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200. Apologetics (Part Three)

She Walks In Truth

Release Date: 11/23/2023

202. Guard Your Peace in a Divided America show art 202. Guard Your Peace in a Divided America

She Walks In Truth

In this episode Carrie Robaina gives you three practical ways to guard your peace in a divided America. More importantly, she sheds light on what the Bible says about politics which, wink-wink, has nothing to do with partisanship, policies or America specifically. 

201. Is It Selfish To Set Boundaries? show art 201. Is It Selfish To Set Boundaries?

She Walks In Truth

In today's epsiode of She Walks In Truth, Carrie Robaina has a conversation about setting boundaries and answering the question, "Am I being a selfish Christian if I set boundaries?"  Follow Carrie on . 

200. Apologetics (Part Three) show art 200. Apologetics (Part Three)

She Walks In Truth

Carrie Robaina wraps up part three in her mini theological series on the church, gospel & salvation and apologetics. On today's episode she equips you with practical ways to give an account for what you believe and dives into questions people in our post-modern era may be asking and some examples of different ways you can have conversation with them.  Want to connect with Carrie? 

199. The Gospel and Evangelism (Part Two) show art 199. The Gospel and Evangelism (Part Two)

She Walks In Truth

Welcome to Part Two of Carrie Robaina's mini theology series on the Church, Gospe and Evangelism and Apologetics. Today Carrie is talking about the gospel or good news of Jesus and what that good news actually is. She also shares what our role is as followers of Jesus in carrying God's message into the world.  Want to connect with Carrie?  Find her on  

198. What Is the Church? (Part One) show art 198. What Is the Church? (Part One)

She Walks In Truth

Welcome to a 3 part series on the church, evangelism & gospel and apologetics. Today Carrie Robaina helps us understand "the church" and what its role is in God's redemptive story.  Here are some key verses:  John 20:21 2 Timothy 2:4 Acts 2:46 Acts 12:12 Luke 14:23 Want to Connect with Carrie?  Head over to 

197. Culture & The Word Applied to Everyday Life In The World show art 197. Culture & The Word Applied to Everyday Life In The World

She Walks In Truth

In this episode of She Walks In Truth, Carrie Robaina shares about a nerdy term called cultural hermeneutics or everyday theology. It's the ministry of the Word applied to everyday life in the world. Carrie shares a practial way we can do this in something as simple as watching a movie.  Want to Connect with Carrie?  Head over to

196. Women & Wages Inside the Church show art 196. Women & Wages Inside the Church

She Walks In Truth

On this week's episode of She Walks In Truth, Carrie Robaina sheds light on women and wages inside the church based on recent research published by Lifeway Research. She presents the research, offers her own experience and shares the experiences of other women.  Here are links to two articles mentioned in the episode:  Lifeway Reasearch: "Christianity Today" Article:  Want to connect with Carrie? 

195. Proverbs 31 Woman: The Wife of Noble Character show art 195. Proverbs 31 Woman: The Wife of Noble Character

She Walks In Truth

194. The Holy Spirit show art 194. The Holy Spirit

She Walks In Truth

On this episode of She Walks In Truth, Carrie Robaina shares about the spiritual practice of "spiritual listenting" and shares theological insigtht on the Holy Spirit.  Discussing the Spirit, Jesus says, “He will glorify me, for he will take what is mine and declare it to you” (John 16:14).  Here are some biblical references to help you in your studying:   He speaks. (Acts 13:2) “While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” He teaches. (John 14:26) “But the...

193. Do More of What You Want show art 193. Do More of What You Want

She Walks In Truth

On this episode of She Walks in Truth  Carrie Robaina shares about her journey of doing more of what she wants and less of what she needs and how that's freed her up to live with more joy!  Carrie would love to hear from you over on  

More Episodes

Carrie Robaina wraps up part three in her mini theological series on the church, gospel & salvation and apologetics. On today's episode she equips you with practical ways to give an account for what you believe and dives into questions people in our post-modern era may be asking and some examples of different ways you can have conversation with them. 

Want to connect with Carrie? 

Connect on Instagram here.