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Vigil Praise Readings and Homily 1/20

Sons of Ars

Release Date: 01/26/2024

Let God Stretch Your Soul - Vigil Praise Readings and Homily 2/8/25 show art Let God Stretch Your Soul - Vigil Praise Readings and Homily 2/8/25

Sons of Ars

Galatians 1:1-12; From a homily by a spiritual writer of the fourth century (1:37); Luke 24:35-53 (4:35); Homily by Rev. James-Peter Trares, O.P. (6:55)   Support our seminary:

It was a Crazy Time show art It was a Crazy Time

Sons of Ars

Michael Sparks and James Joseph sit down with a long-time priest Fr. Bill Breslin who shares his life journey during and after Vatican II. Many priests in those tumultuous times were confronted with the crisis of the chaos and it took courage to withstand it by the grace of the Holy Spirit. Fr. Bill shares a glimps into that perspective. (The mission of the podcast continues to be recording the experiences of seminarians to inspire those discerning and to update friends of the seminary about life at St. John Vianney Theological Seminary.) Email with any questions or comments:  Also check...

You Have Stayed Long Enough - Vigil Praise Readings and Homily 1/19/25 show art You Have Stayed Long Enough - Vigil Praise Readings and Homily 1/19/25

Sons of Ars

Deuteronomy 1:1, 6-18; (3:05) from a Letter to the Ephesians from St. Ignatius of Antioch; (5:34) Mark 16:1-20; (9:22) Homily by Fr. Tom Scherer.    Support our seminary:

Unexpected Fulfillment - Vigil Praise Readings and Homily 12/14 show art Unexpected Fulfillment - Vigil Praise Readings and Homily 12/14

Sons of Ars

Isaiah 45:1-13; (2:52) from a Letter by Saint Leo the Great; (6:30) Luke 24:35-53; (9:10) Homily by Archbishop Samuel Aquila Support our Seminary: archden.org/futurepriests

Behind Every Man... show art Behind Every Man...

Sons of Ars

In this episode, Michael Sparks and Michael Salemi bring in a good friend and soon to be priest to the studio. Deacon Kade Megaffin shares his journey of love and tells stories of promising relationships that ended in being called by Christ.   (The mission of the podcast continues to be recording the experiences of seminarians to inspire those discerning and to update friends of the seminary about life at St. John Vianney Theological Seminary.) Email with any questions or comments:  Also check out what's going on at Saint John Vianney Theological Seminary where you can sign up for...

Consider Tonight - Vigil Praise Readings and Homily 10/26 show art Consider Tonight - Vigil Praise Readings and Homily 10/26

Sons of Ars

Wisdom 1:1-15; (2:57) Letter to the Corinthians by St Clement I; (5:22) John 20:1-18; (8:44) Homily by Dcn Kade Megaffin Support our Seminary: archden.org/futurepriests

Fruitful Fraternity from Afar show art Fruitful Fraternity from Afar

Sons of Ars

Michael Sparks and Anthony Olmes discuss a favorite topic of this podcast, but with a different perspective. The fraternity in light of family allows the true friendship to unfold even if distance seems to get in the way. (The mission of the podcast continues to be recording the experiences of seminarians to inspire those discerning and to update friends of the seminary about life at St. John Vianney Theological Seminary.) Email with any questions or comments:  Also check out what's going on at Saint John Vianney Theological Seminary where you can sign up for monthly...

And We're Back! show art And We're Back!

Sons of Ars

James and Dave catch up with the listeners and chat with their friend Tommy Myers about their summer assignments, the current fall semester, and what the future holds this academic year at St. John Vianney. (The mission of the podcast continues to be recording the experiences of seminarians to inspire those discerning and to update friends of the seminary about life at St. John Vianney Theological Seminary.) Email with any questions or comments:  Also check out what's going on at Saint John Vianney Theological Seminary where you can sign up for monthly newsletter:    

Listen to the Heart - Vigil Praise Readings and Homily 9/28 show art Listen to the Heart - Vigil Praise Readings and Homily 9/28

Sons of Ars

Philippians 1:1-11; (2:00) from the letter to the Philippians by St. Polycarp; (4:30) Mark 16:1-20; (8:05) Homily by Dcn Jacob Chavez

Mission is Awesome and Frustrating show art Mission is Awesome and Frustrating

Sons of Ars

Michael and James recap the summer and discuss a little of what it means to be on mission as a seminarian especially during the summer. Michael referenced the interview he did on the Drew the Catholic show:   Email with any questions or comments: Do you want to get monthly updates about seminary life at Saint John Vianney Theological Seminary? Sign up for our monthly newsletter:   Also, check us out and see our events on Facebook 

More Episodes

(0:00) Deuteronomy 18:1-22; (4:25) Sacrosanctum Concilium nn. 7-8, 106; (8:45) Luke 24:1-12; (10:55) Homily by Fr. John Ignatius from the Servants of Christ Jesus.