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Let's Talk About Language Learning!

Talk To Me In Korean

Release Date: 12/29/2023

Our Small and Strange Obsessions show art Our Small and Strange Obsessions

Talk To Me In Korean

Thank you for listening to our podcast! These episodes are available as an audio-only podcast publicly, and you can watch the video versions in the members-only section of our YouTube channel, as well as in the community section of our website at https://courses.talktomeinkorean.com  

What type of traveler are you? show art What type of traveler are you?

Talk To Me In Korean

Thank you for listening to our podcast! These episodes are available as an audio-only podcast publicly, and you can watch the video versions in the members-only section of our YouTube channel, as well as in the community section of our website at https://courses.talktomeinkorean.com

We made a new app! show art We made a new app!

Talk To Me In Korean

We have a new app available for your Korean speaking practice! Get the Seyo app in your app store!

Are Korean Weddings Too Quick? show art Are Korean Weddings Too Quick?

Talk To Me In Korean

Thank you for listening to our podcast! These episodes are available as an audio-only podcast publicly, and you can watch the video versions in the members-only section of our YouTube channel, as well as in the community section of our website at https://courses.talktomeinkorean.com

Story Time: Surprise on the 1st Office Day This year show art Story Time: Surprise on the 1st Office Day This year

Talk To Me In Korean

Thank you for listening to our podcast! These episodes are available as an audio-only podcast publicly, and you can watch the video versions in the members-only section of our YouTube channel, as well as in the community section of our website at https://courses.talktomeinkorean.com

Story Time: I Shook Hands with a Foreign Politician show art Story Time: I Shook Hands with a Foreign Politician

Talk To Me In Korean

Thank you for listening to our podcast! These episodes are available as an audio-only podcast publicly, and you can watch the video versions in the members-only section of our YouTube channel, as well as in the community section of our website at https://courses.talktomeinkorean.com

"Let's eat together sometime." Do Korean people mean it?

Talk To Me In Korean

Thank you for listening to our podcast! These episodes are available as an audio-only podcast publicly, and you can watch the video versions in the members-only section of our YouTube channel, as well as in the community section of our website at https://courses.talktomeinkorean.com

Which City Would You Like to Live In? show art Which City Would You Like to Live In?

Talk To Me In Korean

Thank you for listening to our podcast! These episodes are available as an audio-only podcast publicly, and you can watch the video versions in the members-only section of our YouTube channel, as well as in the community section of our website at https://courses.talktomeinkorean.com

Story Time: Have You Had a Big Fight with Someone? show art Story Time: Have You Had a Big Fight with Someone?

Talk To Me In Korean

Thank you for listening to our podcast! These episodes are available as an audio-only podcast publicly, and you can watch the video versions in the members-only section of our YouTube channel, as well as in the community section of our website at https://courses.talktomeinkorean.com

What Kind of Cultural Activities Do You Do? show art What Kind of Cultural Activities Do You Do?

Talk To Me In Korean

Thank you for listening to our podcast! These episodes are available as an audio-only podcast publicly, and you can watch the video versions in the members-only section of our YouTube channel, as well as in the community section of our website at https://courses.talktomeinkorean.com

More Episodes

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at talktomeinkorean.com 감사합니다!

언어 / 외국어 / 영어 / 프랑스어 / 불어 / 스페인어 / 공부하다 / 학습하다 / 배우다 / 학습자 / 능력 / 실력 / 초능력 / 능력이 있다 / 능력이 없다 / 저는 날 수 있는 능력은 없어. / 내 능력 밖의 일이야. / 실력이 좋아지다 / 실력이 나빠지다 / 수학 능력 / 듣기 / 읽기 / 말하기 / 쓰기 / 문법 / 단어 / 발음 / 언어 교환 / 물물 교환 / 교환, 취소, 환불 / 초급 / 중급 / 고급 / 원어민 수준 / 식은 죽 먹기 / 단어가 생각이 안 나다 / 말문이 막히다 / 어이가 없다 / 말을 더듬다 / 다른 뜻으로 오해하다 / 오류 / 오타 / 공부를 해도 실력이 늘지 않는다 / 언어를 구사하다 / n개국어 / 0개국어 / 언어를 배울 때 중요한 것 / 꾸준함 / 동기 / 동기 부여 / 임무를 부여하다 / 역할을 부여하다 / 학습법