Tales of the Smoking Chihuahua
In our most disjointed episode yet, we discuss our forays into flash fiction, Chad and Scott talk graduation and we actually have fun with homework. Plus, Mad Max and monkeys!
info_outline The Chihuahuas Support Sex, Swearing and Soccer in Afterschool SpecialsTales of the Smoking Chihuahua
In this episode, the intro gets incepted while we discuss the most recent shows and movies we've seen. You know, the usual. Plus, homework, a very white moviegoing experience and douchebags.
info_outline Chad Fletcher is the Puff Daddy of the ChihuahuasTales of the Smoking Chihuahua
In this episode, we reminisce about first cars, mourn our fading youth and talk dead O.J. Simpson. Then Chad bails on us to get his hair did and Scott and Benji have to continue carrying the show. So, nothing different. Plus, douchebags and a new homework assignment.
info_outline Here Comes Honey Boo BooTales of the Smoking Chihuahua
The machines are rising as Scott's internet makes its feelings toward our little dog and pony show truly known. Benji unveils his brilliant and foolproof plan to up our listernership, we get a short recap of the best of the Oscars, our annual-ish tradition of deciphering Benji's handwriting is undertaken and we talk about some corny sharks. Plus, another chance to get some free stuff!!!!!!!!
info_outline In the Battle of Trump Vs. the Illuminati, We're All LosersTales of the Smoking Chihuahua
After a brief warmup, the guys recount their excitment of the past two weeks. Benji talks about a very special friend he made, they reminisce about the time Chad was a super cheap douchebag, and they discuss Dune among other movies. Then learn why Scott is the outcast of all civilized societies as we discuss homework.
info_outline Diversity Now!!!Tales of the Smoking Chihuahua
In this episode, we look into adding a little diversity to the group by booting Scott halfway through. Plus, Benji whines about Disney, Chad proves that the eyes are the first thing to go and we talk about that long lost ending of "Big". Oh yeah, and the Chiefs won the Super Bowl.
info_outline We're Backer and We're Bad Than Ever...Or SomethingTales of the Smoking Chihuahua
This is it! Our official relaunch episode. Some sound older, some sound the same, and then there's Chad. We discuss Chad's official entry into the Old Dad's Club, do a little synopsis of what exactly we've been doing for nearly three years and look at movies to come. Plus, we abuse a couple of FOPs for kicks!
info_outline Someone Check the Temperature In HellTales of the Smoking Chihuahua
Holy Crap! And you thought that we were dead! Well, dead inside, maybe, but here's a nice teaser for things to come.
info_outline We've Been Canceled and We're Uncultured!Tales of the Smoking Chihuahua
Maintaining something of a schedule, we're back! We talk Schitt's Creek, Cancel Culture, the bit of the Golden Globes we actually saw and some awards caliber movies. Plus, we lament the potential demise of the Alamo Drafthouse. Finally, will Chad be able to defend his douchebag title? Listen to find out!
info_outline And You Thought 2020 Was Bad? We're Back, Suckas!Tales of the Smoking Chihuahua
What have we been doing the past 8 months? Turns out, not much, but we'll tell you about it anyway.
info_outlineIn this episode, we recount the fascinating details of our week of lockdown. We actually bring news to the table, Scott makes a ridiculously crude joke that costs us our sponsor and we talk Last Blood, Bad Boys for Life and a bunch of other movies. Plus, we delve into what could possibly be the worst homework assignment of all time.