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Episode 64: Why all business is national

Small Biz Mama

Release Date: 06/22/2021

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Find out why your business is also national. Tips to make sure that you have an online presence to make it easy for customers to reach you.

For a complete transcript check out our show notes for episode 64 on smallbizmama.com


  • Why all business is national
  • Your business is national so you have to have a virtual presence
  • Make it easy for customers to contact you on your webpage
  • Since your business is national you'll have a different perspective
  • How do you find clients nationally to make sure your business is national?
    • Facebook groups
    • LinkedIn
    • Clubhouse
    • Instagram
    • National Groups
  • Your business is national, what is your national strategy going to be?


For the complete show, notes go to small biz mama.com *********************************
