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On His Majesty's Secret Service - Interview with Charlie Higson

Spybrary Spy Podcast

Release Date: 05/28/2024

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Spybrary Spy Podcast

Welcome to another thrilling episode of the Spybrary Spy Book Podcast! Today, we have the exceptional joining us to dive deep into her latest espionage novel, the highly anticipated sequel to The Righteous Spy. Tune in as host commends Merle's expertise in writing riveting action scenes and her knack for adding delicious touches of realism with food scenes that flesh out the characters and setting. Merle takes us behind the scenes, sharing how her boxing lessons inform her authentic fight sequences and discussing her approach to crafting stories that blend ethical dilemmas with gritty...

On His Majesty's Secret Service - Interview with Charlie Higson show art On His Majesty's Secret Service - Interview with Charlie Higson

Spybrary Spy Podcast

In this episode, your host, Shane Whaley, is joined by special guests Charlie Higson and Mark Ashby to discuss the updated and revised paperback edition of . Charlie Higson, author of the latest James Bond novel On His Majesty's Secret Service shares his unique perspective on modernizing the iconic agent. Higson discusses his journey into writing a James Bond novel for the 60th anniversary of "On Her Majesty's Secret Service," offering insights into updating the character for contemporary readers while staying true to Ian Fleming's legacy. From Bond's motivations to his characterization,...

A Very Working Class Spy with Gordon Henderson MP show art A Very Working Class Spy with Gordon Henderson MP

Spybrary Spy Podcast

Order! Order! Welcome to Episode 239 of the Spybrary Spy Book Podcast! I'm your host, Shane and today Whaley goes to Westminster. But don't worry; I'm not running for office! I recently had the pleasure of enjoying a tea break with . I am a politics nerd so it was a delight for me to combine both of my passions, espionage and politics. Gordon isn't just a sitting member of Parliament for Sittingbourne and Sheppey in Kent—he's also a passionate writer of spy fiction. We'll dive into his experiences and inspirations, including his admiration for Len Deighton and his creation of a very...

Decoding Funeral In Berlin starring Michael Caine with Spybrary's Section F show art Decoding Funeral In Berlin starring Michael Caine with Spybrary's Section F

Spybrary Spy Podcast

Welcome to the second episode of - our Spy Movie track on the Spybrary Spy Podcast. Our handpicked hosts and guests discuss their favorite spy movies both the classics and the hidden gems of spy films. Today Section F delve into the movie adaptation of Len Deighton's Funeral in Berlin, starring Michael Caine as the iconic Harry Palmer. Unlike the suave and debonair James Bond, Harry Palmer brings a gritty, realistic edge to the spy genre, challenging traditional spy representations with his working class cunning and street smarts. Spybrary's Section F dissects Palmer's intricate world of...

Ian Fleming's Thunderball- The James Bond Book Club show art Ian Fleming's Thunderball- The James Bond Book Club

Spybrary Spy Podcast

Are you a fan of the Ian Fleming James Bond novels? If so, you won't want to miss the latest episode of the James Bond Book Club presented by Spybrary. In this episode, host Shane Whaley and guests David Craggs, and Hildebrand's dive deep into Ian Fleming's Thunderball as if they are in the year of publication. They provide fascinating analysis and insight into this iconic book's plot, characters, and writing style. You'll hear their thoughts on how Ian Fleming's Thunderball compares to other James Bond novels and get a glimpse into the success of Ian Fleming's writing. Whether you're a...

Jonna Mendez - A Woman's Life in the CIA Unmasked show art Jonna Mendez - A Woman's Life in the CIA Unmasked

Spybrary Spy Podcast

In this episode of the Spybrary Podcast, host interviews the former CIA Chief of Disguise Jonna Mendez about her latest book . Join us for a riveting episode with Jonna Mendez, a former CIA operative with an enthralling tale of espionage, covert operations, and the very human aspect of intelligence work.**   Spybrarys' Adam Brookes dives deep into the clandestine world of espionage with the remarkable Jonna Mendez, who shares her extraordinary experiences from a reputable career in the CIA. Prepare to be captivated as Mendez recounts real-life scenes straight from a spy thriller...

