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SL02-13 From The Deceptive Call to Liberate to True Liberation

Spei Lumina - Lights Of Hope

Release Date: 04/26/2020

SL04-04-NewYearsEve-FromEndingtoBeginning show art SL04-04-NewYearsEve-FromEndingtoBeginning

Spei Lumina - Lights Of Hope

Christmas may have come and gone almost a week ago, but liturgically at least, we are still in the Christmas Season until Epiphany on January 6th. As this is being recorded on New Year’s Eve, I thought I’d share a simple meditation of some beautiful Epiphany prayers to closer out our earthly remembrance of the year 2022 and to embark with surer footing on that path to Epiphany this year where we ask to be like the Magi, transformed, enkindled, renewed by God’s manifestation of the Light of the World within and through our own lives.

SL04-03 From Love, Of Love, For Love show art SL04-03 From Love, Of Love, For Love

Spei Lumina - Lights Of Hope

For those of you who observe Lent and Easter, I hope that yours was a blessed Lenten season and Easter celebration.  I hope that all listeners have had a blessed Winter and the budding leaves and flowers and green of Spring instills hope to the beauty of this year that lies ahead.   During Lent, I came across this quote from David Benner which really spoke to my soul:   “We are created from love, of love, for love.  Our existence makes no sense apart from Divine Love.” — David G. Banner   It is so easy in the hustle and bustle of life to forget this.  It is...

SL04-02 Gathering in the Sanctuary of the Soul Before Gathering Thanksgiving show art SL04-02 Gathering in the Sanctuary of the Soul Before Gathering Thanksgiving

Spei Lumina - Lights Of Hope

My thanksgiving prayer for you is that you too may transcend the moment at your gathered tables, transcend any tension, any worry, any resentment, any hurt and tap into your own heart energy and be aware of the memories being made, the love being shared, the love present, the affection felt. Love is eternal. It is in those moments of love, we leave our presence in this world. It is in those moments of love, we are still felt after we are gone and we likewise still feel those who have passed.

SL04-01 Beyond Seeking and Receiving the Light of Hope to Broadcasting it To All show art SL04-01 Beyond Seeking and Receiving the Light of Hope to Broadcasting it To All

Spei Lumina - Lights Of Hope

In the July, 1937 issue of The Inner Life there is an article entitled, “A Challenge to Metaphysicians” the author asks siblings in spiritual ministry to consider developing the Christ Consciousness by starting their meetings with his invocation and prayers. What follows is my adaptation of his invocations as an imaginal prayer exercise, helping us to invite that Light of the Christ consciousness within so that we in turn may broadcast that Light, that Love, that truth out to all in these trying time

SL03-12 Nourishing the Soul show art SL03-12 Nourishing the Soul

Spei Lumina - Lights Of Hope

I recently came across the Gnostic influenced Manichaean writings that really seemed to speak to my soul. Manichaeism would be condemned by the Latin Church as a heresy, the Manichaean writings provide a richness that speaks more true to the human condition as a soul embodied, incarnated in this physical body we live and experience this earthly life than most of the Christian spiritual writings ever shed on the soul. I hope you too find it just as enriching as I did.

SL03-11 Imaginally Exploring The Dimension of Love Through Scripture show art SL03-11 Imaginally Exploring The Dimension of Love Through Scripture

Spei Lumina - Lights Of Hope

In this age we live in with so much dissension and rhetoric dividing humanity across the globe, I thought it important to remind ourselves of the mandatum Christ left his followers, “To love one another as I have loved you.” The love that Christ was speaking about and instructed and lived out by example is not solely a feeling, or an emotion, rather, it is a dimension with which to live your life. The dimension of love connects you to the divine in a way that no other dimension can.

SL03-10 Remembering 2020 and Welcoming 2021 With The Great Invocation show art SL03-10 Remembering 2020 and Welcoming 2021 With The Great Invocation

Spei Lumina - Lights Of Hope

A year ago, we closed out 2019 and welcomed 2020 by offering our minds, hearts and wills to allow the Light, Love and Purpose of the Mind of God to enter us through praying the Great Invocation revealed to Alice Bailey.

SL03-09 Anima Mundi All Souls' Day Novena - Day 9 - For Freedom and Liberty show art SL03-09 Anima Mundi All Souls' Day Novena - Day 9 - For Freedom and Liberty

Spei Lumina - Lights Of Hope

Welcome to Spei Lumina and day 9  the conclusion of our Novena honoring the Anima Mundi for All Souls day.  Today is all souls day — a day set aside by the church to remember all the faithful departed throughout the last year.    In the United States, 235,460 people have died from COVID-19.  Let us remember the souls of all lost to this pandemic and those left to grieve their loss as we conclude our novena prayer to the Anima Mundi Day Number 9.  Our intention today is for Freedom and Liberty.

