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Talking Drupal #412 - Lando Episode II

Talking Drupal

Release Date: 08/21/2023

Talking Drupal #484 - Drupal CMS show art Talking Drupal #484 - Drupal CMS

Talking Drupal

Topics What is Drupal CMS Are we ready for the release Drupal 7 What can people expect Will there be a launch button If someone uses the one click install how will they know what to do next What new features are there If someone tries the trial how do they get that site on a host When will Experience builder be out Are any vendors going to provide Drupal CMS as a service What is on the roadmap How can people get involved Resources Guests Matthew Grasmick - Hosts Nic Laflin - John Picozzi - Scott Weston - MOTW Correspondent Martin Anderson-Clutz - Brief description: Have you...

Talking Drupal #483 - Meet your host: Nic Laflin show art Talking Drupal #483 - Meet your host: Nic Laflin

Talking Drupal

On today's show we are talking with Nic. This is our chance to learn more about our beloved Talking Drupal show host. For show notes visit: Topics Talking Drupal NLightened Development Contribution Personal Background Interests Drupal Guests Nic Laflin - Hosts Stephen Cross-

Talking Drupal #482: Meet your host: John Picozzi show art Talking Drupal #482: Meet your host: John Picozzi

Talking Drupal

On today's show we are talking with John. This is our chance to learn more about our beloved Talking Drupal show host. For show notes visit: Topics Talking Drupal Non-Code Contribution Solution Architect Personal Background and Interests Drupal Guests John Picozzi - Host Stephen Cross-

Talking Drupal #481 - Drupal Marketing & Drupal CMS show art Talking Drupal #481 - Drupal Marketing & Drupal CMS

Talking Drupal

Today we are talking about Drupal Marketing, how it applies to Drupal CMS, and what a Drupal and Drupal CMS Marketing Future look like with guest Suzanne Dergacheva. We’ll also cover Drupal 11.1 as our module of the week. For show notes visit: Topics Drupal marketing moves New brand Marketing people at the DA Goal of marketing How does this impact Drupal CMS Drupal CMS marketing How will you educate people about the differences between core and CMS Any challenges How do you like the new homepage Next steps to move the brand forward Case studies Why did you volunteer If someone wants to...

Talking Drupal #480 - Ripple Makers show art Talking Drupal #480 - Ripple Makers

Talking Drupal

Today we are talking about The Ripple Makers program, How it benefits Drupal Association members, and Why it’s important to Drupal with guest Julia Kranzthor. We’ll also cover Migrate Boost as our module of the week. For show notes visit: Topics What is Ripple Makers Taxes Why did the Drupal Association (DA) membership program need overhauling Are DA individual memberships different than Ripple Makers Do people have to sign up if they are already a DA member Coming up with the benefits Where did the name come from Does this have new benefits What has the impact been Resources ...

Talking Drupal #479 - Drupal CMS Media Management show art Talking Drupal #479 - Drupal CMS Media Management

Talking Drupal

Today we are talking about Drupal CMS Media Management, How media management has evolved, and Why managing our media is so important with our guest Tony Barker. We’ll also cover URL Embed as our module of the week. For show notes visit: Topics What do we mean by media management in Drupal CMS How is it different from media in Drupal today Why is media management important How are you applying these changes to Drupal What phase are you in Will this be ready for Drupal CMS release in January What types of advanced media will supported Do you see it growing to replace some DAMs Are there...

Talking Drupal #478 - WEBAssembly show art Talking Drupal #478 - WEBAssembly

Talking Drupal

Today we are talking about WEBAssembly, How it’s used, and cool things you can use it for with Drupal with guest Matt Glaman. We’ll also cover Darkmode JS as our module of the week. For show notes visit: Topics What is WebAssembly Progressive Web Aoos Open source Does it have a community Browser support How does it work Common use cases How can you use this with Drupal This was an early concept for Drupal trial Challenges Wordpress playground Pieces that do not work for PHP Are there risks Are there resources for people that want to use WebAssembly Do you see it being used with Drupal ...

