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What are you longing for?

Faith and Life Podcast

Release Date: 10/25/2020

Martin Luther longed for a church that proclaimed the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He wasn’t just looking for the church to be better. Luther longed for a church where grace was shared and freedom proclaimed in Christ alone.

What do you long for today?

Is there an I confessed longing, as Bonhoeffer writes, for peace, stability, joy, happiness? Are you longing for renewal in your relationships? Maybe you are just longing for a better tomorrow? Have you settled for 2nd best in life thinking “good enough” is the best it gets, and it is better than nothing?

Is it possible that your longing for renewal, peace, etc. can be realized? What if a reformation can happen in your life?

Lessons: Psalm 1, Matthew 22:34-46

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