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New series from Jackmonkeygames Studio

Star-Fall RPG Actual Play Podcast

Release Date: 05/10/2019

More and more Jackmonkey Games is becoming more of a media company. This does not mean that we are going to stop making games. (Role Vs Roll II, Invoke, & Star-Fall RPG in production) But it does mean that while you are waiting we have other stuff for you to enjoy. 


Wolfers Two min RPG tips 

These RPG tips will be perfect for the new or experienced GM who has a sense of humor. Though the real purpose the videos is to give gamers a giggle the RPG advice is sound  (Some you may have to read between the lines) Oh yeah I should mention it's animated.

This 2D animated series on average under two minutes hosted by the creature GM Woolfer who is a touch sarcastic.

RPG Snacks 


RPG snacks that can stain your character sheet. 

Rules Lawyers 

https://youtu.be/kY_kXneo8AE How to deal with RPG Rules Lawyers 

How to get players off social media during the game 

Woolfer yells at your players so you do not have to! when your players are on their phone during the game 


If you would like Woolfer to read your RPG tip 

IF you have an RPG tip that you would like Woolfer to read to the world (with some humor injected into the episode ... never know what he might do) Email us at [email protected]  use the format below 


  • What should we call you : (Yes to promote your stuff) 
  • Do you have a podcast or blog : 
  • What is your short RPG Tip : 


This will not be replacing Star-Fall in any shape or form however the skills that I'm picking up while working on Two min RPG tips will help me create an animated series or shorts for Star-Fall in the future.

The current Star-fall storyline is far from done. There is at least 10 more episodes in this season alone. 