SL03-08  Anima Mundi All Souls' Day Novena - Day 8 - For Justice show art SL03-08 Anima Mundi All Souls' Day Novena - Day 8 - For Justice

Spei Lumina - Lights Of Hope

Today, Sunday November1st we continue our Novena Prayer to the Anima Mundi Day Number 8.  Our intention today is for Integrity.

SL03-07 Anima Mundi All Souls' Day Novena - Day 7 - For Integrity show art SL03-07 Anima Mundi All Souls' Day Novena - Day 7 - For Integrity

Spei Lumina - Lights Of Hope

Welcome to Spei Lumina and day 7 of our Novena honoring the Anima Mundi for All Souls day.  Today, Saturday October 31st we continue our Novena Prayer to the Anima Mundi Day Number 7.  Our intention today is for Integrity.

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Here in the United States, the COVID-19 pandemic shutdown and social distancing mandate has entered its second month.  The economic and humanitarian impact of the virus is unfathomable.  States are slowly beginning the process of “re-opening” as protests occur across the country asserting the right to reopen and that all stay at home, shelter in place, social isolation measures taken by the states have gone too far.  Even the president, tweeted last week for protesters in key states with governors who have been vocal about their opposition to the White House’s response to the pandemic to “liberate” those states.

The death toll in the United States from the COVID-19 pandemic now exceeds 52,000. 

The social isolation and shelter in place actions taken by most of us, the alarming news of the protesters across the country and our government’s ongoing misinformation and misleading responses, the continued media coverage of the blaming for equipment, testing, and overall critical analysis of the response taken by our government, it’s enough to make one worry, feel oppressed and lose hope if we let it.

The COVID-19 pandemic indeed calls each and everyone of us to liberation -- liberation from our dependence on all forms of news media and expecting commercial news media to provide rational truth for us to follow and base our own understanding upon, liberation from placing all our trust in a capitalistic fueled technocracy to meet the needs of all citizens when in such a government some citizens are always deemed collateral damage or canaries in a coal mine when facing such tragedies as this pandemic, liberation from the religious extremes which expect us to throw our support behind leaders who only nominally support their views and whose actions continue to to harm humanity and the cosmos, liberation from the fear aroused mob mentality stoked by the leaders of the technocracy and commercial media outlets — each with their own agendas serving their own needs and not the common good of all citizens.  Lastly, and most importantly, liberation from modern rational thought that drives actions from the mind and focuses consciousness solely on that which can be scientifically proven leaving no room for expanding heart consciousness.

The desperate need of this time, of what we can learn from this COVID-19 era and carry with us as life post COVID-19 begins to unfold, is to be liberated from this head centric consciousness that has proven so harmful to ourselves, to some of our brothers and sisters, to humanity and the earth and grow in heart centric consciousness that opens us up to the awareness of how we are all one, of how the suffering of one impacts the all, the hoarding of one impacts the all, the selfishness of one, impacts the all, the misunderstanding that my actions only impact me and no one else to the awareness of how my actions reverberate and have impact on others as well as theirs on me.  

This liberation then is a liberation from the darkness and deceptions of the self centeredness of empire and the technocracy it controls that keeps us bound to finding the enemy, the other, those not like “us” to a liberation in the Light of living from the heart, living out of love and compassion, living in hope as we recognize and acknowledge the importance and value of each other.

We are never truly alone, even when we think we are in total control and definitely when we are down and think we can go no further and our efforts are useless in changing the dynamic around us.

The world, the news media, the technocracy manipulated by corporate profits and influence wants us to think we are alone and that we cannot make a difference.  They want us to think that some people in our society are collateral, are pawns to be sacrificed as we step lightly into reopening our economy because the economy is more important to their bottom line than the humanitarian impact of the social isolation guidelines implemented to save lives.

We are never alone.  We do have a voice.  We have a purpose.  Each and every one of us carry within us the spark of the Divine and each and every one of us has a guardian angel to guide us in our journey.  Paul Levy wonderfully summarizes Henry Corbin’s teachings on this when he describes Corbin’s teachings as “we are not only battling “along with” the Angel against the darker forces that obscure the light of the world from shining, but are at the same time battling to ultimately re-claim and unite with our Angel, our true and perfect nature.”

I thought today’s imaginal prayer exercise would be one that nurtures our understanding, awareness and hopefully our experience of this angel and help to liberate us from the forces in the world, especially during this COVID-19 pandemic, which would seek to keep us oppressed to mob mentality driven by the fear mongering of the technocracy which wants us to continue to be distanced from our true and perfect nature that uniting with our Angel helps us to shine, reflect and achieve.