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Celebrating Milestones in Expat Life | Episode 14

It's Tea Time Somewhere

Release Date: 03/09/2022

Let's Catch Up! | Episode 25 show art Let's Catch Up! | Episode 25

It's Tea Time Somewhere

At the time of recording this episode, we had not released a podcast episode or posted ANYTHING on Taking Route for a solid nine months. Denise, Melissa, and Alicia certainly didn’t intend to go dark for so long, but we just so happened to all go through pretty intense seasons of life all at the same time. So, for this episode, we thought it might be a good idea to catch up with you guys and discuss something fun, something hard, and something hopeful we’ve each experienced over the last several months. We think you’ll all be able to relate and hopefully glean some truth to apply to your...

The Four Phases of Culture Stress | Episode 24 show art The Four Phases of Culture Stress | Episode 24

It's Tea Time Somewhere

A quick Google search of “culture stress” will inform you there are phases to this phenomenon. One source summarizes it with the following four phases: fun, flight, fight, and fit. It’s important for you to know that EVERYONE experiences cultural stress to some degree while living in a foreign context. Knowing this fact and being aware of the phases of culture stress will help you recognize it more quickly, which then allows you to be better prepared, which also means you do not have to self-diagnose yourself as being a complete basket case. It will look different for each of us, but in...

Don't Move Overseas If... | Episode 23 show art Don't Move Overseas If... | Episode 23

It's Tea Time Somewhere

Are you thinking about moving to another country and wondering if you’re cut out for the expat life? If so, you’ll want to listen to this episode ASAP! If you’re a current expat, you’ll still want to listen because who among us has not continued to question if we’re cut out for this life? 😅🥴🤪 In this episode, we’ll discuss reasons NOT to move to another country—while also acknowledging how none of us were truly “ready” for the life we stepped into. The opportunity to CHOOSE to live outside your passport country is a great privilege. It’s an invitation to learn and...

Praying in ALL Circumstances in the Expat Life | Episode 22 show art Praying in ALL Circumstances in the Expat Life | Episode 22

It's Tea Time Somewhere

In this episode, we’re celebrating the latest release of Liturgies and Laments for the Sojourner: Volume One, co-authored by Heather Fallis, Tamika Rybinski, and our very own Alicia Boyce. This book is the perfect companion for anyone who finds themselves living the life of a foreigner. It’s also a great resource for friends and family to reference when they want to pray more specifically for the sojourners they love. Denise, Melissa, and Alicia each discuss a couple of the prayers from the book that have resonated with them, and pair it with a personal story of why the prayer is so...

Navigating Medical Emergencies (and Mysteries) in a Foreign Context | Episode 21 show art Navigating Medical Emergencies (and Mysteries) in a Foreign Context | Episode 21

It's Tea Time Somewhere

Most of us are probably familiar with the book, “Where There Is No Doctor.” It’s a medical manual available in more than 85 languages and provides practical, easily understood information on how to diagnose, treat, and prevent common injuries and illnesses. Of course, nowadays, folks are more likely to consult Google, WebMD, or send a quick WhatsApp message to their doctor friend to gather necessary information. “Why not make an appointment and visit a doctor in town,” one might ask. Well, depending on where you live in the world, the solution may not be so simple. Having a medical...

You Asked, We Answered: Round Two | Episode 20 show art You Asked, We Answered: Round Two | Episode 20

It's Tea Time Somewhere

In this episode, we’re doing our second round of “ask us anything.” We didn’t have time to cover all the questions, but we do discuss boundaries, hosting guests, our expat marriages, advice for our first year selves, emotional/mental health, and the most interesting gifts we received from our host culture friends. We also give some rapid-fire answers to questions about books, music, recipes and what we would buy if money and luggage weight weren’t an issue. Oh, and how good is your Victorian slang? Let’s find out via a pop quiz! for links to all the things we talked about in this...

Mary Did You Know? (An Expat Perspective) | Episode 19 show art Mary Did You Know? (An Expat Perspective) | Episode 19

It's Tea Time Somewhere

We thought it might be time to do another Christmas episode since our last one was in the Year of Our Lord 2020. This time, we’re taking a look at the story of the birth of Jesus from Mary’s perspective. At first glance, we might not feel like we can relate to MARY, MOTHER OF JESUS THE MESSIAH. But we know she was a sojourner—an expat, if you will. So for this episode of It’s Tea Time Somewhere, Denise and Alicia will share four reflections about Mary’s experience which we, as expats, can find relatable. While Mary did know some of what was to come from the baby in her womb, there...

The Do's and Don'ts of Raising TCKs | Episode 18 show art The Do's and Don'ts of Raising TCKs | Episode 18

It's Tea Time Somewhere

We don’t claim to be experts in this department, by any means, but we do have some experience with raising TCKs. You can treat this episode like a buffet line—take what you like, pass on the things you don’t. As Melissa said in this episode, “You’re smart parents. I’m sure you can figure out which ones to do and which ones to don’t." Ultimately, we hope you feel encouraged after listening to this episode. God has given these children to you and you are the best person for them. No one knows them like you do. for links to all the things we talked about in this episode. _______ ...

Ghost Fish and Roaches and Dengue, oh my! | Episode 17 show art Ghost Fish and Roaches and Dengue, oh my! | Episode 17

It's Tea Time Somewhere

It’s been awhile since we’ve gathered for some tea time chatter, so we thought we’d spend an entire episode sharing stories from our life lately. For starters, we’ll be talking about ghost fish, roach infestations, and dengue. But we’ll also be talking about tattoos, hermit crabs, and what to do when life hands you a fish in a bag. Pour yourself a warm beverage because we’ve got a lot of catching up to do! for links to all the things we talked about in this episode. _______ There are so many ways to get involved in our community. Join us on .  Interact with other expats on...

The Do's and Don'ts of Rest | Episode 16 show art The Do's and Don'ts of Rest | Episode 16

It's Tea Time Somewhere

What is rest? What does it look like—especially for those of us whose personal lives blend right into our work/ministry lives? How can we tell if we’re just exhausted or if we’ve tipped over into burnout or depression? These are a few of the questions we discuss in this second segment of “do’s and don’ts.” Don’t forget to check out our show notes for this episode for additional resources when it comes to rest. for links to all the things we talked about in this episode. _______ There are so many ways to get involved in our community. Join us on .  Interact with other...

More Episodes

We’re usually quick to notice where we fall short and often forget to celebrate the progress. In this episode, we’ll be sharing stories about milestones we’ve reached in our own expat life—and we invite you to do the same! It’s a great habit to acknowledge and celebrate the progress we’ve made. And speaking of celebrating, we recently reached a milestone for our podcast that you all played a huge part in!

Check out our show notes for links to all the things we talked about in this episode.


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