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LGTBQI Health-related Issues Part 3

seX & whY

Release Date: 05/05/2020

Sex and Gender Differences in Aging show art Sex and Gender Differences in Aging

seX & whY

Show Notes for Episode Twenty-Six of seX & whY: Sex and Gender Differences in Aging Host: Jeannette Wolfe Guest: Dr Haag is a researcher in molecular epidemiology who studies human biological aging at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm. Background - Dr Haag has a PhD in functional genomics and Post Doc in genetic and molecular epidemiology. She studies telomeres and molecular association with telomere length, she also has experience in molecular biology and computer science. Definitions and discussion points from podcast - a new field of biomedical science that looks at how the...

Global Health and Pandemic Responsiveness Through a Sex and Gender Lens Part 2 show art Global Health and Pandemic Responsiveness Through a Sex and Gender Lens Part 2

seX & whY

Show Notes for Episode Twenty-Five of seX & whY, Part 2: Global Health and Pandemic Responsiveness Through a Sex and Gender Lens Host: Jeannette Wolfe Guests: McKinzie Gales and Emelie Yonally Phillips  – Global Health Fellow at the CDC and co-lead for Phase I of the multi-agency SAGER IOA project aimed at facilitating better collection, analysis, and use of sex-disaggregated data and gendered data for outbreak response.    – Global Health consultant (Epicentre/MSF) and core member of the Integrated Outbreak Analytics initiative ...

Global Health and Pandemic Responsiveness Through a Sex and Gender Lens Part 1 show art Global Health and Pandemic Responsiveness Through a Sex and Gender Lens Part 1

seX & whY

Show Notes for Episode Twenty-Five of seX & whY: Global Health and Pandemic Responsiveness Through a Sex and Gender Lens Host: Jeannette Wolfe Guests:  – Fellow at the CDC and co-lead for Phase I of the multi-agency SAGER IOA project aimed at facilities' better collection, analysis, and use of sex-disaggregated data and gendered data for outbreak response.  – Global Health consultant and core member of the Integrated Outbreak Analytics initiative   Definitions IOA - Integrated Outbreak Analytics SAGER - Sex and Gender Equity in Research  The Integrated Outbreak...

Sex and Gender Differences in Conflict - Part 2 show art Sex and Gender Differences in Conflict - Part 2

seX & whY

Show Notes for Episode Twenty-Four of seX & whY: Sex and Gender Differences in Conflict, Part 2 Host: Jeannette Wolfe Guest: Joyce Benenson, lecturer of evolutionary biology at Harvard and author of the book In this podcast we continue our discussion about women interacting with each other at the workplace and how women often manage hierarchy differently than men. We got into a spirited discussion about a question posted on a female physician’s list serve querying whether women physicians want to be addressed as  “Doctor” by other staff members. (My own preference was “yes” in...

Sex and Gender Differences in Conflict - Part 1 show art Sex and Gender Differences in Conflict - Part 1

seX & whY

Show Notes for Episode Twenty-Four of seX & whY: Sex and Gender Differences in Conflict, Part 1 Host: Jeannette Wolfe Guest: Joyce Benenson, lecturer of evolutionary biology at Harvard and author of the book Warriors and Worriers Here is a link to Dr Benenson’s book .  This book dives deep into the evolutionary roots of human behavior and Dr Benenson makes a very clear and well referenced case that human males and females have evolved from slightly different playbooks.  The root of this difference is sexual selection in that adaptions and behaviors that optimize the chance...

Issues Surrounding Men’s Health - Part 2 show art Issues Surrounding Men’s Health - Part 2

seX & whY

Show Notes for Episode Twenty-Three of seX & whY: Issues Surrounding Men’s Health, Part 2 Host: Jeannette Wolfe Guests: Peter Baker –   Twitter: Dominick Shattuck has a PhD in psychology and does Global Health Work at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health              Main topics discussed: Challenges and barriers associated with optimizing men’s mental health and the role of men in reproductive health-related issues. Men’s mental health is important not just for men but for the health of communities....

Issues Surrounding Men’s Health - Part 1 show art Issues Surrounding Men’s Health - Part 1

seX & whY

Show Notes for Episode Twenty-Three of seX & whY: Issues Surrounding Men’s Health, Part 1 Host: Jeannette Wolfe Guests: Peter Baker –   Twitter: Dominick Shattuck has a PhD in psychology and does Global Health Work at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health              Here is a  of Peter Baker’s publications including  Here is a  of Dominick Shattuck’s publications Take home points Somewhat ironically even though most major health related organizations are dominated by men in...

