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216 - Mastering The Art Of Showing Up

Burn Fat With Your Brain with Maggie Sterling

Release Date: 01/26/2024

234 - How To Stop Thinking About Food show art 234 - How To Stop Thinking About Food

Burn Fat With Your Brain with Maggie Sterling

In this episode, Maggie discusses how constantly thinking about food and wishing those thoughts would stop actually makes the problem worse. She explains that the more attention and emphasis we put on these food-related thoughts, the more we amplify them. Instead of fighting or trying to change these thoughts, Maggie suggests allowing them to pass without engaging with them, as thoughts will naturally come and go if we don't feed into them. By focusing our attention elsewhere and holding these thoughts lightly, we can reduce their power and frequency over time. Take 50% OFF Vibe Club with...

233 - Negative Body Image show art 233 - Negative Body Image

Burn Fat With Your Brain with Maggie Sterling

Are you struggling with negative feelings about your body? Do you find yourself constantly frustrated, disappointed, or even disgusted by your appearance? You're not alone. In this episode, we dive deep into the spectrum of body discontent and explore practical strategies for coping with these difficult emotions. We discuss the mental and emotional toll of hating your body and share insights on how to navigate this journey towards body acceptance. If you're ready to find peace with your appearance and break free from the cycle of negative body image, this episode is for you.

232 - Your Goal Shouldn't Be Weight Loss show art 232 - Your Goal Shouldn't Be Weight Loss

Burn Fat With Your Brain with Maggie Sterling

Are you tired of setting weight loss goals, only to find yourself back at square one? In this episode, we dive into the reasons why focusing solely on losing weight may be holding you back from lasting success. Discover the critical habits and mindset shifts that matter more than the number on the scale. Learn how to fuel your body and create sustainable change for long-term results. If you're ready to break free from the dieting cycle and embrace a healthier relationship with food and your body, this episode is for you.

231 - Why Your Brain Justifies Overeating (And How to Stop) show art 231 - Why Your Brain Justifies Overeating (And How to Stop)

Burn Fat With Your Brain with Maggie Sterling

In this episode, Maggie and Ryan discuss the common excuses and questions people ask themselves when justifying overeating, such as "Who cares?" and "Does it even matter?" They explore how these thoughts, often disguised as rhetorical questions, can lead to a cycle of overeating and disappointment. Maggie emphasizes the importance of being honest with yourself and acknowledging that if you're constantly struggling with these thoughts, then it does matter. She provides strategies for breaking the pattern, including setting reminders, bringing awareness to your habits, and challenging the lies...

230 - What To Change When The Scale Isn't Going Down show art 230 - What To Change When The Scale Isn't Going Down

Burn Fat With Your Brain with Maggie Sterling

In this episode, Maggie and Ryan discuss what to do when the number on the scale isn't moving. They explain that the real reason most people aren't losing weight is because they are overeating, often in small ways they may not even realize. Instead of drastically cutting calories or eliminating food groups, they recommend focusing on reducing the extra snacks and unintentional eating outside of meals. By paying attention to hunger cues and planning ahead, you can identify and reduce the overeating that is preventing weight loss.

229 - Tips For Listening To Your Higher Brain Over Your Habit Brain show art 229 - Tips For Listening To Your Higher Brain Over Your Habit Brain

Burn Fat With Your Brain with Maggie Sterling

In this episode, we discuss the importance of slowing down and tuning into your body's signals when trying to lose weight. Your habit brain may be telling you to react quickly and eat, but your higher brain knows what you truly want. To listen to your higher brain, create pauses between urges and actions, and consider tools like timers, reminders, or journal prompts. Recognize that the work may feel challenging at first, but gets easier with practice. Finally, regulating your nervous system through exercises like deep breathing or walking can help you better connect with your higher brain and...

228 - External Motivators And Mental Guardrails: Staying Motivated For The Last 10 Pounds show art 228 - External Motivators And Mental Guardrails: Staying Motivated For The Last 10 Pounds

Burn Fat With Your Brain with Maggie Sterling

In this episode, Maggie discusses the concept of creating mental guardrails to help with weight loss, particularly when trying to lose the last 5-10 pounds. She emphasizes the importance of finding strong internal motivation and reasons for wanting to lose weight, as external motivators like upcoming events are often not sustainable. Maggie also explores the idea that having a small weight range can lead to more negotiation and overeat ing, as the consequences don't seem as significant. She encourages listeners to decide whether they are content with their current weight range or if they truly...

Vibe Club Sneek Peek— Following My Plan More and Feeling Like I Deserve To Overindulge On The Weekends show art Vibe Club Sneek Peek— Following My Plan More and Feeling Like I Deserve To Overindulge On The Weekends

Burn Fat With Your Brain with Maggie Sterling

This is a Vibe Club coaching call to give you guys an idea what coaching calls are like inside Vibe Club.  Enrollment is open until Wednesday 5/1!

227 - Overcoming Nighttime Cravings show art 227 - Overcoming Nighttime Cravings

Burn Fat With Your Brain with Maggie Sterling

In this episode, Maggie and Ryan dive deep into the common struggle of dealing with late night cravings and urges to snack after dinner. They explore the unique challenges that arise when you're tired and worn out at the end of the day, making it harder to resist those cravings. Maggie shares her insights on why these urges feel so strong and compelling, and how our thoughts and emotions play a big role. Together, they discuss practical strategies and mindset shifts to help listeners navigate these tricky moments without giving in to overeating. If you often find yourself raiding the kitchen...

226 - Why Your Plan Only Works on Paper (and What to Do About It) show art 226 - Why Your Plan Only Works on Paper (and What to Do About It)

Burn Fat With Your Brain with Maggie Sterling

In this episode, we discuss the common mistake people make when creating their daily meal plan: planning for a perfect day without considering inevitable obstacles. Many people set themselves up for failure by making a plan that only works if everything goes smoothly, which rarely happens in the real world. We explore why this approach leads to frustration and failure, and how you can create a more realistic plan that accounts for the challenges and surprises life throws your way. By learning to plan for obstacles and make adjustments as needed, you'll be better equipped to stick to your diet...

More Episodes

James Clear says "A habit must be established before it can be improved. If you can’t learn the basic skill of showing up, then you have little hope of mastering the finer details. Master the art of showing up."

Thats what today's epsiode is all about. We dive deeper into the how of executing the art of showing up. 

Vibe Club Enrollment opens soon! Join the waitlist.