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Talking Drupal #417 - The Recipes Initiative

Talking Drupal

Release Date: 09/25/2023

Talking Drupal #460 - Preconfigured CMS Solutions show art Talking Drupal #460 - Preconfigured CMS Solutions

Talking Drupal

Today we are talking about Preconfigured CMS Solutions, How they can help your business, and The best way to build them in Drupal with guests Baddy Sonja Breidert and Dr. Christoph Breidert. For show notes visit: Topics Spain What is a Preconfigured CMS / Drupal Solution Who is the audience What business objectives can preconfigured solutions solve What are the ingredients How do you manage theming How do you manage customized design What do you do if your client has a need that your preconfigured solution does not solve What about Starshot Did the two of you meet over Drupal How do you...

Talking Drupal #459 - Off The Cuff 8 show art Talking Drupal #459 - Off The Cuff 8

Talking Drupal

Today we are talking about Config Actions, The Panels Favorite Drupal Modules, and Drupal Contribution. We’ll also cover Transform API as our module of the week. For show notes visit: Topics New Config Action: Place Block Favorite Contrib modules Slack channels Preparing for Drupal 11 Drupal events Resources Hosts Nic Laflin - John Picozzi - Martin Anderson-Clutz - Baddý Sonja Breidert - MOTW Correspondent Martin Anderson-Clutz - Brief description: Have you ever wanted to expose your Drupal site’s data as JSON using view modes, formatters, blocks, and more?...

Talking Drupal #458 - Drupal & Next.js show art Talking Drupal #458 - Drupal & Next.js

Talking Drupal

Today we are talking about Next.js, what it is, and how to integrate it with Drupal with guest John Albin Wilkins. We’ll also cover Next.js Webform as our module of the week. For show notes visit: Topics What is Next.js What kind of server do you need How is it used on the web Does it only work on react based systems Why would someone want to integrate with Drupal When changes are made in the content how do you update the app On the module page there are a lot of references to Preview, is this something Next does well What is server side rendering How does Next work with menus and views...

Talking Drupal #457 - Drupal Architecture show art Talking Drupal #457 - Drupal Architecture

Talking Drupal

Today we are talking about Drupal Architecture, Common Site Building questions, and How we solve things with Drupal with guest Alexander Varwijk. We’ll also cover Drupal 10.3 as our module of the week. For show notes visit: Topics Where do you start when thinking about a new site or feature. Where is the line for extending vs forking Do you have solutions that you default to when building a feature Do you find people come to Drupal with specific third party requirements What do you think about Headless When do you choose to contribute a new module to Drupal Will recipes change your...

Talking Drupal #456 - DDEV Grows Up show art Talking Drupal #456 - DDEV Grows Up

Talking Drupal

Today we are talking about DDEV, The DDEV Community, and It’s Future Sustainability with guest Randy Fay and Andrew Berry. We’ll also cover DDEV Drupal Contrib as our module of the week. For show notes visit: Topics What is DDEV In March you posted the DDEV Project Plan for 2024, what is the contributor training initiative DDEV has grown rapidly over the past few years, what do you attribute that to You seem to be the face of DDEV, who else is involved How is DDEV funded What happens when you retire Does the DDEV Foundation have employees What is DDEV coded in What is your favorite...

Talking Drupal #455 - Top 5 uses of AI for Drupal show art Talking Drupal #455 - Top 5 uses of AI for Drupal

Talking Drupal

Today we are talking about AI Tips for Drupal Devs, AI Best Practices, and Drupal Droid with guest Mike Miles. We’ll also cover AI interpolator as our module of the week. For show notes visit: Topics Top 5 tips Idea Generation (Ideation) Code Generation Debugging Content Generation Technical Explanations How do you suggest people use AI for Ideation Is MIT Sloan using AI to help with Drupal Development Does that code get directly inserted into your sites What are some common pitfalls Is your team using AI for debugging Any best practices you have found helping when working with AI Is...

Talking Drupal #454 - Drupal API Client show art Talking Drupal #454 - Drupal API Client

Talking Drupal

Today we are talking about Drupal’s API Client, What it does, and why you might need it with guest Brian Perry. We’ll also cover Iconify Icons as our module of the week. For show notes visit: Topics Brian what is new with you! Elevator pitch for Drupal API Client What was Pitchburg like Is this a normalizer for JSON API Why is this JS framework agnostic What is typescript and how does Drupal API Client use it Looking at the quick start guide the second step is to create an instance, where do you do that Who is this module for Will Drupal API Client be added to core What is on the...

