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07. Seeing The Sacred Purpose of Grief + Turning Stories Into Art with Talla Kuperman

The Sacred Purpose Podcast

Release Date: 02/02/2022

25. [Energy Upgrade] Using Self Doubt As A Catalyst To Refine Your Purpose & Confidence show art 25. [Energy Upgrade] Using Self Doubt As A Catalyst To Refine Your Purpose & Confidence

The Sacred Purpose Podcast

Transform self-doubt into an opportunity for growth. Self-doubt can manifest in various forms, such as feeling overwhelmed, unworthiness, or imposter syndrome. On todays Energy Upgrade I help guide you to reconnect with your initial moments of clarity and purpose, encouraging you to anchor into your "why" and remember the unique mission or desire that chose you. By leaning into their true calling, you can use self-doubt as an invitation to clear mental clutter, refine your mission, and grow with confidence. Tune in for practical insights and a mindful exercise to ground yourself and embrace...

24. [Energy Upgrade] Secrets To Momentum, Thriving & Creating Better Solutions show art 24. [Energy Upgrade] Secrets To Momentum, Thriving & Creating Better Solutions

The Sacred Purpose Podcast

Today we delve into the realm of energy management and its profound impact on productivity and overall quality of life.  Managing distractions and maintaining clear intentions can significantly enhance our lives, helping us remain aligned with our passions and purpose and boost your creativity and problem-solving abilities. Tune in to learn how to better manage your energy, limit distractions, and cultivate an environment of momentum, positivity and inspiration.  Wrap up the episode with exciting news about new to join my upcoming free masterclass on feminine leadership and the...

23. Unveiling The Feminine Framework For Purpose, Power + Presence show art 23. Unveiling The Feminine Framework For Purpose, Power + Presence

The Sacred Purpose Podcast

In this transformative episode I unveil the Feminine Framework — a comprehensive system designed to empower women as leaders. Drawing from my years of experience as a feminine leadership coach, I'll share my signature methodologies, resources, tools, and rituals that support the holistic integration of feminine energy in every aspect of life. Learn about the importance of showing up as your whole self and how compartmentalizing your energy can be a disservice to your personal and professional life. I'll introduce the three key elements of feminine leadership—sacred purpose, aligned impact,...

22. [Energy Upgrade] Using Fear As Your Guide show art 22. [Energy Upgrade] Using Fear As Your Guide

The Sacred Purpose Podcast

Not your typical energy upgrade, unless you choose it. Using fear to navigate what you're choosing to understanding the root causes behind them and move you through to where you really want to go. Leaning into the power of trust, grace, and intention is key in moving forward with courage. Approach challenges with mindfulness and spirituality, aiming for growth with grace and ease. This vulnerable and empowering conversation offers listeners a blueprint for confronting fears and pursuing their desires with unwavering faith. Join us to redefine leadership and impact.  after you submit the...

21. [Energy Upgrade] Your Strongest, Most Focused, Most Energetic Self show art 21. [Energy Upgrade] Your Strongest, Most Focused, Most Energetic Self

The Sacred Purpose Podcast

Bringing you new weekly Energetic Upgrades! Weekly insights to boost your alignment, vitality, focus, wellness, personal and spiritual connection and clarity.  Today we're diving into an Energy Upgrade specifically designed to help you rejuvenate on a spiritual and energetic level. This week's ten-minute session focuses on harnessing the vibrant fire energy from the upcoming full flower moon in Sagittarius. We'll explore how to optimize your vitality, focus, and wellness—whether you're brimming with energy or navigating through more challenging times. Using the energy of the season,...

20. The Law of Abundance in Feminine Leadership show art 20. The Law of Abundance in Feminine Leadership

The Sacred Purpose Podcast

In this episode I unpack the "Law of Abundance in Feminine Leadership." In this session, I breakdown the traditional and transformative views of abundance, particularly emphasizing its significance as a feminine energy that fundamentally shapes our actions, beliefs, and impacts on a global scale. We'll challenge the conventional hustle for more, advocating instead for a system of energetic alignment where abundance means more than accumulation—it's about mutual uplift and shared success and how embracing this mindset can shift the dynamics of leadership and personal growth, fostering a world...

19. The MIND Fundamentals Formula with Lindsey Paoli, MS MFT show art 19. The MIND Fundamentals Formula with Lindsey Paoli, MS MFT

The Sacred Purpose Podcast

Welcome back to The Sacred Purpose Podcast, today, Lindsey will join us to unpack very important tips in dealing with limiting beliefs and understanding our subconscious mind. Lindsey Paoli, MS MFT is a former therapist and now executive coach and corporate trainer on a mission to positively impact our current mental health crisis by making proactive mental health approachable and simple. By choosing to work with leaders, entrepreneurs, and directly with companies looking to make a difference, she is taking a top down approach to mental health, knowing the ripple effect of change that is...

