TBA Legislative Updates
TBA’s Legislative Updates podcast is new with TBA attorneys and lobbyists, Berkley Schwarz, Pier Strategies LLC, and Brad Lampley, Adams and Reese. This week they discuss the end of the 2024 legislative session, the TBA Conservatorship bill, HB2710/SB2254, adoption birth certificate bill, HB2645/SB2632, the adoption clean-up bill, HB2644/SB2633, franchise/excise tax, HB1893/SB2103, and medical records, HB647/SB1313.
info_outline S5, Ep. 12 Week of April 15TBA Legislative Updates
TBA’s Legislative Updates podcast is new with TBA attorneys and lobbyists, Brad Lampley and Ashley Harbin, Adams and Reese. This week they discuss an update on indigent representation, adoption birth certificate bill, HB2645/SB2632, the adoption clean-up bill, HB2644/SB2633, and when this legislative session will end.
info_outline S5, Ep. 11 Week of April 8TBA Legislative Updates
TBA’s Legislative Updates podcast is new with TBA attorneys and lobbyists, Berkley Schwarz, Pier Strategies LLC, and Brad Lampley and Ashley Harbin, Adams and Reese. This week they discuss the finalizing of this year's fiscal budget, , the TBA Conservatorship bill, , adoption birth certificate bill, , and the adoption clean-up bill, .
info_outline S5, Ep. 10: Week of April 1TBA Legislative Updates
TBA’s Legislative Updates podcast is new with TBA lobbyist Berkley Schwarz and Adams and Reese attorney and TBA lobbyist, Ashley Harbin. This week they discuss HB2710/SB2254 the TBA Conservatorship bill, HB2645 adoption birth certificate bill, HB2002 removing two Shelby county judicial districts, HB2215/SB2448 the Real Estate Fraud Reduction Act, and HB2644 adoption clean-up bill.
info_outline S5, Ep. 9 Week of March 25TBA Legislative Updates
TBA’s Legislative Updates podcast is new with TBA lobbyist Berkley Schwarz and Adams and Reese attorneys and TBA lobbyists, Brad Lampley and Ashley Harbin. This week they discuss HB2710/SB2254 the TBA Conservatorship bill, HB2645 adoption birth certificate bill, and HB2644 adoption clean-up bill. Plus they talk about the testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee by TBA Executive Director Sheree Wright and Williamson County attorney David R. Grimmett on behalf of indigent representation. .
info_outline S5, Ep. 8: Week of March 18TBA Legislative Updates
TBA’s Legislative Updates podcast is new with TBA lobbyist Berkley Schwarz and Adams and Reese attorneys and TBA lobbyists, Brad Lampley and Ashley Harbin. This week they recap TBA's Day on the Hill, discuss HB2644/SB2633 adoption clean-up bill, HB2002 Memphis judge bill, and funding for indigent representation funding. You can view testimony at this link by clicking the Tennessee Bar Association tab.
info_outline S5, Ep. 7: Week of March 11TBA Legislative Updates
TBA’s Legislative Updates podcast is new with TBA lobbyist Berkley Schwarz and Adams and Reese attorney and TBA lobbyist, Brad Lampley. This week they discuss commitees closing for this legislative session, as well as, TBA's Day on the Hill and Big Shrimp Legislative Reception which will be held in Nashville on March 20. The events give Tennessee lawyers an opportunity to meet with their legislators and talk to them about , including funding for . The TBA Day on the Hill will include a luncheon and meetings with legislators in the afternoon, followed by the annual Big Shrimp...
info_outline S5, Ep. 6 Week of March 4TBA Legislative Updates
TBA’s Legislative Updates podcast is new with TBA lobbyist Berkley Schwarz and Adams and Reese attorneys and TBA lobbyists, Brad Lampley and Ashley Harbin. Plus special guest Sheree Wright, the Executive Director of the Tennessee Bar Association. This week they discuss HB2710/SB2254 the TBA Conservatorship bill, HB2645 adoption birth certificate bill, and HB2644 adoption clean-up bill. of the AOC’s budget presentation. She begins her testimony at 54:56 and it ends with the vote to recommend the governor’s proposed budget for the AOC to Senate Finance at 1:32:21.
info_outline S5, Ep. 5: Week of February 26TBA Legislative Updates
TBA’s Legislative Updates podcast is new with TBA lobbyist Berkley Schwarz and Adams and Reese attorneys and TBA lobbyists, Brad Lampley and Ashley Harbin. Plus special guest Chloe Treadway the Adams and Reese intern for this legislative session. This week they discuss HB1804/SB1690 presumption of joint custody, HB2710/SB2254 the TBA conservatorship bill, and HB2644/SB2633 adoption clean-up bill.
info_outline S5, Ep. 4: Week of February 19TBA Legislative Updates
TBA’s Legislative Updates podcast is new with TBA lobbyist Berkley Schwarz and Adams and Reese attorneys and TBA lobbyists, Brad Lampley and Ashley Harbin. This week they discuss HB1804/SB1690 presumption of joint custody, HB2710/SB2254 the TBA conservatorship bill, and HB2644/SB2633 adoption clean-up bill.
info_outlineTBA’s Legislative Updates podcast is new with TBA lobbyist Berkley Schwarz and Adams and Reese attorney and TBA lobbyist, Brad Lampley. This week they discuss HB2320/SB2375 debtor creditor relations, HB1804/SB1690 child custody and support, HB2710/SB2254 the TBA conservatorship bill, HB2645 adoption birth certificate bill, HB2586/SB1841 the rolling professional privilege tax, and HB2644 adoption clean-up bill.