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Episode #88: Cash Flow, Cash Flow, Cash Flow

The Modern Stock & Options Trading Show

Release Date: 12/19/2023

Episode #98: The Money Is In the Rollout. show art Episode #98: The Money Is In the Rollout.

The Modern Stock & Options Trading Show

In this episode, Russ explains what to do on a covered call trade when you are wrong and trying to protect your shares and the stock takes off.  He uses what happened to Tesla since the US Election results as an example (the stock has gone up 85% since the election and we had written a $15 up covered call expiring in December 2024).  Russ discussed how you can roll out and up profitably when a stock gets away from you.  He discusses also how the adjustment works on selling a cash backed put option as well with Coinbase as an example.   Don’t Forget to subscribe to the...

Episode #97: 5 Themes for 2025 show art Episode #97: 5 Themes for 2025

The Modern Stock & Options Trading Show

Season #6 begins.  In the episode, Russ explains whether thins rally has legs and can continue as well as the top 5 themes for stocks (& their options) for 2025. The investment landscape we are in is covered. Then the 5 themes covered include: 1.)   AI – and the 4 sub areas of this trend 2.)   Cryptocurrency – boom 3.    EV’s (& Robotics 4.) )   Healthcare Innovation and the aging population & 5.)   Infrastructure refresh – Roads, Bridges, Airports, etc.   Russ discusses what he is doing now.  Don’t...

Episode #96: Current Markets – What To Do Now show art Episode #96: Current Markets – What To Do Now

The Modern Stock & Options Trading Show

In the episode, Russ explains what to do now with a Presidential election about 26 days away.   Market indexes are also at or near all-time highs.  What do we do? Russ covers 5 topics on this episode (or five courses of action) including: 1.) Writing covered calls – at higher (sometimes stretched) prices - OTM (out of money) by 3%-5%. 2.) Selling (or writing) cash backed put options (at a strike price that is 95% of today’s stock price). 3.) Tighten up Stop Loss Orders to 4%-5% down from today’s stock prices.  4.) Ride out the volatility in diversified long-term...

Episode #95: The Science vs. the Art of Investing. show art Episode #95: The Science vs. the Art of Investing.

The Modern Stock & Options Trading Show

In the episode, Russ explains why the stock market is 50% science and 50% art.  Everyone seems to want to use logic and mathematical formulas to control (or solve) the stock market.  What they don’t realize is that there are millions of individuals all playing in the same place at the same time with different ages, objectives, risk tolerances, etc..  Add in their emotions (of fear and greed) and you quickly realize you can’t reduce the stock market to a predictable outcome or a mathematical formula.    Don’t Forget to subscribe to the show!

Episode #94: The. Box Spread Options Strategy show art Episode #94: The. Box Spread Options Strategy

The Modern Stock & Options Trading Show

In the episode, Russ explains the Box Spread options strategy.  This strategy is another 4 -legged options strategy in that it puts two spread trades together.   It is like the Iron Condor options strategy on the credit spread side, but the Box strategy is two debit spreads put together.  Russ discusses the type of interest rate environment to use this strategy in and also shows two examples to bring the strategy to life. 

Podcast #93 - How to Protect (Adjust) Covered Calls show art Podcast #93 - How to Protect (Adjust) Covered Calls

The Modern Stock & Options Trading Show

Russ discusses this adjustment / ptotection strategy with markets at all-time highs.   He discusses when and why one may want to adjust and protect their covered call trades.  If the underlying stock (or ETF) has gained and is strongly above the call strike price written when you are already into a trade, is there anything you can do if you wish to protect your covered call trade?  The answer is yes and Russ discusses what the adjustment mechanics are and gives an example.     Don’t Forget to subscribe to the show!

Episode #92: Using Options to Create Synthetic Stock Positions Without Ownership show art Episode #92: Using Options to Create Synthetic Stock Positions Without Ownership

The Modern Stock & Options Trading Show

Russ discusses how to use a combination of options strategies to simulate the risk & return graph of a stock.  He also discusses the wrinkle he adds to the core strategy to cut off the downside below a certain percentage.  He also gives an example.  You can use this strategy to simulate multiple stocks as well in a portfolio.  Don’t Forget to subscribe to the show!

Episode #91: Reg-T Margin vs. Portfolio Margin show art Episode #91: Reg-T Margin vs. Portfolio Margin

The Modern Stock & Options Trading Show

  Episode #91: Reg-T Margin vs. Portfolio Margin Russ discusses the types of accounts margin is used for, the pros and cons of each and the differences between Regulation-T margin and Portfolio Margin.  The origins of Portfolio Margin are covered and the types of strategies to use this type of leverage on.  Remember margin, of all types, is a loan from the broker-dealer to you based on your assets.   This means margin loans can magnify your winners or magnify your losses.  Be careful... but with careful use of margin you can speed up the growth of your...

Episode #90 - Mega ROTH IRA vs. the BACKDOOR Roth IRA show art Episode #90 - Mega ROTH IRA vs. the BACKDOOR Roth IRA

The Modern Stock & Options Trading Show

  Episode #90: Mega ROTH Ira vs. The Backdoor ROTH IRA Russ discusses the differences between the Mega ROTH IRA and the Backdoor IRA.  Overfunding your workplace retirement plan and funding your Traditional IRA conversion to a backdoor ROTH IRA.  Why you would want to do this and the mechanisms how to do so.  The income limitations for Contribution limits for the workplace retirement plan and the income limits on the ROTH IRA and how to get around them.  Don’t Forget to subscribe to the show!

Episode #89: Secure Act 2.0 Key Highlights show art Episode #89: Secure Act 2.0 Key Highlights

The Modern Stock & Options Trading Show

In the US, the government passed Secure Act 2.0 on December 29th, 2022.  It was the most important and expansive piece of legislation affecting retirement savings since ERISA in the 1970’s.  In this episode, Russ unpacks the key questions he gets from clients and others about: the age increases, contribution limits, RMD changes, 529 (college savings plan changes), automatic wokplace retirement plan participation qequirements, qualified charitable distributions, etc.  This podcast is not designed to be a comprehensive review of Secure Act 2.0, but rather hit a few highlights...

More Episodes

To accumulate wealth, you must learn more than "Buy and Hold."  In the is episode of the Modern Stock & Options Trading Show, host Russ Mathews, goes through some key ideas for generating cash flow and how to keep more of what you generate.  He covers: the types of tax preferred accounts to trade in, how to use the leverage of options, concepts of margin and how it can turbo charge your accounts (though it can be a double edge sword), how to get paid in debt etc.  He also covers how conservative options trading concepts can also generate cash flow - writing covered calls, selling cash-backed puts to buy stocks we like at cheaper prices and get paid now, etc. 

Don’t Forget to subscribe to the show!