Talking Drupal #453 - Urban Institute show art Talking Drupal #453 - Urban Institute

Talking Drupal

 Today we are talking about Urban Institute, What they do, and How they use Drupal with guest Josh Miller. We’ll also cover Access Unpublished as our module of the week. For show notes visit: Topics Tell us how you got started with Drupal What does Urban Institute do What do you do at Urban Institute Number of people on dev team Number of sites How does Urban Institute use Drupal Are you using a custom upstream How many sites on Drupal 7 Are you doing Page builders What kind of front end tools do you use What is the preferred local development tool Why did Urban Institute choose...

Talking Drupal #452 - Starshot & Experience Builder show art Talking Drupal #452 - Starshot & Experience Builder

Talking Drupal

Today we are talking about web design and development, from a group of people with one thing in common… We love Drupal. This is episode #452 Starshot & Experience Builder. For show notes visit: Topics What is Starshot What is Experience builder How will Starshot build on Drupal Core Will Experience builder be added to Core Listener thejimbirch: When will people hear about their pledge Listener brook_heaton: Will experience builder be compatible with layout builder Will Experience builder allow people to style content Listener Matthieu Scarset Who is Starshot trying to compete...

Talking Drupal #451 - Just Say Drupal show art Talking Drupal #451 - Just Say Drupal

Talking Drupal

Today we are talking about Drupal Marketing with version numbers, what competitors are doing, and Learning to Just Saying Drupal with guest Ivan Stegic. We’ll also cover Trash as our module of the week. For show notes visit: Topics What is the premise of Just Say Drupal Why do you think it is important to drop the version number Where do you suggest we drop verison numbers In sales, if you don't mention version, how do you talk to clients Why could using version numbers be detrimental What do you suggest we call Drupal 7 Have you spoken to the Drupal marketing team At Drupalcon they...

More Episodes

Today we are talking about The Recipes Initiative, the future of install profiles, if distros are still a thing, and answering a bunch of listener questions with our guest Jim Birch. We’ll also cover Quick Links Kit as our module of the week.

For show notes visit:


  • What are recipes
  • How do you use recipes
  • Is it a module, configuration or something else
  • How do recipes compare to install profiles
  • Are you stuck with them
  • What happens if the config is changed
  • Are there namespace collisions
  • How do recipes compare with Distributions
  • Can you include content
  • Listener James: Can recipes uninstall modules
  • Can we use recipes now
  • When will recipes be in core
  • Can recipes be used by tests
  • Listener Andy: Can recipes and startkits interact
  • Can themes require recipes
  • Listener Matthieu: How do recipes compare with Symfony recipes
  • Listener James: How easy will it be to make custom recipes
  • Listener Matthieu: Should contrib maintainers be watching recipes
  • How can we get involved



Jim Birch - @jimbirch


Nic Laflin - nLighteneddevelopment.com nicxvan
John Picozzi - epam.com johnpicozzi
Jen Lampton - jenlampton.com - jenlampton



Martin Anderson-Clutz - @mandclu

Quick Links Kit

  • Brief description:
    • Have you ever needed to add a set of quick links, essentially visual navigation prompts, to the home page or section pages of your Drupal site?
    • Quick Links Kit (different from Quicklink module created by last week’s guest, Mike Herschel)
  • Brief history
    • How old: I created in Apr 2021
  • Versions available:
    • 1.0.6 that supports Drupal 8, 9, and 10, and 2.0.1 that supports only D10
  • Maintainership
    • Sporadically maintained, but a pretty simple module
  • Number of open issues:
    • 1, and it’s not a bug
  • Usage stats:
    • 1 site
  • Maintainer(s):
    • Me!
  • Module features and usage
    • The module is really just a set of configuration, with an optional submodule that sets everything up, including the placement of the block on the home page, for sites using Olivero as their theme, so it’s perfect for a fresh install of Drupal
    • It allows for SVG icons to be set for each link, and sets their fill to inherit from the link style
    • The links can be created and managed without leaving the page on which they’re used, by using the settings tray, though it would be a quick configuration change to use a modal or a separate page instead, if preferred.
    • The 2.0 version also makes use of Drupal 10’s new responsive grid views display, so if you’ve wanting to try that out, this is an easy way to get started
    • I thought this module was appropriate for today’s episode because it’s an example of a module that will be a recipe once the infrastructure for them is ready. That said, the Olivero submodule does currently contain a little CSS to improve the display of the links, but that could easily be copied into your site’s custom theme.