Sons of the Renaissance
Back In The Groove This episode Lord Josh is back to talk about the resurgence in the popularity of vinyl. We discuss our thoughts on the trend. (Is it just a fad?) Is it really better? We also talk about some records we really enjoy, what we would like to find, and what is our holy grail. Listen up for a groovy good time.
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A Fork In The Road Our plan was to talk about music formats specifically the resurgence of Vinyl, but as usual we go off on a tangent and end up talking instead about Twilight. So we actually talk about the Twilight movies and how they were actually good, as well as a little not so good for the careers of those involved. Thank you to Lord Josh for coming in to guest host. We should go ahead and make him a permanent addition to our show. What do you think???
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What Else Are You Looking Forward To? Lord Josh returns as we finish our discussion on what we are looking forward to in this the year of our lord 2019. This episode we focus on movies and TV shows. What are you excited about seeing?
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What Are You Looking Forward To? For our first episode of 2019 Lord Josh joins us as we discuss what we are looking forward to in the realms of Video Games, and Music. We also discuss plans on how to make the show better.
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Good Things Come To Those Who Wait!!!
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It's A TV Revival This week on Sons Of The Renaissance we start this episode like all others with Trailer Talk. Predator has a weak trailer, Robin Hood looks awesome. Paul Rudd is a spy in The Catcher Was A Spy, which leads to a gushing review of Paul Rudd's career. Finally John Cho goes looking for his daughter in Searching. This was a great week for movie news where we learn that The D is finally bringing us an animated sequel to The Pick Of Destiny, please get Dave Grohl back as Satan. The biggest news of the week for us was the most excellent news that...
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I Can't Drive 55, AKA We Can't think Up a Good Episode Title Episode 55 finally brings about part one of the topic we have been teasing for a couple of months now. We finally begin talking about the resurgence of 90's TV shows via reboot or continuation. But first we do trailer talk. We start out with Girl Meets World then, transition to Sci-Fi/Horror with discussions on Tales From The Crypt, The Outer Limits, Twilight Zone, among others. Be sure to join us next time as we hit up the Sit Coms.
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We Like You Just The Way You Are! In this episode we attempt to start our 4 part series on 90's comebacks but we get a little distracted with the sad news of the passing of possibly the smartest man in like the past 60 years, Dr. Stephen Hawking. Then we reminisce on the brilliance of Fred Rogers and discuss how much he changed children's television, and children's programming. Did you know there is a movie being made based on his life with Tom Hanks playing Rogers? Be sure to join us next episode where we plan to discuss the resurgence of 90's TV.
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Coming soon: controversy in this episode, we discuss some new movie trailers before attempting to move on to our main topic. we get a little sidetracked discussing the controversy and absolute viral presence surrounding black panther. what is going on with this movie? why is it everywhere? well lets get into it. P.S. (we saw the movie, its amazing)
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And We Just Can't Hide It. In part 2 of our New Years show, we take some time and discuss all the movies we are looking forward to in 2018. Thanks to everyone out there who listens and supports us, we do this for you. We look forward to bringing you some great discussions in 2018, it is only going to get better from here. Happy New Year Blessed Be
info_outlineA Full House of Exotic Vampires
Welcome Renaissonians we are back, you may have noticed that we are not on as much, but it is not quantity it is quality. Jon has the plague or he is doing coke the whole episode, so just get used to it. Michael has a new favorite place to get movies, shout out to Half-Price Books. We do a brief review of the NES Classic, and discuss what we want to see in the NES Classic 2, or the eventual SNES Classic. Dallas apparently is not feeling sexxxy. Jerry is a whore and will do anything for money so there you go Exxxotica head to Arlington. Are the Vampire Chronicles coming to TV. We discuss a little controversy and try to figure out what brought about the resurgence of the current vampire trend. Finally we wrap up the show with some happy news. The FUll House house has a great new owner, who is looking to make it a tribute to the Tanners.
Thanks for listening and supporting us.