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Father Filtering Being Content-Selah109-CMAW213

Jacobs Ladder Podcast

Release Date: 08/06/2023

Grace-Based Transformation with Jonathan Daugherty Pt 2 - JL239 show art Grace-Based Transformation with Jonathan Daugherty Pt 2 - JL239

Jacobs Ladder Podcast

JL 238 - Work as the Meaning of Life - PPP 118 show art JL 238 - Work as the Meaning of Life - PPP 118

Jacobs Ladder Podcast

Grace-Based Transformation with Jonathan Daugherty Pt 1 - JL237 show art Grace-Based Transformation with Jonathan Daugherty Pt 1 - JL237

Jacobs Ladder Podcast

JL 236 - Work as the Meaning of Life - PPP 117 show art JL 236 - Work as the Meaning of Life - PPP 117

Jacobs Ladder Podcast

Apologia for the Sabbath with Roger Hadad - JL235 show art Apologia for the Sabbath with Roger Hadad - JL235

Jacobs Ladder Podcast

Fulltime vs Click-JL234 show art Fulltime vs Click-JL234

Jacobs Ladder Podcast

Lessons from Parenting at Work with Adam Malone - JL233 show art Lessons from Parenting at Work with Adam Malone - JL233

Jacobs Ladder Podcast

Lessons from Dark Matter - JL232 - PPP115 show art Lessons from Dark Matter - JL232 - PPP115

Jacobs Ladder Podcast

Content Selflessness Purpose Choices Flesh vs Spirit Repentence

On Getting Out of Bed Pt2 with Alan Noble - JL231 show art On Getting Out of Bed Pt2 with Alan Noble - JL231

Jacobs Ladder Podcast

We aren't always honest about how difficult normal human life is.   In this 2nd part of a 2 part interview, we discuss that for the majority of people, sorrow, despair, anxiety, and mental illness are everyday experiences. While we have made tremendous advancements in therapy and psychiatry, the burden of living still comes down to mundane choices that we each must make—like the daily choice to get out of bed.   In this deeply personal essay, Alan Noble considers the unique burden of everyday life in the modern world. Sometimes, he writes, the choice to carry on amid great...

JL 230 - Mental Health - PPP114 show art JL 230 - Mental Health - PPP114

Jacobs Ladder Podcast

Tips on Providing Help for Those Struggling with either Mental Health Challenges or Mental Health Disorders

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And he said: “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, And naked shall I return there. The Lord  gave, and the Lord has taken away; Blessed be the name of the Lord.”
Job 1:21
If we recognize the Father is the filter between us and any blessings in our lives, whether material or otherwise, we will have the proper perspective.
In Ecc Solomon talks about how our material things will pass on to others and not go with us when we die. We are truly stewards not owners of the things in our lives. As my Pastor says if we think we own our house and there’s no mortgage try not paying your taxes and see how long you own that house. I’m going through a separation process with the potential for a divorce and one of the many lessons I’ve learned through that process is how quickly material things can change and be taken from us as well as how unimportant they are compared to our relationships.
Recognizing our Father as a filter between us and the material things in our lives will help us have a better perspective on these things and prevent us from making idols of them or seeking our security in them.
 If we’re feeling thankful for our job, direct that thanks to Him. If we have a complaint about our job, complain to Him and ask Him to show You how you should properly think about that issue and how He may be working things for good through that issue.