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Write Now Update & #AmWriting Episode Swap

Write Now with Sarah Werner

Release Date: 06/15/2022

Expectation vs. Reality - WN 159 show art Expectation vs. Reality - WN 159

Write Now with Sarah Werner

This week, we're talking about expectations and how they tint our reality and shape our experiences... and what we can REALLY expect if we want to write full-time. Thank you for listening! For show notes and a full transcript of this episode, please visit:   To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon at  , or send me a tip on Ko-Fi at . Happy writing! — Sarah

Being A Slow Writer - WN 158 show art Being A Slow Writer - WN 158

Write Now with Sarah Werner

No matter how much coffee I drink, I’m never able to write as quickly as I want to. This week, we’re taking a look at what it means to be a "slow writer" — and all of the baggage that comes along with it. Thank you for listening! For show notes and a full transcript of this episode, please visit:   To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon at  , or send me a tip on Ko-Fi at . Happy writing! — Sarah

Consistency For Writers - WN 157 show art Consistency For Writers - WN 157

Write Now with Sarah Werner

Creating consistently strengthens your command of the craft and builds trust with your audience. But if you're anything like me, creating on a consistent basis feels impossible. Why are we like this? What do we do when we fail to live up to our own — and others' — standards? Thank you for listening! For show notes and a full transcript of this episode, please visit:   To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon!   Happy writing! — Sarah

When Your Writing Dreams Change - WN 156 show art When Your Writing Dreams Change - WN 156

Write Now with Sarah Werner

What happens when your childhood dream feels like it's no longer achievable? What does it mean if (and when) your five-year plan goes off the rails? Today we're talking about what happens when our writing dreams change — and what it means for us as creators. For show notes and a full episode transcription, please visit:   To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! Thank you as always for listening, and happy writing! — Sarah

It's Good To Have A Hobby - WN 155 show art It's Good To Have A Hobby - WN 155

Write Now with Sarah Werner

What is writing to you — a hobby, a second job, a meditative practice? Something else? All of the above? This week, we’re talking about the role of writing in our lives and how we can feel more satisfied and fulfilled in doing what we love. For show notes and a full episode transcription, please visit:   To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon!   Thank you as always for listening, and happy writing! — Sarah

Selling Art Or Selling Out? with Asa Merritt - WN 154 show art Selling Art Or Selling Out? with Asa Merritt - WN 154

Write Now with Sarah Werner

How should we navigate selling our creative work? I speak with Asa Merritt about pitching a project, which hill(s) to die on, and the pros and cons of telling a personal story on a commercial platform. TRIGGER WARNING: This podcast episode contains mention of suicide. If you or someone you know is struggling, please talk to someone you trust, contact your local crisis center, or (if you're in the United States) call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.  For show notes and a full episode transcription, please visit: To support the work I do here at the Write Now...

No One Gets To Tell You Who You Are - WN 153 show art No One Gets To Tell You Who You Are - WN 153

Write Now with Sarah Werner

Sometimes it feels like everyone wants to tells us who we are — our friends, our enemies, and even random strangers on the internet. But what do we do when the identity we've chosen for ourself, such as "writer" or "creator", is challenged? For show notes and a full episode transcription, please visit:   To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! Thank you as always for listening, and happy writing! — Sarah

Endings Are Hard - WN 152 show art Endings Are Hard - WN 152

Write Now with Sarah Werner

Why are endings so darn hard to write? Is it just because it's difficult to wrap up all of the loose ends... or is there something more going on? What makes for a truly satisfying ending, and how do we create one? For show notes and a full episode transcription, please visit: To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! Thank you as always for listening, and happy writing! — Sarah

Why Do I Write By Hand? - WN 150 show art Why Do I Write By Hand? - WN 150

Write Now with Sarah Werner

Why did I ditch my laptop and start writing everything by hand? (It's not even clickbait — I actually did this!) What are the benefits to writing by hand, and what have I learned from it about the craft of writing?  For show notes and a full episode transcription, please visit: To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! Thank you as always for listening, and happy writing! — Sarah

Improvised Storytelling with Cat Blackard - WN 151 show art Improvised Storytelling with Cat Blackard - WN 151

Write Now with Sarah Werner

 If you've ever been curious about how live-action roleplaying game podcasts are planned, created, recorded, and produced, or if you have any interest in RPGs like D&D, Pathfinder, or improv in general, give this episode a listen. Cat is an expert in plucking meaningful narrative from a scattered story and provides tons of great advice on how to clarify your own creative work. For show notes and a full episode transcription, please visit: To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! Thank you as always for listening, and happy writing! —...

More Episodes

Hello friends, this is Sarah and I've got good news! Write Now is coming back. New episodes start July 6th will release every Wednesday morning hereafter - New words and warmth and new author interviews.

I wanted to touch base with you, share this announcement and to give you something substantial to enjoy in the meantime, swap an episode with a podcast I love. After you hear from me, you'll hear a full episode of #AmWriting, a podcast series that offers entertaining, actionable advice on craft, productivity, and creativity for writers of all genres. This is an interview episode of theirs that I really like called "Writer De-Snobbification" where they talk to author Katherine Center.

The subject matter of this discussion is really near and dear to my heart. Center started out as a literary writer and didn't discover genre work until later in life. She found that she really loved working in genre, but struggled with her formal training as a literary author versus the often stigmatized romance genre.

You'll hear Center and the #AmWriting hosts dig deep into the process of figuring out what you love in a book and how to find it in your own work: analyzing other books and the importance of the reading journal. They also get into the craft of writing books that satisfy your own readerly urges, embracing unifying tropes, finding a compelling hook, and how to ground a story that's to big to be true by creating real characters with relatable problems in familiar settings.

You can find #AmWriting at https://amwriting.substack.com and on your favorite podcast app.

To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner
Thank you as always for listening, and happy writing!
— Sarah

©2022 by Write Now, LLC.