128 - The Magic of Creating Lifetime Recurring Revenue Customers
Social Media Business Hour with Nile Nickel
Release Date: 12/22/2015
Social Media Business Hour with Nile Nickel
Nile Nickel interviews Lolly Daskal, Inc. magazine's most popular writer, executive coach Lolly Daskal. In the interview Lolly explains how anyone can recognize and leverage the leadership gaps that stand in the way of greatness. The Leadership Gap: What Gets Between You and Your Greatness
info_outlineSocial Media Business Hour with Nile Nickel
info_outlineSocial Media Business Hour with Nile Nickel
info_outlineSocial Media Business Hour with Nile Nickel
info_outlineSocial Media Business Hour with Nile Nickel
info_outlineSocial Media Business Hour with Nile Nickel
info_outlineSocial Media Business Hour with Nile Nickel
info_outlineSocial Media Business Hour with Nile Nickel
The All-Business, No-Hype Guide to Social Media Marketing - with Jason Falls ...
info_outlineSocial Media Business Hour with Nile Nickel
info_outlineSocial Media Business Hour with Nile Nickel
info_outlineMost entrepreneurs and business owners are mistakenly doing the wrong things on Social Media. It shouldn’t be a surprise when they don’t get the results they’re looking for. Join us on this episode to learn:
-Which Activities Are Actually The Income Generating Activities You Should Be Focusing On
-The “Real” Definition Of Having A Business vs Having A Hobby
-What Is The Difference Between Social Media Marketing And Social Media Sales…And How Not Knowing Is Probably Hurting Your Business
-How To Become A Professional Revenue Generator
Shola Abidoye (SHO-LA AH-BEE-DOY) is a serial international entrepreneur, private equity investor and author. She's also the Co-Founder of Convertport.com the predictable sales technology that turns website clicks into clients. Her team has bought and sold 25+ Billion sales ad impressions, generated 100,000+ profitable business and consumer leads and create 25,000+ customers, lifetime recurring revenue customers among them. She lives between the East Coast, Europe and 526 ft from the beach on the Baja, Mexican Riviera where she goes to think, write, produce, conduct market research and support a local nonprofit. >> Insert Summary Here << >> Insert Transcript Here <<
Website: www.CONVERTPort.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sabidoye LinkedIn: https://mx.linkedin.com/in/sholaabidoye Twitter: @vrecapitalgroup