EP 4: Understanding Autism; A New Path Towards The Workforce
Release Date: 01/21/2021
Green Zone Talks
Haley Moss is a lawyer, neurodiversity expert, and the author of four books that guide neurodivergent individuals through professional and personal challenges. She is a consultant to top corporations and nonprofits that seek her guidance in creating a diverse workplace and a sought-after commentator on disability rights issues. The first openly autistic lawyer in Florida, Haley’s books include “Great Minds Think Differently: Neurodiversity for Lawyers and Other Professionals'' (ABA Book Publishing; June 2021) and “The Young Autistic Adult’s Independence Handbook” (Jessica...
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Donna is a Social Impact leader, International best-selling author, speaker, and course creator. She uses her natural gift of rallying and inspiring people to ignite the spark of internal motivation through forward-vision thinking. Her approach is based on behavior-changing and spiritual energy connections. Donna says: "I am dedicated to creating a wiser and kinder world by making transformational education widely available. I want everyone to have access to tools such as modern mindfulness, emotional awareness, and self-love regardless of financial, social, or...
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Alicia Trautwein is a St. Louis-based motivational speaker, founder of The Mom Kind, autism advocate, and autistic mother of three autistic children. Trautwein speaks on topics close to her heart like LGBTQIA+ rights, antibullying, autism acceptance, and mental health advocacy. Here at Neuroshifts we are huge advocates of self-care. We love to bring on special guests who have first hand experiences in the journey through Neurodiversity and who love to promote the importance of self-care. Join this special episode of GZT where Alicia will be giving you all the insider secrets to creating...
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Gopika is the Author of Beyond the Blue: Love, Life, and Autism. In this special session, we will be discussing her book and the importance of a mother's self-care. Beyond the Blue is a book that will inspire you to be a better person. Within its pages, Gopika Kapoor describes her unique, yet universally shared experiences as the parent of a child with autism. Through the intimate stories of life with her son Vir, she immerses readers in shining moments and dark episodes, brimming with refreshing honesty, sparkling humor, and undaunted courage. Beyond the Blue is an...
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Sam Farmer is a neurodiversity community self-advocate, writer/author, public speaker and consultant for Floreo, a company that leverages virtual reality technology in teaching social, communication and other life skills for neurodiverse individuals. Diagnosed later in life as autistic, he writes blogs and articles, records coaching videos and podcasts, and presents at conferences and support groups, sharing stories and thoughts as to how one can achieve greater happiness and success in the face of challenge and adversity. A Long Walk Down a Winding Road - Small Steps, Challenges, & Triumphs...
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Maija is the founder of Appreciate U. Creator, uplifter, and world traveler, Maija specializes in bringing confidence to all of those who surround her. A student of self-improvement since the age of 10, Maija has compiled the most effective tricks she's learned over the last 24 years to create lasting and authentic happiness. With Appreciate U, she is helping people recognize themselves as the powerful masterpiece they are. In this session, we will be discussing: The connection about how we treat ourselves and how that can translate to how we treat others. How...
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Krystine, founder of The Compass Therapeutics & Wellbeing has been a renowned Holistic Practitioner since 1998. They bring a unique approach to teaching and healing — one that is focused on self-inspiration and which embodies the physical, spiritual, and emotional aspects of well-being. With a holistic approach, Krystine and her team offer the luxury spa services you may be familiar with but also unique therapeutics to educate and encourage wellness through their Whole Health Approach. Whether you are experiencing pain or want to improve your physical and mental...
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In this very special session of Green Zone Talks we will be speaking with Arlo and how he has implemented a "Neuro-Ready" work initiative. He will be discussing his experience in hiring one of Neuroshifts' former students and the beneficial and uplifting results this has contributed to his business. This inspiring success story of a young man being given an employment opportunity is one you won't want to miss! Arlo and his State Farm team are taking initiatives to expand the awareness of how beneficial the contributions of a Neurodiverse individual can be to all businesses....
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In this conversation, we will be exploring some of the challenges to bringing your personal brand to work for the neuro-diverse community, and how you can find the space to OWN your personal brand that allows you to be proud of your unique neuro-type and bring it to work proudly.
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AnnaLaura Brown is an Health Coach, Author, and Autism Advocate. She got her diagnosis of Autism later in life, but it has never stopped her from using her unique talents and interests to achieve her purpose in life. AnnaLaura has had a special interest as it relates to physical health and diets because of her own journey with experiencing a lot of challenges in this area. Her mission is now to help others achieve better physical well-being. Listen as she shares her personal journey through employment, independence and physical well-being.
info_outlineVicky Westra is the mother of Gabbi, a young adult with Autism who was diagnosed with autism at the age of four. Because of the dismal outcomes Vicky was seeing for her daughter and the broader Autism community, she started a Non-Profit organization with a mission to create a new world for autism. Vicky and her organization believe that those in the autism community have to join together to create opportunities and the necessary changes those on the autism spectrum to lead their lives on purpose. This includes employment that matches their unique talents and interests. Find out more about ways to get involved in this world changing mission!