Spies, Murder and Justice in Northern Ireland with Henry Hemming show art Spies, Murder and Justice in Northern Ireland with Henry Hemming

Spybrary Spy Podcast

In this episode of the Spybrary podcast, the hosts discuss the book '' by Henry Hemming. Four Shots In the Night tells the story of the 1986 murder of a British spy inside the IRA and the subsequent investigation that took place 30 years later. It explores the role of Martin McGuinness and British intelligence in Northern Ireland during the Troubles. The hosts also discuss the historical context of the conflict and the process of getting Sinn Fein involved in the political process as well as the Kenova report. The book is praised for its extensive research and the new insights it provides...

The Spy Game Books with Writer Michael Frost Beckner show art The Spy Game Books with Writer Michael Frost Beckner

Spybrary Spy Podcast

In this episode of the Spybrary Spy Podcast, Shane Whaley interviews , the writer of the movie . They discuss Michael's Spy Game book series including a new novella called and how it fits into his Spy Game trilogy. They also talk about the complexity of the characters in Michael's and the inspiration behind them. Michael shares his thoughts on the spy genre and the attraction it holds for him.

Tom Fletcher 'The Ultimate Downing Street Operator' and Spy Author in Conversation with Spybrary show art Tom Fletcher 'The Ultimate Downing Street Operator' and Spy Author in Conversation with Spybrary

Spybrary Spy Podcast

Welcome to another riveting episode of the Spybrary Spy Book Podcast. I'm your host, Shane Whaley, and today we dive into the thrilling world of spy fiction with our special guest, , the former UK ambassador and advisor to three UK Prime Ministers turned espionage thriller writer. Tom Fletcher's new book, "," is creating waves and it's not just because of its gripping scenes; it's a novel that hits the zeitgeist with its daring exploration of climate change and the moral quandaries it poses for future generations. In this episode, we'll uncover the inspiration behind "," a sequel that can...

Ian Fleming's For Your Eyes Only- The James Bond Book Club show art Ian Fleming's For Your Eyes Only- The James Bond Book Club

Spybrary Spy Podcast

In this episode, host Shane Whaley and guests David Craggs, Andy Onyx and Ian Douglas dive deep into Ian Fleming's as if they are in the year of publication. They provide fascinating analysis and insight into this iconic book's plot, characters, and writing style. You'll hear their thoughts on how Ian Fleming's compares to other James Bond novels and get a glimpse into the success of Ian Fleming's writing. Whether you're a die-hard James Bond fan or just love a good book club style discussion, this episode offers a detailed and engaging look at For Your Eyes Only and all its elements. Tune...

More Episodes

In this episode, your host, Shane Whaley, is joined by special guests Charlie Higson and Mark Ashby to discuss the updated and revised paperback edition of On His Majesty's Secret Service.

Charlie Higson, author of the latest James Bond novel On His Majesty's Secret Service shares his unique perspective on modernizing the iconic agent. Higson discusses his journey into writing a James Bond novel for the 60th anniversary of "On Her Majesty's Secret Service," offering insights into updating the character for contemporary readers while staying true to Ian Fleming's legacy. From Bond's motivations to his characterization, discover the fascinating evolution of the world's most famous spy with Higson's fresh take.

Joined by fellow Bond aficionado Mark Ashby, the conversation delves into attending Bond premieres and the impact of Higson's young Bond series. Uncover Higson's intricate plans for Bond's backstory, from leaving Eton to entering the Secret Service during World War II, providing a new lens on the beloved character's formative years.

Explore the captivating dynamics of political extremism, historical ties, and societal stability as discussed by our insightful guests. From threats to the British monarchy to the challenges of creating contemporary villains, Higson's narrative intrigues with its deep-rooted exploration of espionage and intrigue.

Join Shane, Charlie, and Mark as they unravel the secrets behind On His Majesty's Secret Service, offering listeners a rare glimpse into the mind of a modern Bond author and the ever-evolving world of espionage literature. Tune in for a thrilling discussion that combines historical context, character evolution, and the enduring allure of the iconic James Bond.