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EP60 Creativity and Embodiment, A Catalyst For Simple, Abundant And Embodied Living

Self Care Passport

Release Date: 06/11/2021

EP 81 January’s New Beginnings, Nourished by Rest and Reflection show art EP 81 January’s New Beginnings, Nourished by Rest and Reflection

Self Care Passport

January's new beginnings, nourished by rest, reflection, and my annual tradition of choosing a Word Of The Year. This year my chosen word is NOURISHMENT. This episode reflects on what worked and what did not last year and how moving ourselves forward one step at a time is the most sustainable self care practice and way of creating true change. Contact Information and Resources:     Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/janae_fletcher/

EP 80 Gathering Your Feelings and Feeding Your Soul, Letting Go of Expectations with Creative Ideas and Heartfelt Conversations show art EP 80 Gathering Your Feelings and Feeding Your Soul, Letting Go of Expectations with Creative Ideas and Heartfelt Conversations

Self Care Passport

This episode is holiday-based and encourages you to let go of expectations and nurture the feelings you want to have during this season. Janae offers a few tips to gather your feelings, feed your soul and simplify your rituals and routines. Have a talk with yourself first Take into account how you want to feel and what needs to be addressed Take to heart your yeses and nos. Create a one-liner Have the necessary conversations or communications Leave some space around an event, less rushing Simplify the gift-giving Spread out the holidays to a season not a particular day Think back to how you...

EP 79 The Habit and Attitude (Habitude) of Taking Cues from Nature, our Greatest Teacher show art EP 79 The Habit and Attitude (Habitude) of Taking Cues from Nature, our Greatest Teacher

Self Care Passport

Nature is a wise teacher, in subtle and raucous ways. In this mini listen we explore how nature can be a teacher and inspiration throughout the year. How the seasons come and go is a reflection of our own lives. Tending and mending, resting and reaping, sowing and harvesting, as nature intended it to be. Look for subtle clues and shifts or more dramatic changes for inspiration. Is it time to rest and rejuvenate or set out in the world, seeds scattered eventually ready to burst with life? Contact Information and Resources:     Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/janae_fletcher/

EP 78 Touching Base With Your Rituals and Traditions. What is working and what needs to be let go? show art EP 78 Touching Base With Your Rituals and Traditions. What is working and what needs to be let go?

Self Care Passport

Welcome to the Self Care Passport Podcast. In the newest series, we are exploring Habitudes, where Habits and Attitudes come together. Have you ever picked a word of the year or a routine that you feel is going to be amazing? Sometimes it is and sometimes it is not! Reserve the right to change your mind. Shift your decisions and planned routines so they support you more fully. Inspiration needs to be aligned and inspiring. My example in this episode is my yearly tradition of choosing a word or the year. Contact Information and Resources:    Instagram:...

EP 77 Habits and Attitudes Coming Together to Redefine Your Version of Success show art EP 77 Habits and Attitudes Coming Together to Redefine Your Version of Success

Self Care Passport

Welcome to the Self Care Passport Podcast and the Habitude Series. In these bite-sized episodes and quick listens we are focusing on desired habits and attitudes coming together little by little, helping you make desired changes, reduce stress, and feel more alive with a sense of well-being. REDEFINE YOUR SUCCESS in our hustle and bustle culture and go go-go-go attitudes. What does success feel like when we set other people's opinions of what that is? Find the ordinary to be extraordinary, and enjoy the moments that make it all worthwhile. Contact Information and Resources:   ...

EP 76 Exploring What is Right for You in a Particular Season or Season of Your Life show art EP 76 Exploring What is Right for You in a Particular Season or Season of Your Life

Self Care Passport

Honor, explore, observe habitual tendencies, and acknowledge the present season, changing season, or the season of life you are currently in. Focus your energy accordingly. Find the common thread that brings you more joy, fun, adventure, clarity, and thoughtful presence for a well-lived life. It is simpler than you think more often than not. Listen within, the answers are always there. ~Janae Contact Information and Resources:    

EP 75 Using Our Senses To Bring Us Back To Our Body And The Moment show art EP 75 Using Our Senses To Bring Us Back To Our Body And The Moment

Self Care Passport

Welcome to the Self Care Passport Podcast and the Habitude series. Hello, I’m Janae your host and this series is about habits we would like to establish and the attitudes that go along with them. Short bite-size easy to listen to episodes that help you make shifts and changes that feel right for your daily life and beyond. Today's episode focuses on our 5 senses, Sight (Vision) Hearing (Auditory) Smell (Olfactory) Taste (Gustatory) Touch (Tactile) All our knowledge begins with the senses. Engaging with our senses can become a tool to bring us closer to the present moment, and calm our...

EP 74 Adjusting Our Awareness and Our Body, one step at a time show art EP 74 Adjusting Our Awareness and Our Body, one step at a time

Self Care Passport

Welcome to the Self Care Passport Podcast and the Habitude Series. In this episode, we talk about habits and attitudes coming together, changing our lives one step at a time. Today's episode is about becoming aware of our natural tendencies, in Mind, Body & Soul, how we hold ourselves in habit and attitude, expressed and released through our bodies. “Awareness is like the sun. When it shines on things, they are transformed.” ― Thich Nhat Hanh  Can we change patterns with awareness and adjusting the body? Yes, we can. The first step is awareness then lead yourself to your desired...

EP 73 Hydration and Honoring Your Internal Ocean, The Habitude Series show art EP 73 Hydration and Honoring Your Internal Ocean, The Habitude Series

Self Care Passport

  Each day is a little different when we think about hydration. Every day is a good day to make sure we are taking care of what our bodies need. Some days a few glasses are easy and some days it just isn't quite enough. “In time and with water, everything changes.” ~ Leonardo da Vinci In this episode I talk about ways to increase hydration and maintain that feeling. My biggest tip is to place opportunities wherever you go, after that you can add flavor, freshly squeezed lemon, electrolytes, and more. There is also the tip of staying away from things that dehydrate us. I'm not talking...

EP 72 The Habitude Series, Where Your Habits and Attitudes Come Together show art EP 72 The Habitude Series, Where Your Habits and Attitudes Come Together

Self Care Passport

In this next series, I will be talking about habits that I personally have come to establish or are in the process of establishing. Some take a little longer to get into routine. I took a look and a feel into my conditioned tendencies. Habits come naturally, be it for your benefit or against the truth in those patterns can be so helpful in fortifying or inching your way to meet your demise. if you want you can put those into categories of good and bad but really they are clues to what lies ahead if you are willing to call yourself out or congratulate yourself on an easy implementation....

More Episodes

Hello and welcome to the Simple, Abundant and Embodied podcast series with micro episodes here for you whenever you need them. Today we will be talking about Embodiment and Creativity. Embodiment is really tuning into the clues that our body is sending us, listening within and basically following our intuition or gut instincts.

Activation Step: Move your body and listen within to support yourself.  Creativity comes to us in so many forms, by moving our bodies we expand this concept.

Are you a believer that structure provides freedom? There is freedom and and more in structure. It sets up an abundant foundation that supports us as we explore an unlimited amount of possibilities. Creativity taken to heart via our thinking, creating, loving and more expands our life as we grow out of scarcity and into abundance one movement at a time.

Affirmation: Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist. Pablo Picasso

Please take to heart, the most loving form of embodiment is really listening to your body and not second guessing your first instinct. The world needs your creativity in all forms. Thank you for joining me today. Until next time, be your own best friend and learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist. Next up on the  more Simple, Abundant, Embodied Living mini series, How We Consume.

www.selfcarepassport.comwww.janaefletcher.com - https://www.instagram.com/janae_fletcher/