Father Filter
4 parts: Sight, Speech, Service, Being Content
Each will be brief but felt best to split them up so you could focus on each specific topic and make an application in your life rather than taking them all on at once.
Term I heard from Dr Joe Martin
Beyond “what would Jesus do” and trying to be like Him, but rather about literally partnering with Him in our walk here in the flesh as justified but ongoing sanctified children of Yah
Josh 1:9 says "do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”"
As believers, we all recognize that God exists and that He's always with us, but since most of us are not hearing an audible voice from Him, we may wonder sometimes what His constant presence in our lives means and looks like.
One way I've begun to understand His presence is through this concept of Father Filtering. It recognizes God's presence while also recognizing our free will and the role we play in how God is part of our daily journey.
God is the perfect filter. He is holy. He is perfect.
Jer 29:13 says "And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart." What I'm going to be talking about with Father Filtering is not a passive activity. We have to recognize God's presence in our lives and intentionally seek His will, or you could say His filter for every part of our lives, what we consider the big stuff and the little stuff.
It's interesting when I did a search to look up this chapter and verse to quote since I remembered the verse but not the location, a 2nd verse also showed up from Ecc 2:3 "I searched in my heart how to gratify my flesh with wine, while guiding my heart with wisdom, and how to lay hold on folly". What an interesting contrast between how Solomon search in his own heart how to gratify his flesh, vs what we're going to talk about which is seeking our Father's heart instead of our own.
Jer 17:9 says "“The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it?" We can't trust our heart, we can completely trust the heart of our Father.
“Not Even a Hint” by Joshua Harris based on Eph 5:3 "But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God's holy people". He defines lust as craving sexually what God has forbidden, or to want what you don't have and weren't meant to have. God's standard with regard to lust is spelled out clearly in Eph 3, He desires that we no lust whatsoever, not even a hint.
Though lust is a heart issue, our eyes or sight, particularly with men, are often a part of it.
As Joshua Harris says in his book "Lust tells you lies, the truth sets you free"
Song by Leland says “what are you doing when nobody’s watching”. With Father filtering it’s more than just knowing our Father sees all that we do and look at with our eyes, as a Father who is outside of us (which He is), but rather recognizing His Holy Spirit is inside of us as well and inviting Him to filter what we see.
This can lead us to make different choices like not looking with lust at women, can also help us see others with more compassion, empathy and kindness. To see others and circumstances with His eyes.
Work application - women at work your tempted to look at with lust? Are there co-workers tend to look own upon or with judgment, seeing their flaws and not their pain? Start Father Filtering what you see at your job this week and see how it changes your heart.