Spirits and Tongues
Margins of Experience
info_outline VikingSpirits and Tongues
Some daily Viking vocab!
info_outline AutumnSpirits and Tongues
A peek into English spelling weirdness!
info_outline TabooSpirits and Tongues
Words we say when we mean other things that we don't want to say!
info_outline 'MuricaSpirits and Tongues
Dylan and Kezia talk about:
info_outline KinSpirits and Tongues
Language families!
info_outline RainbowSpirits and Tongues
A classic rainbow myth (I mean, Bible story)!
info_outline ProtestSpirits and Tongues
The etymology of some key vocabulary of current events!
info_outline EarlySpirits and Tongues
Early morning prayer rituals!
info_outline FancySpirits and Tongues
The formality in the little things in language!
info_outlineThe 15 basic sounds that (nearly) every language has!
The food staple everyone's got in their pantries!
The basic-est of beverages!
A basic spiritual practice that you can do every day!