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Joe Osgood - 1-9-25

Steve Smith Podcast

Release Date: 01/09/2025

Chief Alex Lee - 1-31-25 show art Chief Alex Lee - 1-31-25

Steve Smith Podcast

Newport Police chief Alex Lee is here as we talk about the arrest this past week of a 19 year old man from Durham in regards to crimes against a child, the safety of kids on social media / internet, emergency preparedness, and lots more. 

PJ Lovely 1-30-25 show art PJ Lovely 1-30-25

Steve Smith Podcast

Fromt he Newport Rec Dept, PJ Lovely is here as we gear up for Winter Carnival in 2 weeks, we talk about the hot sauce challenge that I am running, PJ (easily) talks me into trying the super duper hot hot sauce I bought and he tries some too, we also talk about other Winter Carnival activies, update on the new Community Center, winter sports and more.

Car Nutz 1-28-25 show art Car Nutz 1-28-25

Steve Smith Podcast

Wayne and Eddie are here as we talk about potholes, driveway conditions, Winter Carnival, the bus barn, drones over NJ again and a whole bunch of other random stuff.

Sugar River Valley Regional Technical Center - Newport - 1-27-25 show art Sugar River Valley Regional Technical Center - Newport - 1-27-25

Steve Smith Podcast

Eric Perry, Kristie Howe and student Taylor Davis are here as we talk about the CTE center, Taylor discusses cosmotology in Newport, what she has learned, what she is looking forward for in the future, and lots more.

Chief Alex Lee - 1-24-25 show art Chief Alex Lee - 1-24-25

Steve Smith Podcast

Newport Police Chief Alex Lee is here as we discuss uptick in crimes, different crimes at different times of the year, fingerprints, change in the open container law in New Hampshire this year, and more.

PJ Lovely 1-23-25 show art PJ Lovely 1-23-25

Steve Smith Podcast

PJ Lovely is here as he and I are both getting over a sickness that is going around town, we look ahead to Winter Carnival, research of old Winter Carnivals, Community Center update, and much more.

Car Nutz 1-21-25 show art Car Nutz 1-21-25

Steve Smith Podcast

On this cold cold morning, we talk about running your vehicles in the cold, the bus situation & them not starting, Wayne helping Eddie check out vehicles, stinkbugs, the Presidental stuff Monday and more.

Derek Tremblay - 1-20-25 show art Derek Tremblay - 1-20-25

Steve Smith Podcast

Derek Tremblay, headmaster of Mt Royal Academy, is here as we talk about what cars we drove back then, rollerskating / roller blading, I taught him about the McDonalds 500., the ralley he is bringing the students to this week, and lots and lots more.

Chief Alex Lee - Newport PD - 1-17-25 show art Chief Alex Lee - Newport PD - 1-17-25

Steve Smith Podcast

Newport Police Chief Alex Lee is here as we talk about the Newport Ice Rink, how cold it has been, driving safe on the road, budget season, police cruisers, and more

Chief Brent Wilmot - 1-15-25 show art Chief Brent Wilmot - 1-15-25

Steve Smith Podcast

On his birthday, Brent Wilmot is here.  His dad Bill called in to wish him a happy birthday.  We talk about the accident on First Night in Claremont, traffic issues at the new Wendys, the fire in Claremont, persuit in Claremont from Walpole, and more.

More Episodes

Joe Osgood was suppose to zoom on the podcast wtih me but he surprised me by walking into the studio.  We talk about his flight from Florida to NH, how things are going, what he has been doing in NH this week, being sworn in for another term, the Sullivan County Nursing Home project, and lots more.