Talking Drupal #477 - Drupal Association CTO Then & Now show art Talking Drupal #477 - Drupal Association CTO Then & Now

Talking Drupal

Today we are talking about being the CTO of the Drupal Association, How the job has changed, and How its impacted Drupal with guests Josh Mitchell & Tim Lehnen. We’ll also cover Automatic Anchors as our module of the week. For show notes visit: Topics How long ago were you CTO Josh Tim when did you take over DA infrastructure Drupal Credit System Josh's proudest moment Tim's proudest moment Growth Josh if you could do one thing differently Tim if you could make one change Future of the CTO job Resources Guests Tim Lehnen - Hosts Nic Laflin - John Picozzi - Joshua...

Talking Drupal #476 - Off The Cuff #10 show art Talking Drupal #476 - Off The Cuff #10

Talking Drupal

Today we are talking about some things are on our mind including, The DOJ Accessibility ruling,Drupal CMS Event Recipes and Tooling for core development with our Hosts. We’ll also cover @font-your-face as our module of the week. For show notes visit: Topics DOJ Accessibility Ruling Drupal CMS Tooling for core development Open University Resources PHPUnit testing Guests Martin Anderson-Clutz - Hosts Nic Laflin - John Picozzi - Martin Anderson-Clutz - Joshua "Josh" Mitchell - MOTW Correspondent Martin Anderson-Clutz - Brief description: Have you ever wanted to...

Talking Drupal #475 - Workspaces show art Talking Drupal #475 - Workspaces

Talking Drupal

Today we are talking about Workspaces, What They are, and How They Work with guest Scott Weston. We’ll also cover Workspaces Extra as our module of the week. For show notes visit: Topics What are Workspaces in Drupal What's a common use cases for Workspaces Are Workspaces stable Do Workspaces help with content versioning What does the module ecosystem look like for Workspaces Inspiration Workspaces best practices Any interesting ways it is being used Is there a way to access workspace content in twig Navigation integration Workspaces and workflows What aspects of a Workspace are limited...

More Episodes

Today we are talking about Lando, the release cycle, and Lando 4.0 with our guest Aaron Feledy.

For show notes visit:


  • About Aaron
  • What is Lando
  • Best type of development for Lando
  • Listener Q: Stephen - I Recently switched to ddev for Mutagen, will Lando support that in the future
  • Release schedule
  • Development process
  • Favorite features
  • When is 4.0 and what is in it
  • Best reasons to choose Lando
  • Adoption rate of Lando
  • Listener Q: Stephen - Nic switched from Lando to DDEV, why and what features would he like to see in Lando to go back
  • Listener Q: Matthieu - I use Lando and I am trying to convince coworkers to use it as well, any advice



Aaron Feledy lando.dev - Arrow


Nic Laflin - nLighteneddevelopment.com nicxvan
John Picozzi - epam.com johnpicozzi
Andy Blum - andy-blum.com - andy_blum



Martin Anderson-Clutz - @mandclu
Workflow Participants

  • Brief description:
    • Have you ever wanted to assign moderated content to specific users to edit or approve it before publishing? There’s a module for that!
  • Brief history
    • How old: created in Feb 2017
    • Versions available: 8.x-2.6 (D8 & D9), 3.0.0-alpha1 (D9 & D10)
  • Maintainership
    • Seeking a new maintainer
  • Number of open issues:
    • 17 open, 3 of which are bugs
  • Does have test coverage
  • Usage stats:
    • 9 sites
  • Maintainer(s):
    • Jheadstrom, who maintains his own stable of modules, including a number in the Message stack
  • Module features and usage
    • Creates a new tab on nodes, on which a content creator (or anyone with the necessary permission) can assign one or more editors or reviewers
    • Can specifically designate which roles can be editors or reviewers
    • Editors have the ability to make changes and transition content between states, while reviewers can only move between states
    • For each transition in your workflow, can specify if editors and/or approvers are able to perform the transition
    • Can optionally send a notification email to workflow participants as they are added to a piece of content
    • I used to have a boss who liked to say “The surest way to starve a dog is to put two people in charge of feeding it”, so the idea of specifically assigning individuals to individual pieces of content is potentially very powerful