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A Service of Lament

Faith and Life Podcast

Release Date: 08/30/2020

“Lamentation, a prayer for help coming out of pain, is very common in the Bible. Over one third (50 or so) of the psalms are laments. Lament frequently occurs in the Book of Job: “Why did I not perish at birth, come forth from the womb and expire?” (Job 3:11). The prophets likewise cry out to God, such as Jeremiah does: “Why is my pain continuous, my wound incurable…?” (15:18) and Habakkuk: “…my legs tremble beneath me. I await the day of distress that will come upon the people who attack us” (3:16).
One whole book, Lamentations, expresses the confusion and suffering felt after the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians.
We find something similar in the New Testament as well. People who are afflicted cry out to Jesus for help. Bartimaeus, the blind beggar, shouts out, “Jesus, Son of David, have pity on me!” (Mark 10:47).”
During this service of lament, participants will be invited to lament the losses, the deep frustrations, and the painful areas of our lives in the presence of God and His people.  It’s a way to let go of the sadness, pain, bitterness, and frustration that we’ve experienced since mid-March.  
During the sermon, worshippers will be invited to write down on a piece of paper specific information based on writing prompts.  Later, during the prayers of the church, this will be used as laments from the people.  At the end of the prayers or the service, the laments will be disposed of somehow [not sure how at this point].
Next step: Write down your laments and entrust them to the Lord.