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What's in a Name - Part 2

''The Same Same but Different Podcast''

Release Date: 03/20/2023

Inspite & Despite show art Inspite & Despite

''The Same Same but Different Podcast''

Tune in and discover how ‘despite’ and ‘inspite’ of the societal problem of Islamophobia, Jawaria has created a much respected,much applauded space with her own flavor of advocacy.   Jawaria is the Founder of :Digital and cyber awareness training service provider , a Co Author of the book Professional Migrant Women (PMW) : , A Multilingual Storytime advocate, a Community Citizen of the Year -2023, a DEI consultant, a mother, a wife and a proud hijab wearing Pakistan origin, Australian citizen.   I sure hope that many of you will feel the power behind Jawaria's voice,...

Ally or Saviour? show art Ally or Saviour?

''The Same Same but Different Podcast''

Flipping the Script: Reverse Racism Unraveled show art Flipping the Script: Reverse Racism Unraveled

''The Same Same but Different Podcast''

In this episode of "The Same Same but Different Podcast," I delve into the complex and nuanced topic of racism and intersectionality. I explore the definition of racism, debunk common misconceptions about reverse racism, and discuss the impact of historical injustices on present-day inequalities. I also address the role of intersectionality in complicating discussions of racism, highlighting the diverse experiences within communities and the importance of acknowledging multiple marginalized identities. Additionally, I provide strategies for navigating difficult conversations about race and...

Power of Purpose show art Power of Purpose

''The Same Same but Different Podcast''

Maryann Tsai describes herself as a 'complicated' person, but as a multipassionate complicated person. She has a varied interest in lots of fields, and is a self confessed foodie, a baking enthusiast, an engineer by background, a mother, a community leader and much more. In  this episode we talk about how she found her purpose with Reach Her Inc., and how she moved through different phases of life to reach there. There are some really key crossroads that got Maryann to do a deep dive, and fashion her path - when nothing was available as per her needs and desires. We've spoken about the...

Burnout - what the %#*& is it ? show art Burnout - what the %#*& is it ?

''The Same Same but Different Podcast''

is a Leadership and Mindset coach who is all about SUSTAINABLY igniting motivation, focus and energy for life. Sarah draws upon 20 years in a corporate career as a top-tier leader and consultant.But eventually she came to a real life crisis point. Fast forward to today and Sarah now uses her experience to help others live their life to the fullest. She is the creator of ‘ which is all about SUSTAINABLE PERFORMANCE - drawing out your best and helping you find an easier way to do work and life. You are going to be so inspired, get so many insights in this 1...

About intentional pauses & Multiple passions show art About intentional pauses & Multiple passions

''The Same Same but Different Podcast''

In this episode, Stephanie talks with vulnerability about how she took an intentional pause to go deep within and find out what it is that she is ''actually' interested in pursuing. With lots of insight, deep introspection Stephanie also talks about that there is no clear line to finding the 'aha' moments, its a build up sort of journey. There are so many very 'blink and you miss' layers in our conversation, and I hope you do too. We also talk about how people look at other people like them, as more multi faceted than others - thus creating a bias - which then limits their perception about...

The Invisible Migrants - Part 2 - Values & Beliefs show art The Invisible Migrants - Part 2 - Values & Beliefs

''The Same Same but Different Podcast''

In this episode I am speaking with Dawn - who is from England. Her top 3 values are Integrity, Justice and Hope. Dawn shared how over the years, these values of hers have not changed,and believes that when someone gets her really annoyed she knows they have gone against her personal values. I also got to speak with Kat, who is from America and calls Australia home. Her top 3 values are Kindness,Honesty & Transparency and Accountability. Her values are what make her who she is, and how she shows up in the world. My 3rd guest is Sinja, who is of German origin but grew up largely in South...

The Tapestry Within - Part 1 - Values & Beliefs show art The Tapestry Within - Part 1 - Values & Beliefs

''The Same Same but Different Podcast''

When we talk about values and beliefs, we often think that everyone's is shaped similarly. We do not take in to account the fact that values and beliefs are shaped by our 'individual' lived experiences, our 'individual' environments and very importantly our 'individual' upbringing. In this very unique episode, I got to talking to Upeka and Amana, who are both migrants to Australia, and who share how their values changed over time.  We've discussed how their intersectionalities have shaped their values, and also how they stay true to their values in the face of adversity. We also...

Happy 2nd Birthday  show art Happy 2nd Birthday

''The Same Same but Different Podcast''

I did not realise that 'The Same Same but Different' podcast was turning 2, till a die-hard fan of (both) me and the podcast asked me 'so what's your plan for the podcast completing 2 years?'  I had not celebrated it turning 1, so I really had no clue what I would do for it turning 2. But, but I remembered something that I always tell my coaching clients - ''see how far you've come,and acknowledge all that you've achieved''. So, happy listening, happy following, happy reviewing and happy 2nd birthday to my podcast.  Thank you for the support.  and of course, the tip...

Overfed & Undernourished show art Overfed & Undernourished

''The Same Same but Different Podcast''

In this episode, I get talking to the amazing Belinda Smith, who has delved into creating a movement around 'Food'. Belinda Smith from is one of Australia’s leading independent voices in children’s health and an advocate for real food in schools. She is a mum, a health coach and creator of The Mad Food Science™ Program and The 5 Minute Healthy Lunchbox System™. We talked about some very alarming statistics, discussed how by taking out 'diversity' in our food groups, we 'may' be contributing to further gut health issues, weakening our gut microbiomes. Very importantly, we discussed how...

More Episodes

This is part 2, of the episode 'What's in a Name' folx. I sure hope you have already listened to to the previous episode, if not click here --->

This part of the interview, continues to talk about how hard it was for Dr. Price to get the right resources for her book 'Success with Asian Names' . I am sure you can discern the nuances of the how painstaking it can be to find the 'correct language' fonts on word, and even with printers/publishers (getting the hint??!!).

I sure hope you enjoyed listening in, and are feeling inspired by this episode. Please do check out the work Dr. Fiona Swee-Lin Price is doing by following below links.

Dr. Prices' Website | Contact Dr. Price email  |  Dr. Price on Linkedin | Success with Asian Names book

and of course, the tip jar/contribution/donation link : Support 'The Same Same but Different podcast' creation - with even a $2.00 donation, you would be supporting the message of this podcast.

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