Stories of the Master
The story did not end with the prodigal son's return. The older son returned to his home to hear the noise of the joyous celebration at his brother's return. When he learns his brother is ruined and penniless, he refuses to join the party.
info_outlineStories of the Master
If the story of the lost lamb and the lost coin did not move the religious people, perhaps a story of a lost son would touch their hearts. In his most famous story, Jesus tells the story of a son who shames his family and ruins his life. But his sin is not as great as his father's love.
info_outlineStories of the Master
Jesus tells the parables about the shepherd who risked everything to find one lost lamb and a woman who searched diligently to find one lost coin. But would the religious leaders understand the meaning?
info_outlineStories of the Master
Jesus is eating with religious leaders on the Sabbath. After he heals a man in their presence, he chides them for their pride and tells them a story to warn them they must stop making excuses about following him.
info_outlineStories of the Master
Jesus is teaching on the Sabbath in the synagogue. Everyone is enjoying his message when a woman shows up with a deformity she has had for 18 years. Jesus calls her to the front of the synagogue. What will he do on this day of rest?
info_outlineStories of the Master
Tragedies have struck Israel. Pilate has murdered men who were offering sacrifices in the Temple. A tower in Siloam has fallen and killed many. Some want Jesus to take revenge. His story of the barren fig tree identifies the real problem.
info_outlineStories of the Master
Jesus teaches his people about faith that overcomes all fear and then tells stories to reinforce all they have heard and to prepare them for the mission that lies ahead of them.
info_outlineStories of the Master
A man comes to Jesus and asks him to intervene in a family dispute. But Jesus sees that the problem is in the man who came to him. He is filled with greed and the story that follows warns everyone to be on guard against greed.
info_outlineStories of the Master
Jesus has been teaching his followers about prayer. To reinforce the point that God hears and answers prayer, he tells a story about a man who unexpectedly arrives at midnight at his friend's house and the hospitality that is shown to the man.
info_outlineStories of the Master
It is a grand day! Jesus has come to the home of Martha, Mary, and their brother, Lazarus. Martha is excited to do her best for this great man, but when things go wrong in the kitchen she loses her composure and learns an important lesson about what matters most.
info_outlineDuring the Feast of Tabernacles, Jesus comes upon a man blind since birth. Jesus says he will heal the man. But first, the man must wash the mud from his eyes in the Pool of Siloam