Solotramp's Podcast
Trailer for novel Solotramp (c) 10-26-24
info_outlineSolotramp's Podcast
Audible is also available. Book trailer for Solotramp.
info_outlineSolotramp's Podcast
Solotramp's Podcast
info_outlineSolotramp's Podcast
Solotramp and Drama should be free to all at Amazon Kindle April 30th and May 1st. (If someone doesn’t have a Kindle, they can use the App.) Launch party on the 30th! <a href=""></a>
info_outlineSolotramp's Podcast
Paperback of SOLOTRAMP here: Audible version will be up in days! I began recording in December and uploaded on July 4th -- so appropriate since the story begins on July 5th. Fireworks while I submitted.
info_outlineSolotramp's Podcast
From long ago, but I want to bring it to the front now. (c)2006 Binnings ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
info_outlineSolotramp's Podcast
I wrote this poem long ago. I've pretty much taken this advice about Fear . . . .
info_outlineSolotramp's Podcast
After drinking rondel tea from the , I wanted to try writing a rondel.
info_outlineSolotramp's Podcast
Visual poetry
info_outlineRick Davis is playing harmonica on this. I'd love to have a solo.
Moonbeams & Thin Air The way you love me is unfair Your good intentions all turn to lies all moonbeams and thin air I no longer know what I may share without clean water, the orchid dies the way you love me is unfair between us at first was something rare but history tells me it's no surprise it's all moonbeams and thin air. for you i laid my raw skin bare too often i've exposed myself unwise the way you love me is unfair some things in life are meant to wear long....but .... still time grows wings and flies it's all moonbeams and thin air i recall the touch of your hands in my hair but now i'm unreflected in your eyes the way you love me is unfair it's all moonbeams and thin air i love you more than you care....... (c)2008 Binnings ALL RIGHTS RESERVED