocacy 
    2. Mentioning a candidate, but out of context of the election
    3. Timing of the communication is far away enough from the election
    4. Communication based on non-election trigger (ongoing litigation)
  • How do changes in timing and language affect the analysis?
    • The same communication in late October may be higher risk unless the timing were linked to something independent of the election (such as a court opinion right then) 
    • But replace the reference to the Trump administration with the named defendant Army Corps of Engineers and the risk lowers again.
    • Some additional language may make things much riskier, like adding a hashtag #RememberInNovember or some other implicit or explicit link to the election.

