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48. How to Love Your Own Vibe and Stop Abandoning Yourself


Release Date: 04/25/2022

69. Special Guest: Jenn Cino on health, mindset, brand growth and authenticity as an entrepreneur show art 69. Special Guest: Jenn Cino on health, mindset, brand growth and authenticity as an entrepreneur


Welcoming Jenn Cino, FDN-P, CPT and CERTIFIED HOLISTIC HORMONE SPECIALIST to her second appearance on the pod!   Tune in to hear a candid convo about being an online entrepreneur, what it means to be true to yourself in your brand and the importance of taking care of you and your body FIRST as a CEO.   Hear Jenn’s amazing story about how she went from closing down her gym to growing a multi-six figure online health brand inside of two years.   Jenn and I also give you a sneak peek into our new program we’re collaborating on - the Build Your Brand Bootcamp. Stay tuned until...

68. Mindset: 7 Perspectives to Help You Write Better Copy show art 68. Mindset: 7 Perspectives to Help You Write Better Copy


In today’s episode we’re talking mindset shifts to help you communicate confidently AND convert leads through copy (aka - what you write for your content).   If you struggle with writing copy you may think it’s a strategy problem or that you need to learn something to improve.    And SOMETIMES, this is true. But often, you already have what it takes to create killer copy, you just need to think about it a little differently.   Tune in to hear Kati spill her top 7 mindset shifts to create confident, dreamy copy that serves your target audience and converts!  ...

67. Mindset: How To Protect Your Creative Energy On Social Media show art 67. Mindset: How To Protect Your Creative Energy On Social Media


Today’s episode is all about creating boundaries and protecting your creative energy on social media.   Ever scrolled your insta feed and instantly became triggered AF at something someone posted?     Yeah babe, me too. And as online creators, letting the people of the internet take up precious space in our minds is not something we can afford to do.   Tune in to hear my hot take on avoiding social media triggers and setting healthy boundaries online so you can thrive in creating the biz (and life) of your dreams.   “I’ve made it a rule that I only follow...

66. Biz Strategy: Selling in the DMs show art 66. Biz Strategy: Selling in the DMs


Today’s episode is all about converting your followers into paying bff clients through selling in the DMs!   Is your fear of chatting in the DMs holding you back from reaching your income goals? Are you struggling with getting people to slide into your DMs? What about actually being able to close the sale once the conversation has started?   Tune in to learn Kati’s exact method for selling high ticket offers in the DMs with EASE.   In this episode Kati touches on:   How to start a conversation and ask really good questions that will turn your cold audience into hot...

65. Inner Work: Journal Yourself Abundant show art 65. Inner Work: Journal Yourself Abundant


Today’s episode is all about utilizing journaling as a powerful tool to help you transform your thoughts, self explore, and affirm your dream life.   Do you ever find yourself in survival mode? Simply trying to make it through the day? Intrusive thoughts? Have difficulty trusting anyone, particularly yourself, making it hard for you to show up authentically?   Tune in to learn how Kati uses journaling as a potent instrument to manage thoughts and emotions while effectively creating a strategy to call in exactly what she wants (and release what she doesn’t).   In this episode...

64. Pep Talk Pop Up: Making Cringe Mistakes show art 64. Pep Talk Pop Up: Making Cringe Mistakes


Pep Talk Pop-Ups are a weekly mini-sode to inspire, encourage and motivate you in creating a dreamy life and biz. Each episode packs a powerful punch on some of the most popular topics for entrepreneurs. Listen in and take what you need to keep being your most amazing self.   Resources: Download your free A Life You Love workbook and journal here:  Book your discovery call!:  SIgn up for the email list:  Follow me on IG: instagram.com/katielliottxo Website: katielliott.mykajabi.com Apply for the 6 Figure+ Magnetic Mastermind: 

63. Biz Strategy: 4 Steps to Creating Content that Converts show art 63. Biz Strategy: 4 Steps to Creating Content that Converts


Today’s episode is all about confidently creating killer content that provides value AND makes you a ton of cash.   Are you a biz owner who dreads creating content? Are you tired of putting so much effort into creating content for only yet another flopped post? Do you sometimes experience burnout trying to come up with content ideas that will move people to buy from you? If you answered yes to one (or all) of the above, this episode is for YOU.   Tune in to learn Kati’s 4-step process she uses that has clients blowing up her DMs to join her latest program.   In this episode...

62. Pep Talk Pop Up: Life is 50/50 show art 62. Pep Talk Pop Up: Life is 50/50


Pep Talk Pop-Ups are a weekly mini-sode to inspire, encourage and motivate you in creating a dreamy life and biz. Each episode packs a powerful punch on some of the most popular topics for entrepreneurs. Listen in and take what you need to keep being your most amazing self.   Resources: Download your free A Life You Love workbook and journal here: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/62a2a5fe78fb7e7c5a8ef58e Book your discovery call!: https://x46i7y1dt8w.typeform.com/to/lmJEFrte SIgn up for the email list: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/63334b8cff6e9a5490d00ca3 Follow me on IG:...

61. Manifestation: How To Manifest Big Biz Results show art 61. Manifestation: How To Manifest Big Biz Results


Today’s episode is for you if you’re ready to learn how you can combine energy and action to create magical results in your business.   I often see biz owners drift towards manifestation simply because they see it as a “quick” and “easy” fix for creating results. *cue eye roll*   No amount of magic, affirmations or vision boards will get you the outcome you desire if you’re not also taking aligned and inspired action.   Today’s episode is all about the mindset and energetic shifts you need to embody in order to experience massive impact and financial growth in...

60. Biz Strategy: Scale To Six Figures With The Perfect Offer Suite show art 60. Biz Strategy: Scale To Six Figures With The Perfect Offer Suite


Today’s episode is for you if you’re ready to learn how you can scale your business to six figures and beyond using an offer suite and how to create the perfect offers for your clients AND your brand.    Too often I see coaches remain in a space of feeling stuck, confused, and broke simply because they aren’t crystal clear on what programs to offer that will help them provide value to their clients while making tons of cash doing so.   In today’s episode I’m providing you with the strategies and thoughtfulness to help you build an offer suite so you can actually be...

More Episodes

Your way is the best way, always, but when the results aren’t coming in hot enough you might find yourself looking to others to make it all happen for you. During this episode we dig into why we abandon ourselves in business or in pursuit of our dreams and how to STOP doing that.


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Facebook: Kati Elliott