Solotramp's Podcast
Trailer for novel Solotramp (c) 10-26-24
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Audible is also available. Book trailer for Solotramp.
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Solotramp's Podcast
info_outlineSolotramp's Podcast
Solotramp and Drama should be free to all at Amazon Kindle April 30th and May 1st. (If someone doesn’t have a Kindle, they can use the App.) Launch party on the 30th! <a href=""></a>
info_outlineSolotramp's Podcast
Paperback of SOLOTRAMP here: Audible version will be up in days! I began recording in December and uploaded on July 4th -- so appropriate since the story begins on July 5th. Fireworks while I submitted.
info_outlineSolotramp's Podcast
From long ago, but I want to bring it to the front now. (c)2006 Binnings ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
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I wrote this poem long ago. I've pretty much taken this advice about Fear . . . .
info_outlineSolotramp's Podcast
After drinking rondel tea from the , I wanted to try writing a rondel.
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Visual poetry
info_outlineJimmy Cacciatore and Jason Hollar produced Flowers for You (c) 1999 Cacch a Smile Enterprises
Unique--Jimmy grew up with English and Sign Language together (spoken in the home!) -- born in Fort Carson and grew up in Fort Collins. Great childhood, lotsa friends, lotsa sports--diving, football, soccer, baseball . . . and then one day Jimmy was on his way to diving practice, but did not make it. The true headbanger: life changed with a head injury. He had to relearn speech, etc., and is quicker at Sign Language than speaking the complexities of English. But he can do music!!!
The accident wiped out education, but he kept his all-time, all-good personality. Who wouldn't love his music????
The first song put up here is "Empty Years." Drummer is Rick Trinidad, and Jason is on electric bass. Jimmy plays acoustic 12-string guitar. Enjoy, enjoy!!!