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Introducing The Audio Aficionado

Messy and Masterful

Release Date: 09/01/2022

10 Concrete Steps You Can Take Towards a Happier Life show art 10 Concrete Steps You Can Take Towards a Happier Life

Messy and Masterful

Dr. Michael Vlerick presents a concrete 10 step plan on how to become a happier person!   He emphasizes the need to develop good habits and discard bad habits, starting with small changes and being kind to ourselves. Living a healthy lifestyle, including getting enough sleep, eating well, and exercising, is crucial for both physical and mental well-being. Meditation is also highlighted as a powerful tool for rewiring the brain and freeing ourselves from negative mental reactions and cravings.   In this conversation, Michael Vlerick and Aldo de Pape discuss the final 10 steps...

Train Your Brain for Happiness show art Train Your Brain for Happiness

Messy and Masterful

In this conversation, Aldo and Dr. Michael Vlerick discuss the topic of happiness and how to train the brain for happiness. They explore the importance of remaining equanimous, developing contentment, and connecting with others in order to live a happy and meaningful life. They also delve into the practice of meditation and its benefits, including training attention, gaining insight into one's psychology, and developing a new relationship with thoughts and emotions. The conversation emphasizes the transformation of the experience of life through mindfulness and detachment from emotions. In...

The Simple Recipe for Happiness show art The Simple Recipe for Happiness

Messy and Masterful

In this conversation, Aldo de Pape and Dr. Michael Vlerick discuss the simple recipe for happiness.   They explore the three major elements of a happy life: equanimity, contentment, and the quality of social connections. They emphasize the importance of working on oneself and cultivating a new relationship with negative emotions. They also discuss the illusion of control and the illusion of self, highlighting the liberating potential of understanding these concepts. The conversation touches on the parallels between human consciousness and artificial intelligence. In this...

Happiness & Our Modern Environment show art Happiness & Our Modern Environment

Messy and Masterful

In this conversation, Dr. Michael Vlerick discusses the mismatch between our modern environment and our Stone Age brains, which can impact our happiness.   He highlights examples such as our predilection for sugary and fatty foods, our stress response, our sedentary lifestyle, and the artificial ways we seek dopamine boosts. Dr. Vlerick explains how our brains evolved to seek opportunities and rewards, but our modern environment often provides excessive and unhealthy stimuli. He also touches on the addictive nature of social media and the importance of cultivating attention and...

On Mourning, Happiness & Sadness show art On Mourning, Happiness & Sadness

Messy and Masterful

In this conversation, Aldo and Michael discuss the importance of happiness in life and how it becomes more apparent when reflecting back on one's life. They explore the idea that everything we do is ultimately in pursuit of happiness, whether consciously or unconsciously. They also discuss the need to be more conscious of our actions and behaviors and how they contribute to our long-term happiness. The conversation touches on the role of mourning and the coexistence of happiness and sadness. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of living a life that encompasses all emotions and...

Kian Katanforoosh - How AI Will Forever Change the Way We Work show art Kian Katanforoosh - How AI Will Forever Change the Way We Work

Messy and Masterful

In this conversation, Aldo interviews Kian Katanforoosh, CEO of Workera; a platform that measures competencies and provides insights in how people can acquire the right job skills for the future.   The two discuss the impact of AI on jobs and the future of work, and dive into how important it is to prepare our world for all the changes that are to come.  They also touch on the role of AI in different fields and the need for both durable and perishable skills.  Kian shares his personal journey coming from France to the United States, working and growing at Stanford...

Pelonomi Moiloa - The Natural Language Processor show art Pelonomi Moiloa - The Natural Language Processor

Messy and Masterful

Aldo talks to Pelonomi Moiloa, CEO and co-founder of Lelapa AI and discusses the importance of building language models for African languages and the challenges faced in using models built in other places.  Pelonomi emphasizes the need to make AI accessible for everyone and explains how Lelapa AI is working towards that goal. Pelonomi shares her background and journey, as well as the challenges in growing the company. She also discusses the recognition and achievements of  Lelapa AI as well as the future plans for the company.  Takeaways Building language models for...

