Solotramp's Podcast
Trailer for novel Solotramp (c) 10-26-24
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Audible is also available. Book trailer for Solotramp.
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Solotramp's Podcast
info_outlineSolotramp's Podcast
Solotramp and Drama should be free to all at Amazon Kindle April 30th and May 1st. (If someone doesn’t have a Kindle, they can use the App.) Launch party on the 30th! <a href=""></a>
info_outlineSolotramp's Podcast
Paperback of SOLOTRAMP here: Audible version will be up in days! I began recording in December and uploaded on July 4th -- so appropriate since the story begins on July 5th. Fireworks while I submitted.
info_outlineSolotramp's Podcast
From long ago, but I want to bring it to the front now. (c)2006 Binnings ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
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I wrote this poem long ago. I've pretty much taken this advice about Fear . . . .
info_outlineSolotramp's Podcast
After drinking rondel tea from the , I wanted to try writing a rondel.
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Visual poetry
info_outlineIt's in the headlines
in the tabloids
on the lips
of people
knocking on my door
almost before the sun comes up
"the end is almost here"
As children we were taught
to fold ourselves
under our desks at school
fallout shelter salesmen
knocked on our doors
and we knew
we were the first
that could be
in less time
than it takes
for a soulful kiss
and when we got older
our parents said:
"What's wrong with this generation?
they live like there's no tomorrow."
Most of us are seeing
middle age
in the mirror
in the morning . . .
and our children
are standing in
supermarket lines
where blaring headlines
announce the end
of the world . . .
. . .watching people
toward sem-hostile
bombs and mines
and boom behind them
some kids garb
a school
in explosives
Do you know the world
is coming to an end?
. . . But my tulips are up again
leaves unfurl on brown branches
young rabbits dart across my lawn
Everywhere is the music
of birds who have made
the long journey again.
Water falls
from the sky
and changes
the color of the grass
We interpret symbols
and imagine we're equipped
to portend the future.
The wheel of fortune turns
Who stands to gain
from saying "THE END!"
Who stands to lose?
(c) 2008 Binnings