18. Self Trust + Self Agreements... For Your Vision show art 18. Self Trust + Self Agreements... For Your Vision

The Sacred Purpose Podcast

When you decided what you really want, start materializing that very thing you want to accomplish or the person you wanted to become by building self trust and create self agreements around it that are in alignment with your values. So when circumstances tries to pull you off course, you will find your way to bring yourself back to integrity and trusting yourself again so you don’t fully abandon your dream. Instances like discouragement came from the people you look up to or you cherish the most in your life. You need help from other people to reflect back into you the vison you once have...

17. Generating Energy... For Your Highest Self To Shine show art 17. Generating Energy... For Your Highest Self To Shine

The Sacred Purpose Podcast

Finding out the things that inspire and light you up, helps you generate and refine the energy you need to support your dreams. Like doing the things that most excite you or doing things you enjoy. Tending to different parts of ourselves is so important to be able to generate that energy we need to show up. But if we are not mindful of the way we use our energy, it could lead to exhaustion and its sisters preventing us from achieving the alignment we desire.   This episode dove deep into the discussion about noticed nuances of the beauty around, identified patterns in the feminine...

16. What's Really Holding You Back... from the growth you desire. show art 16. What's Really Holding You Back... from the growth you desire.

The Sacred Purpose Podcast

Sometimes what's holding us back can actually be the source of fuel and energy we need to move forward. It's all about leaning into the discomfort and finding the gold mine within it.  Embracing growth is not just an individual journey. It's about nurturing a collective mindset of abundance, supporting each other, and celebrating the unique flavors of feminine leadership. Together, we can harness our collective wisdom and energy to elevate each other. In this episode, we’ll dive into the things you need to let go and how to move through it by not going against your body’s responses....

More Episodes

We are so fortunate today to have Talla Kuperman on our show. She is someone I got to know for the last year when we were working together and called to work on this book that is actually very coincidentally coming out at the same time as this episode. We are seeing the sacred purpose in grief and transforming stories into art today. It's really a testament to everything that we do here on the sacred purpose podcast and the work that we bring out into the world as we go through these different parts of our lives that often don't make sense can't see the other side of it. It is such a gift to receive her words, hear her wisdom, learn from her experience, and see how she has turned this into really honest honoring not only her sacred purpose, but her brother's legacy. I really hope that you dive into this episode, you let these words heal you in the way they need to be healed and learn from her experience. And maybe you'll be able to identify with a relate to parts of the story too. I think that we all experience grief in our own ways, even if it isn't the exact same type of experience. I know that this episode will support you in that process if that's where you find yourself at any stage of this journey.


Talla Kuperman founder of Love Talla, as seen in the WSJ and The Austin-American Statesman, a one-of-a-kind fingerprint jewelry line with a goal to spread joy and an everlasting connection between you and the people who matter most. From a career driven professional to a stay-at-home mom to an entrepreneur building a meaningful jewelry empire, Talla found post traumatic transformation after the loss of her brother and bravely turned the course of her life to continue her brother’s legacy. She has pulled herself through significant personal growth and accepted her life’s mission to provide people with beautiful jewelry based on love and celebration of life’s most precious moments.


“Post Traumatic transformation that happens. You never know when that happens. Some people it's like, it's right away where they're like, oh my gosh, like this is my growth. This is my journey. This is my opportunity to like make sense of my trauma that I've been through and build something really beautiful out of it and like turn it around from something that's going to haunt me for the rest of my life to something that's going to like, give joy and love to the world in some way.” - Talla Kuperman


Learn more about

  • Get to know Talla Kuperman
  • “The Waiting Place”
  • Breakthrough on a Yoga Mat of a Sibling in Grief
  • Alchemizing Grief into a Form of Art that Celebrates Life



Connect with Talla:


Instagram  @lovetalla  



Love Talla Website: https://www.lovetalla.com


Take my free quiz to Discover Your Feminine Leadership Archetype: https://lisa-malia-co.involve.me/your-feminine-leadership-archetype


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DOWNLOAD Your FREE copy of The Feminine Guide To Confidence, Clarity & Growth, Leadership Expansion: https://pages.lisamalia.co/leadership-expansion-book


EVOKE, The Feminine Leadership Mastermind waitlist is open! APPLY HERE: https://forms.gle/FD1SZdWehHwtUquu8


One on One coaching spots available - a fully immersive, premium experience to support you in living your most satisfying, impactful and expressed life yet: https://pages.lisamalia.co/products/leadership-expansion-vip


Follow her on Instagram @lovelisamalia https://www.instagram.com/lovelisamalia/


Spot Coaching Bundle: https://purple-silence-5210.ck.page/products/evolve-pay-in-full


Order the book, The Conscious Way Forward https://amzn.to/3B0p0OT