Happiness vs. Our Genetics with Dr. Michael Vlerick show art Happiness vs. Our Genetics with Dr. Michael Vlerick

Messy and Masterful

In this first episode of a series of 5, Aldo interviews Dr. Michael Vlerick about his new book, 'Why We Are Not Happier.'  They discuss the book launch and the reception it received. They explore the concept of happiness versus our genes, highlighting the hyperactive threat detection and negativity bias that can hinder our happiness. They also discuss the role of ambition and the importance of changing our perspective to achieve long-term happiness. The conversation explores the concept of true happiness and how we often look in the wrong places for it. It emphasizes the importance of...

AI in Education - An Ideal Match or a Bad Plan? show art AI in Education - An Ideal Match or a Bad Plan?

Messy and Masterful

Join us in this round table conversation with education giants: Wendy Kopp, Cindy Mi, and Dr. Shannon May as we explore the potential impact of AI on teaching and learning globally.    Aldo's guests discuss the importance of embracing AI with care and highlight the need for governments and education systems to take a proactive approach in adopting it. The panel also discusses the potential benefits and concerns of AI in education, including issues around equity and quality.    Listen in to this conversation recorded for WISE11 in Doha that emphasizes the integration and...

Cath Bishop - The Olympian show art Cath Bishop - The Olympian

Messy and Masterful

In this episode, Aldo interviews Cath Bishop, an Olympian and former war diplomat. Cath shares her journey from being a non-sporty child to becoming an Olympic rower, training rigorously and competing in three Olympic Games. She discusses the challenges she faced and the pressure to perform, as well as the importance of defining success beyond medals. Kath also talks about her transition to working as a diplomat for the British Foreign Office, where she focused on conflict issues and rebuilding post-war zones. She reflects on the complexities of diplomacy in conflict situations and the lessons...

More Episodes

We live in an era of absolute information overload. I am sure you are aware but there is so much content to find out there.

Visually you have your pictures, videos, reels and images all over our social media.

Audibly you have your audiobooks, Twitter Spaces or Clubhouse meetings and yes also Podcasts. 

Now when we started the TeachPitch Podcast little over 1 year ago we did it to highlight the hard work of people who have achieved great things in their own right. Now more than anything I was set on making it clear to our listeners that yes our guests have achieved great success but no this did not happen automatically. Each and everyone of my guests have been through hardships, challenges and needed to overcome huge obstacles to get where they are today.  From the President to the Trauma Surgeon, from the CIA Spy to the Psychologist - the deep adversity rimed with their  great accomplishment is everywhere. 

Now some of you might know that our Podcast is born out of a community of educators that wanted to realize change. 

And the change they all want to see is all focussed on improving the global state of education. Now if you were to go to TeachPitch.com and sign up you will see that we have curated loads of content (over quarter of a million resources to date) that we all brought together in a big online library - ready to use for educators who are keen to improve the situation in their community, classroom or school. 

I am happy to say that this library is being used by over 62,000 people from over 200 countries to date and it is for those people that we originally developed this program. 

Our community is very active and I was overjoyed to see that its members also started to help and train one another by creating tutorials and reviews on great educational content and technology they were using - leaving very useful manuals for their peers. 

Now to make a long story short - with our Podcast we want to extend our line of thinking not only on the platform but also in this show. 

This is why we are building a community of Audio Aficionados that will help us to review great Podcast shows, Episodes, hosts and guests out there. 

If you like to listen to Podcasts like I do, you are bound to have your favorites and I want to hear all about them. We want to know from you from the over 1 million of podcasts that are already out there which one we should listen to. We love it that you are listening to us but the last thing we want is to just be dropping content without being aware of the other great Podcast Episodes that are being made all over the world. 

So if you are listening to this and want our growing community to know more about your favorite podcast (or even the opposite - perhaps you hate a certain show and want the world to know as well) get in touch with us via our show notes or social media and  together we can make an excellent Audio Aficionado Episode about it that will change this world forever!  

Very exciting!! In the next Audio Aficionado Episodes I will surely be talking about the shows that have inspired me. Some of them, I dare to say, have changed my entire outlook on life and I cannot wait to share it with you!