Spirits and Tongues
Margins of Experience
info_outline VikingSpirits and Tongues
Some daily Viking vocab!
info_outline AutumnSpirits and Tongues
A peek into English spelling weirdness!
info_outline TabooSpirits and Tongues
Words we say when we mean other things that we don't want to say!
info_outline 'MuricaSpirits and Tongues
Dylan and Kezia talk about:
info_outline KinSpirits and Tongues
Language families!
info_outline RainbowSpirits and Tongues
A classic rainbow myth (I mean, Bible story)!
info_outline ProtestSpirits and Tongues
The etymology of some key vocabulary of current events!
info_outline EarlySpirits and Tongues
Early morning prayer rituals!
info_outline FancySpirits and Tongues
The formality in the little things in language!
info_outlineCat language according to the internet!
Cat wine!
And a poetic meditation on the Divine as revealed through sweet sweet Jeoffry, a 18th century feline companion!
A few quick notes:
Paper: "I can haz language play: The construction of language and identity in LOLspeak" by Lauren Gawne and Jill Vaughan
Instructions for a good ILikTheBred meme poem: https://www.reddit.com/r/ilikthebred/comments/84lkuj/how_to_write_a_good_i_lik_the_bred_poem/
Poem: Jubilate Agno, Fragment B, [For I will consider my Cat Jeoffry] by Christopher Smart (1722-1771)
Finally, Niki and I were so entranced by the poem that we both didn't hear my phone ding loudly in the middle of the last segment.
Happy holidays and we'll be back again in the new year!