Sex, Drugs, and Rats show art Sex, Drugs, and Rats

seX & whY

Show Notes for Episode Twenty-Two of seX & whY: Sex, Drugs, and Rats Host: Jeannette Wolfe Guest: Dr Irv Zucker, Faculty at UC Berkley since 1966. Interests include behavioral endocrinology, chronobiology, and sex differences in pharmacology General discussion Many times, the worlds of basic science and human clinical trials do not overlap to the degree that they should. Greater coordination between the two silos, especially as it comes to the examination of sex differences, would likely produce more robust, higher quality science that would benefit a greater number of...

Sex and Gender Differences in Opioid Use Disorder show art Sex and Gender Differences in Opioid Use Disorder

seX & whY

Show Notes for Episode Twenty-One of seX & whY: Opioid Use Disorder Host: Jeannette Wolfe Guests: Dr Alyson McGregor, author of Sex Matters: How Male-Centric Medicine Endangers Women's Health and What We Can Do About It Dr Lauren Walter Here is link to American Psychiatric Association DSM 5 diagnosis for opioid use disorder from the . Essentially the disorder is defined by continued craving and use of opioids despite significant social and professional consequences caused by its use. This podcast is on sex and gender differences in opioid use disorder. Although sex (s) and gender (g) are...

Interview With Dr Shirin Heidari Part 2: Gendro - Advancing Sex and Gender Equity in Science Research show art Interview With Dr Shirin Heidari Part 2: Gendro - Advancing Sex and Gender Equity in Science Research

seX & whY

Show Notes for Episode Twenty of seX & whY: Interview With Dr Shirin Heidari Part 2: Gendro - Advancing Sex and Gender Equity in Science Research Host: Jeannette Wolfe Guest: Shirin Heidari PhD, virologist and experimental oncologist, founding President of Gendro. Part 2 of Interview with Dr Shirin Heidari This podcast focuses on Dr Heidari’s work on systematically integrating the variables of sex and gender into different access points along the research pipeline. She helped start an organization called  which is dedicated to this mission.  The three major gatekeeping posts...

More Episodes

Show Notes for Episode Thirteen of seX & whY: LGTBQI Health-related Issues Part 3

How best to support students and colleagues in the LGBTQ community

This is a very special podcast and I want to deeply thank Shana Zucker, Ellie Ragone and Mike Gisondi for sharing their very personal experiences.

Host: Jeannette Wolfe

Shana Zucker, MS

  • Shana is a rising 4th year medical student at Tulane in the MD/PhD program
  • When she was a first-year medical student at Tulane she helped to create The Queericulum, an educational program geared at helping medical students become more culturally competent surrounding LGTBQ health related issues and patient interactions
  • Since its creation, it has now become a mandatory course for all first-year Tulane medical students and she is currently working to expand the program to other medical schools
  • In addition, she and Mike are creating (with another MD/PhD student at Stanford) an online educational program to help medical educators teach medical students about LGTBQ health
  • Here is Shana’s talk at Feminem’s Fix conference in NYC

Ellie Ragone DO

  • Is a first-year emergency medical resident at UMMS-Baystate
  • Ellie is a transwoman and has graciously shared her personal experiences about transitioning as a medical student
  • One of her largest concerns about transitioning was being able to successfully identify a primary care provider who was both competent and comfortable with LGTBQ patients and their health-related needs

Michael Gisondi

  • Vice chair of education at the Dept of EM at Stanford
  • Mike shares how his identity formation was actually quite different at different points of his own life
  • He reflects on the generational differences of LGBTQ physicians

Tips offered by the group

  • If you have a trans colleague and you misgender them, besides apologizing in real-time, consider sending them an email or text later on to let them know you have reflected upon the mistake and appreciate the challenges they are routinely facing and that you want to support them.
  • When you are looking at a program or job, be authentic and find the program who accepts you for who you are versus trying to be the image of the person you think the program wants.
  • Let medical students and residents lead. They often are much more on point about what does and doesn’t work than most senior educators

Accountability buddy article


Special thanks to Doug Deems who helped me edit this podcast