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Episode #240 with Rook Nelson and Jason Russell on VWR

Skydive Radio

Release Date: 08/29/2018

Episode #265 with Nick Hemlin show art Episode #265 with Nick Hemlin

Skydive Radio

Merry Christmas! Congratulations RSUK Stump loves CRW Safety First with Brian Germain - Landing at an unfamiliar dz and high traffic conditions Pic of the Week - A unique perspective of the aircraft formation during the Vertical Sequential World Record over Skydive Chicago.  Photo by Raymond Adams. Feature interview with Nick Hemlin of Arizona Airspeed.  Thanks Garnett   

Episode #264 with Extreme Sports Psychotherapist Chloe Svolakos show art Episode #264 with Extreme Sports Psychotherapist Chloe Svolakos

Skydive Radio

Steve and JaNette report on the 2023 US National Championships Dave gets a tour of the Paraclete wind tunnel  DoorDash driver on the runway Steve and JaNette Describe Your Jump Safety First with Brian Germain discusses unusual jumps Pic of the Week #264 - A 60-way builds over Eloy at the Arizona Airspeed Challenge.  Photo by Niklas Daniel Feature interview with extreme sports psychotherapist Chloe Svolakos  

Episode #263 with Dan BC, Larry Henderson and Doug Barron show art Episode #263 with Dan BC, Larry Henderson and Doug Barron

Skydive Radio

Jason Russell, Steve Lefkowitz and JaNette Lefkowitz join Dave and Stump in the home studio at Skydive Chicago World cup report from J-Russ JaNette gets back in the air again Rookiefest discussed Tips for upping your skydiving abilities as a fun jumper A Pulp Fiction style restaurant robbery in Zephyrhills Florida Steve and JaNette describe your jump Safety First with Brian Germain discusses exploring a new parachute Pic of the Week #263 - The Total Break Illinois state record completes over Skydive Chicago.  Photo by Trunk Feature Interview with Dan BC, Larry Henderson and Doug Barron...

Episode #262 with USPA Executive Director Albert Berchtold show art Episode #262 with USPA Executive Director Albert Berchtold

Skydive Radio

Mid Summerfest update Stump reports on the Dog Daze Boogie Jason Cooke gives us a deep dive on skydiving helmets Nicole discusses the state of women’s issues in skydiving Safety First with Brian Germain discusses free fall weights Pic of the Week #262 - UK National 4-way team Chimera training over Eloy.  Photo by Niklas Daniel. Feature Interview with USPA Executive Director Albert Berchtold on the Air Tour and Parachuting Safety Act, and it’s negative impact on the skydiving industry Skydiving Chicken Chokers Krav Podcast

Episode #261 with Skydiving Pioneer Kim Emmons-Knor show art Episode #261 with Skydiving Pioneer Kim Emmons-Knor

Skydive Radio

Melissa Nelson and J-Russ join Dave and Stump Tom Cruise Project SpaceX Project Melissa discusses some USPA goings on Safety First with Brian Germain discusses getting current Dropzone of the Month?  Not really, but Stump discusses CRW and The Raw Dogs Pic of the Week #261 - Kim Emmons-Knor before jump #570 with tandem instructor Anthony Ebel and pilot Dave Schwartz at Skydive Chicago.  Photo by Karry Schwartz. Feature interview with skydiving pioneer Kim Emmons-Knor More iFly discussion with J-Russ Melissa discusses her perspective on growing up as the daughter of Roger Nelson...

Episode #260 with Sara Curtis and Amy Chmelecki on Project 19 show art Episode #260 with Sara Curtis and Amy Chmelecki on Project 19

Skydive Radio

Stump moves to Sebastian  Becoming a jump pilot Safety First with Brian Germain discusses exit order Pic of the Week #260 -Project 19 completes the new women’s vertical world record 80-way over Skydive Arizona.  Photo by Ewan Cowie. Feature Interview with Sara Curtis and Amy Chmelecki on Project 19 and the new women's vertical world record iFly discussion 

Episode #259 with Pete Allum show art Episode #259 with Pete Allum

Skydive Radio

Melanie Curtis joins Dave and Stump Mel discusses her book How to Fly: Life Lessons from a Professional Skydiver.   The Stumps celebrate their 300th and 3000th jumps together Discussion on Project 19 and the Highlight Pro Skydiving Team A crazy cutaway recovery story from Sebastian  Discussion on trackers for recovering cutaways Safety First with Brian Germain discusses downsizing  Pic of the Week - Lee Barraclough swoops the pond at Sydney Skydivers.  Photo by Craig Garbutt. Feature Interview - Pete Allum

Episode #258 with iFly CEO and Senior Management show art Episode #258 with iFly CEO and Senior Management

Skydive Radio

Steve and JaNette discuss what’s next for them and Rhythm Andy Malchiodi and Matt Fry discuss the new vertical sequential world record DZ of the Month - Skydive Tecumseh  Electric 8-way Mike Gruwell discuss PIA Steve and JaNette Describe Your Jump Safety First with Brian Germain discusses altitude awareness  Pic of the Week - The second point of the 77-way vertical sequential world record completes over Skydive Chicago.  Photo by Norman Kent. Feature interview with iFly CEO and senior management  Return address labels and jump tickets

Episode #257 with Bill Booth and Tom Noonan Q&A show art Episode #257 with Bill Booth and Tom Noonan Q&A

Skydive Radio

J-Russ and the Lefkowi (all 3 of them) join Dave in the home studio at Skydive Chicago.   World meet discussed Summerfest Discussed Landing off in the corn Steve and JaNette Describe Your Jump  First jump excitement iFly Corporate  Christopher Fikes of kravtofly.com Mike Gruwell of  discusses covid supply chain issues Safety First with Brian Germain - What’s in your jumpsuit pockets? Pic of the Week - Bill Booth lands in front of the pyramid of Gyza during Jump Like A Pharoah, Vol.2.  Photo by Bruno Brokken Feature interview with Bill Booth and Tom Noonan Q&A...

Episode #256 with Bill Booth and Tom Noonan on Expedition Skydiving show art Episode #256 with Bill Booth and Tom Noonan on Expedition Skydiving

Skydive Radio

J-Russ and Danimal join Dave and Stump in the home studio Hiring issues at the dropzone Freedom Fest World meet thoughts from J-Russ iFly corporate tunnels and skydivers When is it too hot to jump? After how many years of not jumping should you sell your gear? Danimal talks about some of the nastier jobs around the dz Safety First with Brian Germain discusses altitude awareness in line twists Pic of the Week - Left to right, Paul-Henry De Baere, Bill Booth, Tom Noonan, Jim Wigginton and Glenn Singleman stand in front of a Twin Otter on skis on the skiway at Union Glacier Antiartica. ...

More Episodes
  • From the home studio at Skydive Chicago, Dave is joined by Steve and JaNette Lefkowitz and special guest Shital Mahajan
  • Oshkosh
  • Summerfest
  • Rhythm Goings On
  • The Unique Jump Progression of Shital Mahajan
  • Voice message from DJ Robby Sweet.
  • Facebook Questions and Topics
  • Safety First with Brian Germain Discusses Pattern Entry
  • Pic of the Week - A head down jump during the 2017 X-FORCE Vertical Challenge in Eloy. Photo by Niklas Daniel.
  • Feature Interview with Rook Nelson and Jason Russell on the recent VWR attempts
  • More Facebook Questions and Topics
  • Rhythm 401 Revealed