Talk To Me In Korean
Thank you for listening to our podcast! These episodes are available as an audio-only podcast publicly, and you can watch the video versions in the members-only section of our YouTube channel, as well as in the community section of our website at
info_outlineTalk To Me In Korean
Thank you for listening to our podcast! These episodes are available as an audio-only podcast publicly, and you can watch the video versions in the members-only section of our YouTube channel, as well as in the community section of our website at
info_outlineTalk To Me In Korean
We have a new app available for your Korean speaking practice! Get the Seyo app in your app store!
info_outlineTalk To Me In Korean
Thank you for listening to our podcast! These episodes are available as an audio-only podcast publicly, and you can watch the video versions in the members-only section of our YouTube channel, as well as in the community section of our website at
info_outlineTalk To Me In Korean
Thank you for listening to our podcast! These episodes are available as an audio-only podcast publicly, and you can watch the video versions in the members-only section of our YouTube channel, as well as in the community section of our website at
info_outlineTalk To Me In Korean
Thank you for listening to our podcast! These episodes are available as an audio-only podcast publicly, and you can watch the video versions in the members-only section of our YouTube channel, as well as in the community section of our website at
info_outlineTalk To Me In Korean
Thank you for listening to our podcast! These episodes are available as an audio-only podcast publicly, and you can watch the video versions in the members-only section of our YouTube channel, as well as in the community section of our website at
info_outlineTalk To Me In Korean
Thank you for listening to our podcast! These episodes are available as an audio-only podcast publicly, and you can watch the video versions in the members-only section of our YouTube channel, as well as in the community section of our website at
info_outlineTalk To Me In Korean
Thank you for listening to our podcast! These episodes are available as an audio-only podcast publicly, and you can watch the video versions in the members-only section of our YouTube channel, as well as in the community section of our website at
info_outlineTalk To Me In Korean
Thank you for listening to our podcast! These episodes are available as an audio-only podcast publicly, and you can watch the video versions in the members-only section of our YouTube channel, as well as in the community section of our website at
info_outlineHere are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다!
크리스마스 / 겨울 방학 / 산타 (클로스) / 산을 타다 / 등산하다 / 굴뚝 / 산타 할아버지 / 루돌프 / 썰매 / 선물 / 선물 주고받으세요? / 캐롤 / 캐롤송 / 한국에서 가장 유명한 캐롤은? / 메리 크리스마스 / 미리 크리스마스 / 미리 메리 크리스마스 / 크리스마스 잘 보내세요. / 크리스마스 재밌게 보내세요. / 즐거운 크리스마스 되세요. / 크리스마스 트리를 꾸미다 / 장식하다 / 꾸미고 나왔어요. / 불금 / 크리스마스 마켓 / 화이트 크리스마스 / 성탄절 / 연인과 보내는 시간 / 크리스마스 음식 / 크리스마스에 사귄 지 100일 기념 / 봉숭아 물 들이기