School Of Laughs
It started in July of 2014 and has run the course of over 255 episodes. If you have a question about stand-up comedy we have covered it on this podcast. So as we wrap, where do you go from here?
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Today we focus on the year ahead. What are you trying to accomplish moving forward? Yes, it's the annual goals tracker worksheet episode! You can download the Goals Tracker Worksheet .pdf by visiting and clicking on the GOALS TRACKER tab.
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Sharing marketing tips for comics is the one and wonderful Tracy DeGraff. After penning her first book, "Laugh Anyway Mom", Tracy took classes at The Second City in Chicago hoping to take her stories to the comedy stage.
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I just wrapped up 17 shows in 27 days. I am still learning after 31 years! Sometimes I think those qualities are more important than talent. Probably not, but they help! Nevertheless, this episode is chock full of comedy lessons learned during the 17 events performed.
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Today I am discussing comedy win-win opportunities with Chester Goad. I met Chester a few years ago at the BIG PODCAST conference with David Hooper. We've been in the loop ever since. During the past 18 months, we've spent many hours on coaching calls. Sometimes it is spent developing material, or creating a game plan. And always, trying to find win-win opportunities to develop his stage time and material.
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Have you thought about CREATING A COMEDY CD? Brian Kohatsu joins us today to talk about a project that had been on his list for roughly 5 years. Coivd gave him time to finally knock it out and he knocked it out of the park!
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Do you struggle with memorizing your jokes? Have you ever had problems with your voice during a show? What are the pros and cons of using props or musical instruments on stage?
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We cover ...
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In July of 2017, I had a great time talking with Jeanne Robertson. We discuss a career that started in the late ’60s and has carried her into the 2020s.
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In today's episode, Jonnie W. & Brian Bates join me. We discuss how the comedy scene is bouncing back, the latest Bo Burnham special, and how changing one line in a joke can take it to newer and sometimes better places.
info_outlineToday I answer questions about comedy as I am interviewed by Josh Liston, host of Tips of the Slung and Punching Sideways podcasts. Josh is an avid listener of the School of Laughs podcast and noticed I left a few topics uncovered. He noted that occasionally I will say, "one day I should do a whole episode on that topic". But ... sometimes I never do. So, he made some notes and asks me to resolve those unanswered questions.
If Josh's voice sounds familiar, he was featured on Episode 216 "How Coivd Affects Comedy Across the Globe". In that show, I talked with folks in seven countries to find out what the lockdowns had done to their comedy scene.
So what questions about comedy do I finally answer?
What is the difference between skill and passion?
What goes into a comedy rider? What is the difference between sarcasm and comedy?
How do you identify your weaknesses as a comedian?
What groups like Toast Masters are there available to people who want to get extra stage time or story-telling experience?
What do you do when you have a joke that isn't like the rest of the act?