124 - How To Write Your First eBook Today
Social Media Business Hour with Nile Nickel
Release Date: 11/24/2015
Social Media Business Hour with Nile Nickel
Nile Nickel interviews Lolly Daskal, Inc. magazine's most popular writer, executive coach Lolly Daskal. In the interview Lolly explains how anyone can recognize and leverage the leadership gaps that stand in the way of greatness. The Leadership Gap: What Gets Between You and Your Greatness
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The All-Business, No-Hype Guide to Social Media Marketing - with Jason Falls ...
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info_outlineSocial Media Business Hour with Nile Nickel
info_outlineThe eBook revolution has totally empowered entrepreneurs beyond their expectations.
The question is: How Can You Take Advantage Of It?
Writing a book traditionally, with all the printing and publishing costs, just doesn’t make sense anymore.
It’s not an investment that has a profitable return for most authors and business owners.
Enter eBooks…If you sold just a hundred copies of your book, it could really boost your business as much as the next 12 months and beyond.
All you have to do is to keep up the momentum, once you get started.
Listen In As We Talk About…
- A Valuable Lesson From Some One Who’s Been There: How Morgan Started With A “Middle Of The Night” Inspiration
- How You Can Start Writing Your First Draft
- The Single Greatest Misconception About Writing A Book
- The Most Common Ways You Might Be Sabotaging Yourself
- The Incredible Benefits Of Writing A Book
- 3 Practical Strategies To Get You Started Effortlessly Writing
- How eBooks Have Changed The Publishing Industry
- Social Media Tips And Tricks For Publishing Your Book
Morgan Gist MacDonald is a writing coach and editor of nonfiction writing and the founder of Paper Raven Books. Morgan and her team help authors write, edit, and publish books that create impact.
Her latest book, Start Writing Your Book Today: A Step- by-Step Plan to Write Your Nonfiction Book, from First Draft to Finished Manuscript, is available in the Amazon kindle store. Morgan blogs about writing techniques and motivation at paperravenbooks.com
Morgan’s Middle Of The Night Inspiration
No one wakes up at age 18 and says “I’m going to be an entrepreneur and this is going to be my target market” Morgan
Like most of us, Morgan did not wake up on her 18th birthday with an established business. She was also unsure of what the future is going to be, until an inspiration came to her in the middle of the night…. Morgan was a good student and already a talented writer while in school, she actually went for a Phd in sociology at Vander Ville University. For a couple of years as Morgan was involved in academics, she reached a point in her life and asked herself if she really has the passion for writing, which led to huge self-doubt. During this time one fateful night, Morgan was sitting at the graduate student offices while one of her colleagues was up late working on a paper…and her friend was struggling. With a few hot cups of coffee and a dark room, they talked through the assignment. For three-research intensive hours, Morgan stayed with her friend and accomplished what seemed to be impossible: The huge essay was complete. At that very moment, a realization came to Morgan: She absolutely loved every minute. Morgan realized that she wants to help others with their writing. She knew her personal writing process could make it easy for everyone to write a book – if only they used it. She left her pursuit of a Master’s Degree to become an entrepreneur and immediately started her own Writing And Editing Business. As life goes on, it has a way of distracting even the best of us. Morgan started her business at an early age, but quickly found excuse after excuse as to why she can’t write her book and share her incredible writing process to the world. “Why” it wasn’t the right time, “Why” she couldn’t fit writing a book into her schedule. Being a mother with an infant, certainly didn’t lend itself to writing.
The 4 AM Revelation
We need to have starting point. We have to start with something that we don’t have our head wrapped around yet – Morgan
While feeding her 4 month old daughter at four o’clock in the morning, a revelation came into Morgan. “It is now or never. I will write my book”, she thought. At the time, she wasn’t even entirely sure of what kind of book to write. As she reflects in this terrific interview, Morgan said, “There is something about being up at four AM…in the middle of the night - your reasoning skills have not quite kicked in yet. I was willing to start with something that didn’t entirely makes sense.” She knew in her heart, starting is all she really needs- just a starting point. Sometimes we just have to start something even when we don’t have our head wrapped around it.
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The Journey Of Writing Her First Draft
Time to quit playing, time to get real, time to start. - Morgan
Morgan was still not entirely sure what her book was going to look like and that kind of uncertainty kept her from really starting. She had one thing going for her that wouldn’t occur to most people: She was totally exhausted. Morgan turned it into an advantage. Being exhausted and up at four AM allowed her to give up her doubts and really start on something amazing. She didn’t know exactly what she is was going do to, but Morgan committed to herself that THIS time, big things are going to happen. Morgan started with free writing. She made it a habit that whenever an idea came to her, she would write it all out on paper. Morgan started writing for 30 minutes each day. After 2 months of 30 minute writing sessions, she had a good first draft. She quickly moved on to editing.
Morgan’s Edge
What separates Morgan from the pack? It is her crazy writing experiences. What has helped her communicate well to her clients and with coaching them, is her understanding of the writing process. Morgan said, “You might know you want to write a book, you just don’t know how”. She helps her clients understand the process first, then she’ll show them what awaits them: An incredible journey and amazing process of discovery.
