Talk To Me In Korean
Thank you for listening to our podcast! These episodes are available as an audio-only podcast publicly, and you can watch the video versions in the members-only section of our YouTube channel, as well as in the community section of our website at
info_outlineTalk To Me In Korean
Thank you for listening to our podcast! These episodes are available as an audio-only podcast publicly, and you can watch the video versions in the members-only section of our YouTube channel, as well as in the community section of our website at
info_outlineTalk To Me In Korean
We have a new app available for your Korean speaking practice! Get the Seyo app in your app store!
info_outlineTalk To Me In Korean
Thank you for listening to our podcast! These episodes are available as an audio-only podcast publicly, and you can watch the video versions in the members-only section of our YouTube channel, as well as in the community section of our website at
info_outlineTalk To Me In Korean
Thank you for listening to our podcast! These episodes are available as an audio-only podcast publicly, and you can watch the video versions in the members-only section of our YouTube channel, as well as in the community section of our website at
info_outlineTalk To Me In Korean
Thank you for listening to our podcast! These episodes are available as an audio-only podcast publicly, and you can watch the video versions in the members-only section of our YouTube channel, as well as in the community section of our website at
info_outlineTalk To Me In Korean
Thank you for listening to our podcast! These episodes are available as an audio-only podcast publicly, and you can watch the video versions in the members-only section of our YouTube channel, as well as in the community section of our website at
info_outlineTalk To Me In Korean
Thank you for listening to our podcast! These episodes are available as an audio-only podcast publicly, and you can watch the video versions in the members-only section of our YouTube channel, as well as in the community section of our website at
info_outlineTalk To Me In Korean
Thank you for listening to our podcast! These episodes are available as an audio-only podcast publicly, and you can watch the video versions in the members-only section of our YouTube channel, as well as in the community section of our website at
info_outlineTalk To Me In Korean
Thank you for listening to our podcast! These episodes are available as an audio-only podcast publicly, and you can watch the video versions in the members-only section of our YouTube channel, as well as in the community section of our website at
info_outlineHere are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다!
가구 / 방 / 침실 / 안방 / 안주인 / 거실 / 리빙 룸 / 침실 / 아이들 방 / 애들 방 / 침대 방 / 공부방 / 서재 / 주방 / 부엌 / 베란다 / 발코니 / 책상 / 높이 조절 책상 / 모션 데스크 / 스탠딩 데스크 / 화장대 / 전자 제품 / 세탁기 / 건조기 / 건조대 / 밥솥 / 전기 밥솥 / 반찬 / 냉장고 / 냉장실 / 냉동실 / 닭 가슴살 / 전자레인지 / 욕조 / 찜질방 / 목욕탕 / 빌라 / 아파트 / 고층 아파트 / 단지 / 커뮤니티 시설 / 세대수 / 오피스텔 / 다세대 주택 / 단독 주택 / 전원 주택 / 복층