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Tyromancy with Jennifer Billock

Smart Mouth

Release Date: 01/17/2024

Asian Chicken Salad with Jon Kung show art Asian Chicken Salad with Jon Kung

Smart Mouth

Do we really think Cary Grant invented a salad? Related episodes: Listen to Smart Mouth:  •   •  •  •  •  •  • Check out all our episodes so far . If you like, pledge a buck or two . If you'd rather make a one-time gift, I'm on  and . Katherine  Smart Mouth  Smart Mouth  Music: Notes on MSG: FDA ,, Reddit , Sources: LA TImes ,

Charleston with Hanna Raskin show art Charleston with Hanna Raskin

Smart Mouth

Myths and truths about one of the South's more food-focused cities. Hanna Related Episodes: Listen to Smart Mouth:  •   •  •  •  •  •  • Check out all our episodes so far . If you like, pledge a buck or two . If you'd rather make a one-time gift, I'm on  and . Katherine  Smart Mouth  Smart Mouth  Music: Notes: Sources: The Food Section , 

Sesame Balls with Kat Lieu show art Sesame Balls with Kat Lieu

Smart Mouth

You can make restaurant-quality pho at home. You just gotta believe in yourself, and also fuel up on dozens of sesame balls. Kat Listen to Smart Mouth:  •   •  •  •  •  •  • Check out all our episodes so far . If you like, pledge a buck or two . If you'd rather make a one-time gift, I'm on  and . Katherine  Smart Mouth  Smart Mouth  Music: Sources:

Food Gifts with Elle Simone Scott show art Food Gifts with Elle Simone Scott

Smart Mouth

The resident food stylist at America's Test Kitchen on the history of boxes of chocolate ... and where she might find Lupin. Elle Related episodes: Listen to Smart Mouth:  •   •  •  •  •  •  • Check out all our episodes so far . If you like, pledge a buck or two . If you'd rather make a one-time gift, I'm on  and . Katherine  Smart Mouth  Smart Mouth  Music: Sources:

Hickory, Pecans, and Soup show art Hickory, Pecans, and Soup

Smart Mouth

A dish I had absolutely never heard of before. Related Episode: Listen to Smart Mouth:  •   •  •  •  •  •  • Check out all our episodes so far . If you like, pledge a buck or two . If you'd rather make a one-time gift, I'm on  and . Katherine  Smart Mouth  Smart Mouth  Music: Sources:

Raw Milk show art Raw Milk

Smart Mouth

Do I drink it? Yes. Am I a sovereign citizen? Depends on my mood. (.) Listen to Smart Mouth: • • • • • • Check out all our episodes so far . If you like, pledge a buck or two . If you'd rather make a one-time gift, I'm on and . Katherine  Smart Mouth  Smart Mouth  Music: Sources (I over-researched this one. I may or may not have used info from every source here, but I figured I'd include them all to be safe.): lies .  

Soul Rolls with KJ Kearney show art Soul Rolls with KJ Kearney

Smart Mouth

Soul rolls and other culinary smash ups; should legacy publications stay in their lane; activists who are not empaths. Related episode: IG: TikTok: Listen to Smart Mouth: • • • • • • Check out all our episodes so far . If you like, pledge a buck or two . If you'd rather make a one-time gift, I'm on and . Katherine  Smart Mouth  Smart Mouth  Music: Sources: , ,

Queer Food with John Birdsall show art Queer Food with John Birdsall

Smart Mouth

Kitsch versus camp and the politics of quiche.   Related:      Listen to Smart Mouth: • • • • • • • Check out all our episodes so far . If you like, pledge a buck or two . If you'd rather make a one-time gift, I'm on and . Katherine  Smart Mouth  Smart Mouth  Music:   Sources:  John Birdsall ,         

Which Animals Have Taste? With Katie Goldin show art Which Animals Have Taste? With Katie Goldin

Smart Mouth

Crows. You gotta hand it to them. Listen to Smart Mouth: • • • • • • • Check out all our episodes so far . If you like, pledge a buck or two . If you'd rather make a one-time gift, I'm on and .     Katherine  Smart Mouth  Smart Mouth  Music:   Sources: ,                    

Salt the Chicken with Susan Jung show art Salt the Chicken with Susan Jung

Smart Mouth

A dream job and many dream fried chicken recipes. Listen to Smart Mouth: • • • • • • • Check out all our episodes so far . If you like, pledge a buck or two . If you'd rather make a one-time gift, I'm on and .   Susan   Katherine  Smart Mouth  Smart Mouth  Music:   Sources:   ""

More Episodes

There's no end of ways to tell the future. But most importantly: with cheese.

Listen to Smart Mouth: iTunes Google Podcasts PandoraSpotifyRadioPublic TuneInLibsyn Amazon Music

Check out all our episodes so far here. If you like, pledge a buck or two on Patreon. If you'd rather make a one-time gift, I'm on Venmo and PayPal.

Kitchen Witch 

Jennifer IG 

Kitchen Witch IG 

Katherine TikTok

Smart Mouth newsletter

Smart Mouth IG

Music: Big Cheese - Nirvana 



The Awl 


Modern Language Notes 

The Modern Language Review 


Omancy Fancy 

History of Witchcraft in England from 1558 to 1718

"Select Cases of Conscience Touching Witches and Witchcraft"

Witch Hunts in Europe and America: An Encyclopedia

Marks of an Absolute Witch: Evidentiary Dilemmas in Early Modern England,  Rhetoric, Science, & Magic in Seventeenth-Century England