EP1 Summertime Shorts - The Sensing Bulb Installation
Release Date: 05/13/2019
Climate Control Dialogue
This episode covers the 4 key times to replace your Catch All Filter Driers. It also discusses background of POE Oil and why Catch-Alls are the best choice when using POE
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How do we calculate the charge necessary for systems when using HPR valves. https://www.parker.com/literature/Sporlan/Sporlan%20pdf%20files/Sporlan%20pdf%20090/90-30-1.pdf
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In the second portion of Head pressure control we discuss the valves, how they function and selection. https://sporlanonline.com/literature/90/90-30.pdf
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This is part 1 of 2 discussing the effects of low ambient temperature on head pressure. Benefits and Issues with low head pressure
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In this episode we discuss CDS stepper motor valve troubleshooting, Electronically and mechanically. What tools do we make that help trouble shooting? -> SMA-12 https://sporlanonline.com/literature/100/ca/SD-213%20SMA-12.pdf http://solutions.parker.com/literature-100
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This episode covers some troubleshooting of Solenoid valves. Namely correctly sizing, valve that will not close, AC Hum, and Leaks. https://sporlanonline.com/literature/30/30-10%20Solenoid%20Valves.pdf
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Talk about a hot topic. Going into a discussion about Propane and a case study about a Supermarket running only on Propane.
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Discussion on the phases of refrigerant in the basic system.
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This episode covers an overview of what controls we offer. The PSK, Kelvin II, and out latest and greatest the S3C. http://solutions.parker.com/literature-100#new_tab
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We are discussing our own TEV nomenclature piece by piece. https://sporlanonline.com/literature/10/10-10.pdf