The Great Misconception About Writing A Book
When someone says “BOOK”, people are sometimes intimidated by the term. Why? Because most of us think of Barnes and Noble and that a book should have 200 or 300 pages with research involved, etc. Nowadays, we can write an eBook with 20,000-30,000 words and about 100 pages in length and you can quickly get your story and your message across to countless readers and better yet, prospects.
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Are You Sabotaging Yourself Out Of Starting Your Book?
Morgan shares some insights about how people most commonly sabotage themselves:
- Sitting in a room and thinking about your book all day – is not the same as writing your book.
- Waiting too long to start – If you’re waiting for life to get easier, it’s never going to happen! You might as well start today.
- Keeping your book a secret – If you tell absolutely no one that you are writing a book, then the book is never going to happen. Morgan said, we need to have accountability and others will provide that to us.
What Are The Benefits Of Writing A Book?
Morgan shares some incredible benefits of writing a book:
- You can write a book about your business.
- You can be a coach
- Ideal clients can be reached
- You can be an expert in your chosen field which in turn, can land you lucrative speaking gigs
3 Practical Strategies To Get Yourself Into Writing
Here are Morgan’s Top 3 practical strategies to get yourself motivated for writing:
- 1. Write against a timer - Even if it’s a timer on your mobile device, set the timer for 25 minutes and start writing as soon as the timer starts…and stop as soon as the timer goes off. This strategy will give you a nice, intense focus while you’re writing.
- Track your progress - Every time you write, write down the date and the number of minutes that you wrote, along with your word count. The proof of your accomplishment will help keep you motivated.
- Schedule three to five hours per week, every week, for writing – Writing a book may not be super easy, but it also doesn’t have to be hard. Spend some quality, focused time on it.
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How eBooks Are Changing The Publishing Industry
The eBook revolution has totally empowered entrepreneurs beyond their expectations. Are you taking advantage of it? As an entrepreneur, one of Morgan’s goals is to get clients. Writing a book traditionally, with all the printing and publishing costs, just doesn’t make sense. It’s not an investment that has a profitable return for most authors and business owners. However, with eBooks, if you sold a thousand copies it might boost your business for the next 12 months. All you have to do is to keep up your momentum. After your book is written, get it out there in eBook format and you’ll get a quicker turn around with much less invested. Once your eBook is ready, you can create a small, targeted campaign that gets you clients, speaking gigs and great connections with industry leaders. Doing this can really help to boost your business. Morgan also offers us that while writing your book, you really need to crystalize your mission. Really narrow in your goals for the book. Crystalizing what you mission is and what your purpose is will make everything involved in your business come together. Once again, just get your book out there and you will start seeing other benefits, the greatest of them for most entrepreneurs is, you’ll start bringing in new clients which will eventually become regular clients. You just can’t beat having a dependable revenue stream!
Social Media Tips And Tricks For Publishing Your Book
Social Media is a great platform to promote and launch your book. It allows you to be engaged and converse with your network even before the book comes out. Even better, you get to take charge of the conversation on any social media platform you desire. Here are Morgan’s Social Media Tips and Tricks:
- Periscope - Morgan’s most recent favorite social media platform is Periscope. Through its live video streaming, (you’re just using your phone), you can start broadcasting and anyone in the world who is signed up on Periscope can see what you’re broadcasting, what you’re saying and can hop on and watch you live. They can even join the discussion.
- Amazon – Another favorite of Morgan’s is Amazon. When they like your book, Amazon offers you the functionality to make your customer’s online shopping experience simple. This means, if your prospect wants your book, Amazon makes it easy for them to buy it!
Another great feature of Amazon is it allows you to give your book away for free every 90 days. Morgan says, this is a great way to promote your book. One of her favorite strategies is to put a Facebook ad with just the picture of the book and a little tag that says “Available For Free on Amazon”. Run the campaign for 5 to 7 days, encourage the people to get your book while it’s free and in return, it will boost your Amazon ranking.
- Google Search – If you’re set on the traditional way to publish your book, you can search blogs and google for accumulated lists of literary agents. Just search “Literary Agents” and the “Genre” in google, and you’ll find blogs that list what you are looking for. Follow them on Twitter and start a conversation. Along way, these agents might just help you get traditionally published.
Website: http://paperravenbooks.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PaperRavenBooks Twitter: @morgangmac LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/morgan-gist-macdonald/27/79/704
Have you ever thought about writing a book? You are in the right place!
To all listeners of The Social Media Business Hour, Morgan is giving away a special free gift just for you. It is 12-step checklist on how to write your eBook. If you want to write an eBook that brings in clients, lands you speaking gigs and gets you known as an expert, then follow Morgan’s 12 step process. It is super easy to follow…and it’s FREE! Download Morgan's free quick start guide: "12 Steps to Write a Book That Boosts Your Business and Builds Your Platform" right ~ HERE ~!