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09 Asclepius: The Constellations of Ophiuchus and Serpens

Tales of the Night Sky | Greek & Roman Star Myths

Release Date: 12/20/2020

S3 E6 The Golden Ram: The Constellation of Aries show art S3 E6 The Golden Ram: The Constellation of Aries

Tales of the Night Sky | Greek & Roman Star Myths

What connects a golden-fleeced ram, a goddess crafted from clouds and  a set of twins? Davina the Diviner reveals all. The key to your destiny may lie in the stars.   Written by Morag Cross. Directed by Bibi Jacob. Featuring: Morag Cross as Verity, Helle & Nephele, Bibi Jacob as Davina & Ino. Tom Morton as Aeëtes and the Messenger. Ciaran Cresswell as Phrixos. Nigel Pilkington as the Newspaper and Market Vendors.   Sound and production by Geoff Chong.   A big thanks to Nige.  

S3 E5 Laelaps: The Constellation of Canis Major show art S3 E5 Laelaps: The Constellation of Canis Major

Tales of the Night Sky | Greek & Roman Star Myths

Laelaps, Europa’s yellow dog, has forgotten what love is, until Procris enters his life. His devotion to her will lead him to some unexpected places in this heartbreaking tale of loyalty and treachery. Written and directed by Bibi Jacob.  Sound and production by Geoff Chong. Narrated by Sandy Bernard. Featuring Rufo Quintavalle as Minos and Zelda Rittner as Procris. And also featuring the lovely dogs, Luna and Gus. With huge thanks to their mistresses, Sandy and Gaëlle. Check out the for more on the constellations.

S3 E4 The Labyrinth: The Constellation of Corona Borealis show art S3 E4 The Labyrinth: The Constellation of Corona Borealis

Tales of the Night Sky | Greek & Roman Star Myths

This epic and madcap episode concludes Ariadne’s story. It takes us into the heart of the labyrinth and up into the heavens with the constellation of the Northen Crown - Corona Borealis. Written and directed by Bibi Jacob. Featuring: Tom Morton as Silenus, Charlotte Donnelly as Psalakantha, Nigel Pilkington as Dionysus. Bibi Jacob as Ariadne, Rufo Quintavalle as Minos, Ciaran Cresswell as Theseus.   Original violin loops by Sound and production by Geoff Chong.

S3 E3 Pasiphaë: The Constellation of Taurus, Part 3 show art S3 E3 Pasiphaë: The Constellation of Taurus, Part 3

Tales of the Night Sky | Greek & Roman Star Myths

Pasiphaë, Queen of Crete, pays the price when her husband breaks his oath to Poseidon and refuses to sacrifice the Cretan Bull. In a letter to her daughter, Ariadne, she explains the terrible events that lead to the birth of the Minotaur. Written and directed by Bibi Jacob. Featuring Rose Romain as Pasiphaë and Bibi Jacob as Ariadne. Sound and production by Geoff Chong. Sources include ‘Euripides Dramatic Fragments - Cretans’ and of course Roberto Calasso’s ‘The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony.’

S3 E2 Ariadne & Io: The Constellation of Taurus, Part 2 show art S3 E2 Ariadne & Io: The Constellation of Taurus, Part 2

Tales of the Night Sky | Greek & Roman Star Myths

When Dionysus, god of wine and insanity, appears to Ariadne, determined to marry her, she tells him the tale of her ancestor Io.  Written and directed by Bibi Jacob. With Nigel Pilkington as Dionysus and Bibi Jacob as Ariadne. Original violin loops were created and performed by Chloe Dunn. Sound and production by Geoff Chong.    Sources include: Aeschylus’ 'Prometheus Bound', Moschus’ poem 'Europa', Walter Otto’s ‘Dionysus: Myth and Cult’ and Roberto Calasso’s ‘The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony,’  

S3 E1 Ariadne & Europa: The Constellation of Taurus, Part 1 show art S3 E1 Ariadne & Europa: The Constellation of Taurus, Part 1

Tales of the Night Sky | Greek & Roman Star Myths

Ariadne has been abandoned on the island of Naxos by Theseus. As she battles with heartache and homesickness she remembers her grandmother Europa. Written and narrated by Bibi Jacob. Sound and production by Geoff Chong. Sources for this re-telling include Moschus’ poem ‘Europa’; Roberto Calasso’s ‘The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony,’ and Ariadne’s letter to Theseus from Ovid’s ‘Heroides’ which you can hear me read on Late Night Classics: 

S2 E14 Hermes & Aphrodite: The Constellation of Aquila show art S2 E14 Hermes & Aphrodite: The Constellation of Aquila

Tales of the Night Sky | Greek & Roman Star Myths

How do a slipper and an eagle lead to love?  Hermes explains all.    Written by Chris Mack with Bibi Jacob. Featuring Chris Mack and Bibi Jacob. Sound and production by Geoff Chong.   Discover our new show,

S2 E13 Castor & Polydeuces: The Constellation of Gemini show art S2 E13 Castor & Polydeuces: The Constellation of Gemini

Tales of the Night Sky | Greek & Roman Star Myths

You may know them as the Dioscuri - sons of Zeus - or as the Gemini Twins. In this episode discover the very unusal afterlife of the inimitable Castor and Polydeuces. Written and directed by . Starring as Polydeuces, as Castor and as Hermes. Sound and production by Geoff Chong. Recorded at the studios in Paris.  The quote from the Homeric Hymn to the Dioscuri comes from the  Evelyn-White translation.

S2 E12 The Trojans: 1869 PHILOCTETES show art S2 E12 The Trojans: 1869 PHILOCTETES

Tales of the Night Sky | Greek & Roman Star Myths

In this final Trojan episode, the ghosts of the war rise up and tell tales of loss and consolation.  Sensitive listeners be aware  - some of the stories are disturbing. Written and narrated by Bibi Jacob. Sound and production by Geoff Chong. Extracts from 17314 Aisakos and 884 Priamus feature Ciaran Cresswell and Les Clack. A thank you to Chloe Dunn.

S2 E11 The Trojans: 175 ANDROMACHE show art S2 E11 The Trojans: 175 ANDROMACHE

Tales of the Night Sky | Greek & Roman Star Myths

Andromache appears in the university observatory to recount her tragic tale. 175 Andromache is a main-belt asteroid – not a Trojan in the L4 or L5 Lagrange points in Jupiter’s orbit. But since her character is central to the Trojan war, we’ve included her in this special series.  Written and directed by KJ Dwyer. Edited by Bibi Jacob. With Mia Leahy as Dardana and Kate Colebrook as Petra. Original violin and vocal compositions written and performed by Chloe Dunn. Sound and production by Geoff Chong. Recorded at the studios, Paris. You can listen to more of Chloe Dunn’s...

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Enter the realm of dreams with Asclepius as he has to make the most difficult decision of his life. A decision that may lead to his death.

Starring David Stanley as Asclepius, Sharon Mann as Athena, Bibi Jacob as Hygeia, Morag Cross as the Attendant, Chris Mack as Theseus, Gordon Peaston as Chiron, Christina Batman as Panacea

Written, directed and presented by Bibi Jacob.
Production, sound design by Geoff Chong.

This podcast was made possible with the support of Studio Quali’sons, Paris. A huge thank you, as ever, to Jean-Paul Palmyre.

A big thanks to Morag Cross.