On the very first episode of So Tell Me, I chat with Nurse Nay, who worked as a nurse for a year in a super maximum security prison. We talk about everything from what her days involved, the most common reasons for inmates to attend her clinic, the challenges she faced and the impact the job had on her personal life. She also talks about just how similar real life prison is, to what we see on TV.
Nay shares some first hand experiences and references some violence and trauma that required her treatment in the aftermath. Some listeners may find this confronting. The episode also contains some drug references. Also, if you have a particular fondness for buttercream or frankfurts – fair warning!
So Tell Me is a one woman show, hosted and produced by me – Chole Gage. Your support means the world. If you tap ‘subscribe’ on Apple Podcasts, ‘Follow’ on Spotify or add it to your favourites in Stitcher, you’ll never miss a new episode when it drops! If you’re feeling especially kind and generous, I would love for you to rate and leave a review.
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I hope you enjoy the episode!