ABP #347 - Chart of Accounts Special Transactions
Accounting Best Practices with Steve Bragg
Release Date: 08/25/2023
Accounting Best Practices with Steve Bragg
A summary of the key differences between US and UK GAAP
info_outline ABP #370 - A New Year's ResolutionAccounting Best Practices with Steve Bragg
A new year's resolution that might actually work.
info_outline ABP #369 - Accounting for Crypto AssetsAccounting Best Practices with Steve Bragg
Changes in the accounting for crypto assets
info_outline ABP #368 - Accounting for Carbon CreditsAccounting Best Practices with Steve Bragg
How to account for carbon credits
info_outline ABP #367 - Accounting for Trade SpendAccounting Best Practices with Steve Bragg
The options for how to account for trade spend
info_outline ABP #366 - How to Recognize Revenue from Non-Monetary GiftsAccounting Best Practices with Steve Bragg
How to recognize revenue from non-monetary gifts
info_outline ABP #365 - Accounting for PatentsAccounting Best Practices with Steve Bragg
The specifics of how to account for patents
info_outline ABP #364 - Accounting for Farming CooperativesAccounting Best Practices with Steve Bragg
Highlights of the accounting for farming cooperatives
info_outline ABP #363 - Accounting for CropsAccounting Best Practices with Steve Bragg
The various accounting issues associated with crops
info_outline ABP #362 - Accounting for Pig FarmsAccounting Best Practices with Steve Bragg
The unique aspects of pig farm accounting
info_outlineHow to structure a chart of accounts to deal with special items